Should I use a static or dynamic crosshair? Which one is better?

Should I use a static or dynamic crosshair? Which one is better?

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neither is better than the other. try it out and see what you are comfortable with, or just pick one at random and get used to it
this guy is wrong

its not hard to determine your bullet dispersion: are you moving or not?
on the other side, dynamic crosshair grabs your attention

the setting that helped me the most with csgo is lowering mouse sensitivity a lot. other than that: play aim maps to learn how to spray and aim, watch a stream just to see the general idea of how they play competitive games, formation, etc. might also want to learn some good nade spots in your favourite maps.

>lowered mouse sensitivity

You are objectively wrong.

If you can remember guns have spread then just go straight to static.



as a sniper you want high sens because youre going to scope and turn your mouse a lot

as any other gun user you want low, because you need to be accurate and dont have to make major turns from your target often, unless its a game with jumps and teleports but you shouldnt play those in the 1st place

go check pro gaming wikis how the pros have their settings
400-800 dpi, 2 mouse sensitivity is the average i think

example rifler:

jesus christ, what rank are you guys?
lower sensitivity is better aim almost automatically, the only limit/problem is that you should be able to turn around fast if someone rushes near you with smg for example

>USA finally wins a major
fuck. is EU finished?


dynamics reset timer isnt the actual reset timer so at best it teaches you bad habits, static is the way to go

youre quoting me but I said the same thing you said using different arguments.

i'm glad they won. sucks for guardian and kerrigan, but na teams getting shit on (in the game) was really getting boring. now that c9 did it, maybe the other na teams will drop their excuses and git gud.

eu is finished unless the swedes get their shit together. danes are choking too hard and the rest sucks.

Whatever works for you. There are so many people doing perfectly well with such a huge range of setups that your problem is probably practice/experience/using your head instead of config.

Dynamic's probably better though if it's not second nature to you already.


Static. Personally I just use a dot.


me too user

I swear I've seen this exact same thread before

The one you prefer, idiot

not sure whats up with that, something with easier aiming again i think. every pro has low res (and probably low settings too) in their high end pc/monitor.

snipers dont need high sens, 2nd point is right

who /big yellow box/???

Can someone tell me what the fuck happened at overpass?

Static is what 99% of players use. Dynamic may be okay when you first begin to teach you not to move while shooting, but minimizing the amount of movement on your screen is going to benefit you down the line when you're trying to react to any movement you see.

If you can't make a 180 turn with a wrist flick, you're doing it so, so wrong.

>Static crosshair
>res 1280x960
>Sens 1.6 800 dpi
You play on anything else youre shit

Fuck off quake fag
You're not even a good quake fag

you should visit a doctor

>>res 1280x960
why such exotic ratio?

>using your wrist only
>getting so outplayed you have to do instant 180s on reaction all the time in counterstrike of all games

are you literally retarded

4:3 is not exotic

either for low fov so you can concentrate more, or because when its stretched it causes player models to look bigger -> better aim.

How's it feel using your entire arm to turn a corner?

Out of curiosity, what DPI do you faggots use for looking at trap porn/general browsing?

The same I use in every FPS

>optimizing ingame settings to get an "advantage" by doing things like giving your game ps1 graphics, adjusting sensitivities, getting an autistic minimal HUD and disabling viewmodels
>spending tens of thousands of dollars on GAYMING GEAR to get an "advantage"
meanwhile I will still probably shit on you with 100% default settings while playing on my shitty pc that can run new games at 5fps and a 25 year old ball mouse
you people are so fucking insecure lmao

Goddamn, let me suck your dick right fucking now
Pull it out, cool boy

That's a retarded argument. You'd probably shit on them even harder if you had 144 fps and a new mouse.

So, when I said this; , what the fuck did you think I meant?

just because you can't move the 10 kg of fat you call an arm fast enough. lower sens means higher precision you fat fuck

>playing at a sens so high that your crosshair literally moves when you click the mouse
Ya you're brilliant

You do know that sensitivity in-game is comprised of 2 factors: in-game settings and DPI, right? I use 800 for browsing, but that doesn't mean that it's the same sensitivity in-game, I just don't need the additional precision of 400dpi for setting up in-game sensitivity.

Technically 3 factors if we count windows sensitivity, but most people leave it at default

It feels fine. For general desktop use a I use as high a sensitivity as I can without starting overshoot things in minesweeper.

I use dynamic since that's what I've used since 1.6. Also is it just me or is the mouse control different in CSGO than it is in 1.6? Setting the same sensitivity doesn't yield the same results.

I bet this pleb doesn't even assign mwu or mwd to jump and tries to bunnyhop with spacebar.

"I only aim in the general direction of my target"

C9 put in research and came out with a strong CT side. Guardian was the only one who showed up in the map and Niko mega tilted by the end of the first half

Why not just keep your sensitivity exactly the same, so what you're doing on your computer doesn't fuck up your reflexes in game?

One inch in browser should be one inch in game.

Rotating a camera in a first person 3d environment is so different from translating a cursor around your flat desktop are so different that that line of thinking doesn't go very far before it falls apart. What would one inch in game even mean?

fluke win

Are you braindead or just trolling? One inch of screen space is one inch of screen space. We aren't talking the distance between two numbers on a license plate at 4k from 600 yards out, we're talking an inch of screen space.

Someone buy my fucking tier 2 AK CH:

I don't want to use skins in this game anymore and I'm selling this shit $5 off its real price.


ge here, you are wrong

400 always, It's always really amusing to see somebody try to do something with my PC. Normies cant handle it

I hope you had your question answered. Are you new to the game? There are a lot of good resources out for CS due to its popularity and how long its been around.

I noticed none of you plebs bought this deal so I've reduced it another $5. It's now $10 off its true price. I'm doing this for you, user.