You will never be able to afford the new video card prices

>you will never be able to afford the new video card prices
>no one will ever hire a dumb NEET with no job history
>you will always been stuck with an outdated console

Sell your used underwear and socks to gay guys.

You act like your stuck in a trap. Make a job history faggot


>Lie on resume
>Browse craigslist for jobs
Got me a pretty comfy job as a secretary from doing so since I have alot of ""computer experience""

Uhhh, actually, he is. It's called CAPITALISM.

>tfw upgraded to a 1070 last year

>implying we want some loser neckbeard's underwear

sorta related, but I have an ivy bridge i5 3470 and a 2GB GTX 960. should I upgrade to a 6GB 1060 or get a 1151 motherboard and processor instead?

>Not wanting the underwear and socks of a 6'5 bara with a dick that's bigger soft than your pathetic hard sissy clit

The price will go down eventually silly man

I was a NEET for 7 years after HS and now I have a job and going to college for a medical degree. It's not too late, user.
I still hate myself though

You were hired because you're female, fuck off.

at least i dont have to work or pay bills


>i5 2500K/ GTX 660 Ti build. Motherboard died
>Sell the CPU/GPU and RAM
>Bought a Switch
No regrets either. The only PC games I was playing at the end was slav-tier stuff like Half-Life mods, S.t.a.l.k.e.r and World of Tanks which all run fine on my old laptop.

It is a trap.

I'm 28 years old with no job history at all, no references to give, I'm literally autistic and every single job around here requires good social skills and interacting with people.

I'm not eligible for disability here in the United States though, I would just become homeless if I wasn't living in my mom's house.

A lot of America is third-world country tier.

You are third-world country tier. That's why you have no job history or social skills.

Literally literally this

>Wah you only got that job/friends/lover/respect/fulfillment because you're a girl and that's easy mode!
Ah yes, Sup Forums's blankey for being unwanted.

>Only girls can be secretaries
I'm a guy, user.