The Sea of Thieves Beta Has Me Equal Parts Concerned and Hopeful

>"Sea of Thieves has a lot going for it: a unique immersive setting, a surprisingly accessible learning curve, and possibly the best-looking water of all time (which you can witness in glorious detail in the videos below.) But not even the dazzling glimmer of that perfect ocean can outshine the radiance of the game’s most outstanding quality: its impeccable multiplayer design, which coerces cooperation and inspires emergent gameplay."

>"Nowhere is this more apparent than onboard your chosen vessel. Here, controlling your speed, navigating to your destination, and indeed staying afloat all necessitate communication and coordination between you and your crew. This reliance on your fellow pirate is enhanced by a nearly nonexistent HUD, which is blissfully free of waypoints or a minimap. All of these elements add up to a dynamic and thoroughly enjoyable multi-crew vessel experience, where no one is idle for long and no task feels like busy work."

It sounds like the entire game/fun depends 99,9% on your crew/other humans. Are you still going to buy it, Sup Forums?

Entire Map

Other urls found in this thread:

Heavy reliance on other players for "fun" can be both a good and bad thing. It depends really on how easy it is to get other players to join in

Seems really fun and interesting. Having a proper piracy simulator will be nice. Can they have more than 4 man crews though?

>54 players
>3 vs 3 ship battles
>5 ship types
>instant naval battles
>vulcanos, ice islands and wagerspouts to mix up game
>massive work done by a two man indie dev team

>16 players per map
>4 players per ship only
>spaced out muuh loot gameplay
>microsoft shills on Sup Forums unironically suggesting ea access subscriptions as an alternative to paying for this shallow 60$ game with no content

nah senpai

It reminds me of old DayZ, would probably be better if they try to make it more hardcore
Also being able to dash with your cutlass is sick

>Are you still going to buy it, Sup Forums?
Never preordering
Not worth full price
Worth the 10 bucks to try it for 1 month, if you have friends

>and possibly the best-looking water of all time
These statements about water always crack me up for some reason

>Windows 10 exclusive (kek)
>meme graphics


Blackwake is dead as shit

Also you can rent SoT for a month for $10 at launch

>>Windows 10 exclusive (kek)

you must be dumb or a grandpa if you still haven't switched

>>meme graphics
meme post, heavy stylized graphics is there to make game to look better after long time, look at tf2 it still looks good after 11 years
you can rent it for $10 for a month, i will get bored way quicker than that

No all the characters look like SJW leabians

Also wtf is this blatant IGN shill thread

>defending Windows 10
>defending Windows 10 exclusives


you are a moron

I'm sorry I can't hear you over the cock of Microsoft in your mouth

>you must be dumb or a grandpa if you still haven't switched

Actually you rented at 10 cents.. accounting for the 100 hundred games said rent includes

t. 90 years old win xp/vista/7 users

I have friends to play with, so I plan on getting it right now.

Waiting to see how things go before I put money down though.

>Heavy reliance on other players for "fun" can be >a good thing.
you are a fucking retard

>I plan on getting it right now
>Waiting to see how things go before I put money down

Which one is it?

>you must be dumb or a grandpa if you still haven't switched

I really love the fact that they are trying to sell a game with the promise of "you will see we will add stuff and everything" It will be the flavour of the month for retards on twitch and we will never heard of this game again

bait harder you worthless retard

As of this moment, I plan on getting it sometime in the future.

I see, my bad.

I think the game looks cool, I like the idea of making a crew and other players being able to come and attack your ship, but it depends on how many players are allowed in the world. If it's a massive world with hundreds of players it will probably be pretty neat.

Yeah, I'm getting it day 1. I've got a couple of friends who are interested, so we're going to have some pirateyfun adventures for a few weeks.

I'd be surprised if more than 24 players are in a server at the same time.

>windows store
No, although it does look interesting

>for a few weeks
just subscribe

it's >/fun/ but definately not worth the full price

Honestly, the core gameplay loop is very interesting and initially exciting .

My worry is that there won't be enough customization / features / content to make playing 100+ hours worthwhile. The ship combat is neat, but if my cannons don't ever change and some subsystems don't get added, we're gonna have some problems.

Nah, I don't mind supporting the devs. If I can get 60 hours of fun out of it, it's worth the $60 to me.

Its a streamer bait cash grab that will be dead in a week.

Its literally a copy/paste of Worlds Adrift.

It's a literal streamer bait game

really, only 16 players per map?

I was hoping for at least 64 or more per map on PC .

probably not going to play this now, exploring just seems pointless with that few players.

kill yourself

It's crossplay btw.

Doesn't matter how many players there is if you can only have 4 ships per map.

Oh, I wasnt going against that, it was just because of this remark
>per map on PC
it's hilarious on a stream when they go against console players

The water really does look good. It contrast the stylized (shitty) look of the rest of the game.

Anyone that played the alpha can tell what other stuff is implemented already for sure? All I see is promises of more content.

Looks boring as fuck.

>Blackwake 20 Bucks
And? I got Sea of Thieves for the same price.

Blow it out your ass.
*farts in your face*
*teleports away*

>i can get SoT for the same price
It's 60 dollars user...

God I fucking hate this shitty artstyle. Its almost like every game in the west has adopted it.

First you had WoW, then you get Overwatch, then you got shit like Dishonored, or WildStar (or whatever it was called), Fortnite, and now this. I'm sure there's plenty more I'm not remembering or dont even know about. Oh wait TF2, Subnautica, Paladins, DTA2, LoL.

Do they only teach 1 art style in college?

>It sounds like the entire game/fun depends 99,9% on your crew/other humans.
>Are you still going to buy it, Sup Forums?
Nope. For that exact reason.

He's trying to shill the retarded renting plan


no buddy, i got Sea of Thieves for 20-30€

>every game in the west
japan use it too, you retarded weebshitter

I can't wait to play this on my Windows Tablet™


>Do they only teach 1 art style in college?
>meanwhile, in japanese art style games...

There's already harpoon cannons been data mined out and Rare already said there's going to be different types of cannonballs with different sizes, damage and status effects and more defense options like dumping gunpowder kegs behind the boat to get pursuers off your tail. The current ship combat is just the base system.

Time limited voyages and the PVE and PVP faction were in the pioneer tests along with more skeleton types.

la creatura...

post a few examples

Japanese art style is pleasant to the eye. This one used by the west isnt. It tries so hard to be a caricature but fails hard.

>Worlds Adrift

Holy fuck that was tragic to watch. Summit1g streaming was the only thing keeping the game "adrift" literally the entire playerbase was his fanboys. The devs released a youtube dev update and seemed so excited that their game was successful then summit stopped playing and the game died instantly.

Shitty weeb generilzation that doesn’t hold true

>Japanese art

>Japanese art style is pleasant to the eye
t. weeaboo

>There's already harpoon cannons been data mined out and Rare already said there's going to be different types of cannonballs with different sizes, damage and status effects
I thought they wanted people with different playing time to have the same fighting power during PVP.

>more defense options like dumping gunpowder kegs behind the boat to get pursuers off your tail.
That's already in beta though?

What about pets?

>Japanese art style is pleasant to the eye.

Was watching a stream last night and it turns out there can only be 16 players per server. That's 4 large ships, spread out over this huge map. It's not enough, there needs to be at least double that amount.

r u 4 real

no spoonfeeding for you, retarded weebshitter

I enjoyed the beta but its really concerning that the max groupsize is 4 man and you cant choose or upgrade your ships
also you can get it cheaper if you get it from a different region I payed 50$ which is like 15€

Arent there 4 outposts in the map? Chances are you never see anyone during a voyage if so, but I'm guessing 3 large and 2 small ships per server.

the map isnt that big so you always run into other players it just depends on whether they want to fight you or run away

This is a problem i noticed with a lot of streamers playing the game. They'd literally sail around for hours doing voyages and mindlessly getting chest, just waiting to run into someone for some pvp, and it barely ever happened.

>I payed 50$ which is like 15€

Have you played world's adrift? It has all of the things you said minus "muh loot" and you can build your own vessels. Also it has mmo servers so no boring 16 player max maps, but a giant open world with lots of people to either cooperate with or fight agains AND it has totally awesome grappling hook mechanics for swinging around between ships and boarding enemy vessels. It has everything sot has and does it far better


>16 players per map
What the fuck I thought it was like this big open world.

not the 50 Dollar is 15 euro guy
but pic related is mine

Not on steam, so I aint gonna play it.
I dont like, trust or even want to use M$ store.

brought to you by Xbox ONE (c)

>you must be dumb or a grandpa if you still haven't switched

if there were more ships you'd never get a chance to go on a island and get treasure. you'd always be getting attacked

Just leave someone on the ship's crows nest with a spyglass

Reminder that this won't be the first game to do that and it's a fucking dumb idea
Dead game at release

still you'd be constantly attacked

Blackwake relies more on mechanical skill
SoT is just mindless fun

I've preordered it 2 months ago, mostly because i like how the devs have shaped the game since alpha (had some chances to play those builds, being a pioneer) and how they listened to fans whithout forgetting their own vision, and because microsoft is so desperate with their few exclusives they're gonna give them full support for eons. They already granted rare the priviledge to skip xbox's internal QA, to skim the development and haste all the process.
This does not means i'm blind though.
I had some great times playing with randoms, and some awful ones.
After almost 4 years of development, it still feels like a little project, especially if you start comparing to other games, like Monster Hunter World: both of these games saw their development start around 2014, and we all know how fucking massive World feels.
I feel a bit betrayed by the whole pass story, but i also know this way there will be always players online.
It's clearly a "hate it or love it" game.
For now, i'm in love, enough to play this bet with my preorder.

The devs said they want to make ship encounters valuable. In their vision, you should be able to see masts on the horizon every 20-30 minutes.
They also said they kept a fixed number of ships for both alpha and beta tests. 5 ships were quite common, so we are talking about a max of 20 players, for 5 galleons.
It's not known how many there will be on release. They hinted a bigger number, from time to time.

5 actually. 2 in both the caribbean and jungle biome and one in the spooky one.

>SoT is just mindless

You got that right

this game need AI ships cause sea battles are really great but most players are either brain dead (can sink a 4 man ship alone) or they run for their lives to save that one 50gold chest

It's too much of a le Twitch Play With Friends™ experience. Not enough of a real game behind it.

It'll lose most if not all of its community in 2 months tops.


>mfw the blackwake devs hired shills to make people hate SoT

>dumb frogposter

Amazon thought it would be an indie shit game and made it 30€ but after getting more info, it seemed the game is a full price title.
But I pre-ordered before they changed the Price

In like 10 years overwatch, wow, SoT etc will still look fine because of the stylized graphics. Games like Uncharted and most war sims are gonna look like shit