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fifa will be back eventually, this is a surprise tho, i guess the muslims did monhun

>fastest selling ____ in UK history
literally meaningless

They probs thought the monster was Allah and the people were infidels

>UK history
so, 5K copies?

t. clueless amerifat

It's amazing how well a game can succeed when it's not being held back by outdated hardware.

>No.1 spot
Wew, UK is the biggest gaming market in the UK. Being No.1 is a sign of great success in a Fifa dominated market.

>An island full of Sonyfats buys whatever new game releases for the PS4 while waiting for new FIFA

Stop the fucking presses.

>make game that is skill and reaction intensive and is meant to be played for long stretches of hours at a time
>put it only on a tiny ass 240p screen at 15 fps with one tiny nub, a mushy d-pad, and garbage trigger
>move it to popular console and PC so you can play it on a big HD screen with the controller of your choice and 60+ fps
>it sells well

Not out on pc :(

>and PC


Whats wrong with pc?

PC version is canceled.

Is this fun to play for a permafriendless loner?

>better graphics, higher framerate version of niches handheld game sells faster than handheld version


>Not outdated hardware

>UK is the biggest gaming market in the UK.

You think the pc version got deleted with how certain people act when it was delayed.

Brits think the world revolves around their newfound Muslim territory.

Meant EU

Your father should of cancelled your mother's pregnancy.

t. 56%

>Thinking fps makes a difference in sales

>surprised people are slurping up literally the only decent few games on the shitbox 4

>UK sales
>relevant for eastern or southern european sales

As opposed of burgers who think the world revolves around their newfound mexican territory?


if you were any more salty you would be renamed dead sea 2


>should of

Why UK is playing so much video games?

>eastern or southern european sales
Western EU are the only nations that are first worlds. Also Brexit hasn't happened yet dumb burger.


The handheld mh games actually run at a high framerate than MHW. MHW can barely hit 30 fps on base ps4

Trying to forget that their entire country is slowly becoming the new Pakistan

It says it's the fastest selling Monster Hunter game, not the fastest selling game.

1 is bigger than 0, but is still low

t. Ahmed


>switch releases with no competition
>HAHA its the fastest selling in history
>MHW, like PS4, launch with stiff competition

Generous unemployment benefits.

Who said that? There has always been huge ad campaigns here in the UK whenever a new monster hunter game came out, ever since Freedom Unite.

Assuming you have PS+, you really don't need friends. Plenty of people online to join up with

Atleast paki's actually get jobs. Imagine living in America where niggers are everywhere

Just join some discord or something and make friends there. There's probably tons of them poping up right now.

This would matter if MHW didn't top the charts and come up at No.1.

Well they are a bunch of normies attractes by graphics


Explain how literally every newsagent and food store is owned by asians?

Wow imagine what the number's would be if you would release it for PC, Say o i don't know, LIKE FUCKING TOMORROW.

A lot less because everyone would be pirating it

>Abandons Nintendo console
>Suddenly European sales explode

Do I need to play online?

PC users would just pirate it. MHW is how you do a release. Legitimate users first, then let the BRs and ruski's steal it a year later after everyone has moved on to bigger and better games.

shit, you might be unto somthing.

Could it be that the series being on a console that didn't sell well in europistan be a part of the problem ?


btw p3rd shipped 4.9 mil in its lifetime

wow. now to wait 5 years for them to sell em

>discord emote
know how I can tell you're underage?

>No competition
Oh right, I forgot the PS4, Xbox One and 3DS were discontinued in March.

How ironic, you've just exposed yourself as underage. That was a skype emote 10 years before discord was even a thing, dipshit.

How do I become a brit? I don't give a fuck about Islamism or anything if it means I can play vidya all day and get paid by the government.

You can't, you need to have been born or brown here to earn it.

t.Brit NEET

Can I become Muslim and use tanning booths?

It would help your application, but if they find out you aren't really brown and don't hate indigenous Brits you'll get at least 10 years in jail.


>pirating a multiplayer game

>higher framerate

>mfw I would've bought it on PS4 if PS+ wasn't needed
Anything that doesn't need it gets bought on the console while everything else either gets skipped or bought on PC.

MHW is a silky 24-30 on my base ps4, MHXX runs at 20fps online. Try again faggot.

yet their factual games sales are lower than France, Germany and barely above Spain's.

PC 'gaymers' are scum
>meme spouting retards
>extremely casual userbase for the most part
>port begging
>gave rise to early access games
>graphic whoring instead of wanting fresh art styles

Meanwhile, consoles brought us games like Dark Souls, that at least attempt to challenge you

haha look at me guise im being le funnily racist

yeah I'm sure all the normalfags buying it because "its darksouls with dinosaurs" are going to be healthy to future entries

Those lists don't tell your that 90% of Muslims are called muhamad, when whites actually have choice

Does anybody actually care about the UK anymore? All relevant business are moving to continental Europe after brexit, trump and China prefer France now, UK's economy is decreasing and soon the £ won't be worth shit, acid attacks, muslim rape gangs, ageing population, increase house prices while the average wages are decreasing, raising non-white population, full of slags and chavs etc etc

Can we not just talk about the game instead of meme threads? Fucking hell.

Heh okay Tyrone

>muslims are a race

Shut up Muslim nigger

Of course it's going to be the fastest selling in Europe. The other Monster Hunters were on platforms that were much less popular in Europe. Being the fastest selling Monster Hunter in Europe is a meaningless stat though, most MH sales come from Japan so those are the sales that will matter.

For comparison here, Monster hunter 4U sold less than 500k in all of Europe. Even if Capcom doubled the European sales compared to that (4U was the biggest MH in the west) that only actually adds another 480k. The number that matters is the Japanese sales.

That's the point. Japan will no longer be the ONLY market that matters, the western markets will now come into play when making business decisions moving forward.

(This is gonna end up in dlc lootboxes innit?)


For the next one, sure, but if you're trying to discern whether World is a success or not, you have to look at Japan. Capcom isn't going to cater to Europe if it means spurning their bigger home market.

better than 3ds

le epic racism meme
we are anonymous we are legion....

>Japan will no longer be the ONLY market that matters
But it is, realistically speaking. Look at the numbers for 4U which was the biggest MH release in the west. 67% of its sales came from Japan. Every other region put together only got to 33%. Even if you doubled western sales, it wouldn't reach Japan's sales. Do you honestly think MHW is going to sell 4-5x more in the west than previous entries? What makes you expect that?

What matters is the Japanese sales and how much they do or do not decline. What MHW needs is to have a much higher attach rate in Japan than previous MH games. That is to say, it needs Japanese PS4 owners to be very passionate about this game so that Japanese sales do not harshly fall despite the smaller customer base. It's not out of the question, but the sales in the west are not what matter here.

"Wh wh iter than you Muhammad"

Reminder that for one region and platform worth of sales, MHW is bombing globally with its AAA budget.

Of course we can't forget that this was supposed to be capcom's ace into the western market as well.

I didn't realize Monster Hunter would be popular in a muslim country.

>the current state of this thread
fuck, i hate this country.

>game sells well
>everybody gets mad
Why tho

>game sells well
sauce pls

Just a general observation
I couldn't give half a fuck about MH

A departure from format and appeal. A divide of western and eastern for the broadest exposure. A budget to ruin it further. You'll only find that similiarity in appeal with Frontier now.

I forgot how edgy this board was. So many teenage Sup Forumsacks that think being "le racist xD" makes them fit in.

>dark souls is hard
and you say pc games are casual

Why don't you go back?