ITT: developers that lost all your respect

ITT: developers that lost all your respect

They have my respect for making as much money as they do so effortlessly. I just wish they made some actual games too.

I've got nothing against making money but it's starts being a problem when their practices become the industry standard.

Yeah LFD and HL suck. Good thing they left development to people that know what they're doing.

Their practices aren't the industry standard. Basically nobody else does things the same way they do (giving you an ecosystem where you can MAKE money) and everyone else limits you as much as possible.

The others would make more money if they did what Valve does but they're actually too stupid and nearsighted to do it.

Everyone but Platinum for now.

They receive respect for not rolling out minority report SJW thoughtcrimes division shit like Blizzard. And at least having the common decency to STOP MAKING GAMES if they don't have any talent left, which shit-tier devs like bioware and bungie don't have the courtesy to do.

Square Enix never happened. They kept making god tier FF games. Chrono Trigger got a sequel.



You really should have never had respect for them, EA has always been the same

of course trigger babies
FFVIII channeling efforts and gimping lots of games wasn't a issue

>Everyone but Platinum for now.

Oh, you mean the company who released a completely broken $60 pc game and NEVER PATCHED IT ONE TIME?

Pre 2008 EA was awesome you fuckwit.

Pre-2005 is where I'd put it. It would seem incredibly tame by today's standards, but EA only allowing you to rank up on "Official EA servers" caused quite a controversy at the time, and one of the earliest anti-EA events I remember. Also in retrospect, they really milked The Sims 1 with all those expansions.


>pre 2008

how young are you? The time EA was awesome was pre 1995 kid

though Madden 2005 is one of the best games ever made. They responded to making one fo the best vidya ever by removing all the features in 2006 and making it ten times worse in every way. fucking "QB vision cone" what were they thinking

Forgot to mention I was referring to Battlefield 2 for the rank-up thing.

Game Freak: from hero to traitor in one game
Hawaii deserves to get nuked for real

The fuck are you talking about valve is literally filled with SJW types, did you forget that Gabe was the only one who allowed Hatred to be on the store when the entire staff tried to ban it.

>The tranny that got let go because it was literally wasting company time and money on useless R&D products that went nowhere and tried to slander Gabe

SSX series would like a word with your trash opinion.

>did you forget that Gabe was the only one who allowed Hatred to be on the store when the entire staff tried to ban it.

Nobody ever tried to ban it and nothing of that nature was ever said

>Valve is full of sjws hurr

I really, really doubt it. Valve can pick and choose from the best minds in the industry and actually intelligent well adjusted people are generally not politicized agitators.

casual console game matters how in the grand scheme of things? worth like 8 hours of play, i had ssx...just not relevant or meaningful in the era of online gaming

EA had already killed countless great developers by then and what you care about is some gay single player console game? lol

EA was good pre-1985, you soyboy. It all started going to shit the moment they started to acquire other studios. I mean, wasn’t their in-house team enough? They had to go full jew and fuck their shit up.

a quick google proved you are a retard

>worth like 8 hours of play
You don't know how to have fun then. SSX tricky had tons of replayability along with several fun challenges and quirks.

EA is mostly a publisher, not a developer. They do own various developers though.

Their only misstep was FFXV.

That's true. To be honest, I misread OP since Valve isn't a developer anymore either.

Bioware, Ubisoft and Naughty Dog.

>Nobody ever tried to ban it
top fuckin laff m8

See, hadn't played nier yet so I couldnt say anything about them.

>one person made a comment that he was not authorized to make
>this means the entire company tried to ban hatred and gabe singlehandedly stopped them

doug lombardi is the fucking marketing director. he thought he was covering their ass.

which is why i said pre 1995 EA was good, dumbo. try to keep up.

The game was fixed in 2 days with a user-made patch, they could have just integrated it into the game, and they never even did THAT.

They put out a $60 game and did ZERO support. Platinum is not your friend or a good company.

Why Blizzard?

Not him, but Blizzard is terrible at balancing.

Blizzard is the absolute worse imo. Never seen a company release as much sequels being complete rape of the original IPs in such a short period of time.

>Never seen a company release as much sequels being complete rape of the original IPs in such a short period of time.

The fact that they put hundreds of hours of work into this, done by tens of people, in order to make fun of their own fans for rightful criticism.

I'll never spend money on anything blizzard again after that. I don't care if it's gothic looking D4, i'm done.


Girl: Valvecucks
Guy : Valve

Why not?

yes this is what you get when you put people that never played, or liked the original, in charge or developing a sequel.

Even the SC2 solo campaign was a disgrace.


They're actively trying to kill video game trash talk, which is un-fucking-acceptable.


Capcom lost all my respect with Monster Hunter World. Particularly with its gameplay.

Girl: me
Guy: my bf

FF13 is a mess and they didnt manage to save it even though they had 2 (TWO) sequels

I'd suck that nigger's snickers.

have you lived under a rock this past decade? activision clearly corrupted them.

>show complete incompentence with balancing in a world where meta crystalizes out way faster and patching can be done rapid fire without issues
>game design based around luring new people in and giving them a good feeling over creating a game that remains solid even after playing through a lot
>gave in to the F2P jew (that said seeing how SC2 is doing I dont blame them)

I'm sad that I'm having trouble in thinking of a developer that hasn't lost my respect. The ones I respect are either small or the kind that are too pure for this industry and will likely get the ax any day now. Possibly the biggest one I still respect is CDPR, just cause they seem to still care about games.

Fag: (You)

Balance issues, they have said multiple times that they don't give a shit about balance. Starcraft got ruined, Hearthstone is a mess and Overwatch too.


Blonde girls were MADE for BBC

The fuck happened with gaming. This industry is so utterly fucked under its own weight.

A lot of developers wanted popularity so they pandered to normie scum, now the industry is as corrupted as the cinema industry because everything normies touch turn into filth


Fuck those faggots and their pandering to fangirls

Blizzard devs truly believe they are gods above all people, the fanboys who suck their dicks and buy anything they shit out aren't helping

>Even the SC2 solo campaign was a disgrace.
Other than the story being pretty stupid what was bad about it? I remember enjoying it. At least the WoL campaign, haven't gotten around to finishing the LotV one yet.

At least movies are getting cut to then sell as add-on.
Seriously, 60+season pass, plus dlc not included in the season pass, pre-order, augment your pre-order, episodic content masking as a full game, early access, paid mods, games as platforms, lootboxes, dlc that unlocks more options for the lootboxes, less and less content while having to pay more and more.
If this were movies, we'd pay 60 bucks for a five minute trailer and have to pay extra for the possibility to see the rest.
>Ah, man. 5 spiderman lootboxes and in 4 I got the Uncle Ben scene and one for the credits.

>At least movies aren't getting cut to then sell as add-on.
My mistake.

i lost respect for

nintendo [except the actual game makers]