>buy game
>don't even like playing it
>force myself to finish it because I paid money for it
what's her name Sup Forums?
>buy game
>don't even like playing it
>force myself to finish it because I paid money for it
what's her name Sup Forums?
>don't buy shit games
sorry, I don't know this feel
>unironically having Vivian images saved on your hard drive
I did this with pokemon black, and i stopped playing pokemon after that.
>get new games
>don't feel like playing them
>just keep replaying older games instead
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 desu. I was honestly really disliking the game all the way until about Chapter 6 where things got slightly less shit and I can't even tell if I was having a good time or if the start of the game is really that bad. But it took almost 20 hours for me to even start vaguely having a good time and I woulda quit if I hadn't paid for it.
>buy game
>don't even play it
ha ha
>buy game
>don't play it
>don't care because rich
Hi Neogaf
Weird I have never bought a bad game
That was the best one though
Who are you???
The Joker??
>Oi yamero
Warhammer 2 Total War
Why do you ghazi cucks even come here?
>pirates a game
>installs it
>can't even bother to start it up
None really.
I dont buy shit without knowing whats about
your mom
>be me
>gf knows I like fallout games (although I only play the 2d ones)
>she gets me fallout 4 as Christmas gift
>she's totally hyped for me playing it
>play it about an hour
>realise it's even more boring than the other 3d fallouts
>don't have the heart to tell her that I dislike the game
>play through the entire story and pretend that I liked it
Tomb Raider
hi 8gag
MHW in an hour or so.
liked them at first but ended up finishing them out of complete anger
Dark Souls
Mass effect 3
Wolfenstein 2
Fallout 4
Thanks Doc
third party games on the switch.botw,smo,m+r,spla2oon,etc. was good,everything else I’ve played on PC and the switch versions have shitty textures or lag. But hey, I can play while shitting amiright?
>Don't even denies it
You are cancer on video games, and society in general, but are too stupid to realize it.
It had the ugliest pokemon of all time. It proved diamond and pearl were not just a fluke, and that pokemon is going to be terrible from now on. Not to mention it brought in the absolute worst type of fans.
Fucking bioshock infinite
divinity original shit 2
>"dude lets make the quests as cryptic as possible the players will love it!!"
Another peroblem that could be solved with piracy.
I liked it, sorry that you lack the brainpower for it. Maybe you should stay with more "cinematic" stuff like witcher 3?
Fallout 4
Fallout 4, started it and left if off at the first rocket gas station, later I picked it back up and the survival update had happebed so I decided to turn it on. Now I am forcing myself to go through it despite that I am really bad at survival mode although I am nearing the end. Worst part is when the game crashes after a long period of going without sleep
Oh your one of those people. Welp can’t help your shit taste.
We do it to trigger people like you, who actually deserve to perpetually live a life of being triggered.
Dark Souls 2
Assassin's creed
That game was awful
>very easily entertained
>still managed to find a game that was godawful
Trails in the Sky
And you didn't deny being from 9fag so that proves you are
Bioshock infinite
Tales of Xillia 2
All of them
Breath of the Wild.
good for you, I cant even finish it knowing I can't do both the bos and railroad missions .
>Look at me I have a girlfriend
Fucking normie
That's the rule with monster Hunter. At first you might not like it but after playing it for 40 hours it will become your favourite game.
Ever Oasis
After like 3 missions or something I stopped doing side quests and only pushed through the main story to get over with it
What's wrong?