no man's sky 2.0 incoming?
so far they got 200 million bucks just from crowdfunding,release date is nowhere near future and they just keep adding shit that pushes that date even further,it's like a giant money vacuum
no man's sky 2.0 incoming?
so far they got 200 million bucks just from crowdfunding,release date is nowhere near future and they just keep adding shit that pushes that date even further,it's like a giant money vacuum
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It's too ambitious, that's it.
Technology is not advanced enough to allow such a game, that's why they're really slow with development.
what a shame
It's not a scam.
Shit's way too fucking ambitious. The project's also mismanaged like a mother fucker. There was no reason to pick CRYENGINE. That was a retarded fucking move.
Look at The Order: 1886. It's still the most beautiful game ever made. The engine does exactly what it's supposed to. You wanna know why? They made that shit from nothing. It's custom built.
Instead they stitched together a retarded build of CRYENGINE. The second people start joining a server, the game shits the bed. The persistent universe will never ever function as originally pitched. They will inevitably run out of money.
There's hope for Squadron 42, however.
Also, the community's dog shit. They alienate people by being fanatical as fuck. Chris Roberts can do no wrong.
The monetization model's also one of the worst ever. It's mobile game shit. I don't care what anyone says. The whales will throw a fucking fit if the ships they spent thousands on aren't special as fuck. You're not gonna be able to grind your way to the top. Watch. You'll have to spend three hundred hours getting what the cultists bought in thirty seconds.
Derek Smart was right for once in his life and that's the funniest part of this shit show.
The gaming world is hungry for something like this. If this game bombs, I'm happy that someone is at least tried to do it.
>Look at The Order: 1886. It's still the most beautiful game ever made.
Is it really worth posting on shitholes like Sup Forums in exchange for money?
Do you feel like your life has value, in that you do what you do?
Do you like being paid to lie, and be deceitful?
yeah, I fully support his autism-quest on taking down Chris Roberts and the entire Star Citizen game.
Fuck 'em
Fuck off, retard.
sounds like a ponzi tbqh
So you won't even engage the question and accusation?
Are you really that pathetic?
not a scam
but it has a delusional ceo and incompetent devs so it's going to die eventually.
It's no difference from Day Z
Is the Aurora the comfiest ship?
Post comfy ships.
dean hall isn't at fault for Day Z tho, they contracted him for a year originally and extended it by another year.
that devleopment hell is all Bohemia's.
Tell me the story of Star Citizen, I'm new to this.
This is more like the stockmarket crash. Once it crashes people will commit suicide and throw themselves off houses.
If one thing comes of this, it's the groundwork it's setting for some truly great game mechanics, but I really don't see star citizen itself succeeding
TL:DR autistic dreams and promises that can't be delivered, and people bought into the dreams and promises.
People are gradually being upset when learning all the dreams and promises cannot become reality, and throw tantrums at any downgrade on promises.
>Look at The Order: 1886. It's still the most beautiful game ever made
Well, it's all shaders, fog and shit. The moment you take it all away it's bland and ugly.
There not even halfway on the kickstarter goals.
And it was scheduled to realese 2 years ago.
>no man's sky 2.0 incoming?
The game is CURRENTLY in a similar state to No Man's Sky when it was released. I swear people in these threads aren't even aware that there is a product you can play out.
I'm not saying it's not a trainwreck, but there exists a product and it is playable.
>engage the question and accusation
>i'm not shill
>ha, that's exactly what a shill would say, you shill
So basically if I call you raging gay pedophile it's your turn to 'engage the question' and prove that you aren't?
Oh boy, retardation of some of the anons around here know no bounds.
You're a really sad and pathetic person, I hope it's worth it to be an immoral shitbag, constantly selling out your soul to some corporate cock for money.
It's not even an innocent lie, it's actively misdirecting people.
No. Star citizen is an example of when you want to make something cool and since you got so much money to do so you decide to go beyond your original scope and make it the most grand spectacle ever made without considering the amount of time it would take to do that or the complexity. Its really just mismanagement, over ambition and detachment from reality.
>that Reddit spacing
You need to be more casual you fuck. No one cares about your lifeless opinion here.
Also. Take a good breath. SC is a scam.
What are some nice spacefaring games where you can just travel the cosmos in your ship?
I'd love to see a game where you're actually in a huge ship with a crew and you get to run around and all that.
>call out a shill
>reddit spacing argument brought up
HMMMM, really makes me think hard. My coincidence detector is going way off today.
>comfy ships...
Just kys. You're a waste of a human being.
That's not comfy, user.
There's two products. One is a jpeg. The other is Crysis.
>Technology is not advanced enough to allow such a game, that's why they're really slow with development.
Yeah, because they are developing that technology.
>The moment you make the graphics worse, the game looks worse.
Are you fucking retarded?
He's not me. I'm the guy that told you The Order's the best looking game ever. Still.
You wanna know why? It's fucking true.
I hope you're up to this. When the order 1888888 is a gaem, and Crysis a tech demo, you know that SC will deliver.
That's just about it.
Nobody calls you a shill, just a delusional reddit fag.
>There was no reason to pick CRYENGINE.
Uninformed retard
The options at the time were Unity, Cryengine and Unreal Engine.
Unity is a joke, the version Unreal engine was extremely new and basically no one was experienced with it.
CIG would soon poach A TON of Cryengine developers from Crytek to form Foundry 42, this has paid off tenfold for CIG with the tech and development pipelines they've put out.
You clearly didn't read whatever you just posted.
I'mma be disappointed in you, for you.
No need to be so angry, it's not like you're being paid to defend the game or anything.
C O U L D ' V E
E N G I N E .
B U I L T .
>dude, this game is a giant black hole of money
>I know, let's spend even more money
You're a genius strategist.
>Anyone that has a positive opinion about a game is paid to defend it online.
Take your conspiracy theory bullshit where it'll be appreciated.
>Implying making you own engine is easy.
Shit like that leads to games like Overgrowth that take 7 years of early access. Or games like Limit Theory which require a full refactor of almost everything because the initial engine wasn't performant enough for the scope. It's better to start with something that roughly does what you need it to and then modify it.
Holy fuck youre retarded, their move to Lumberyard with Amazon support for their server instancing technology is only further proof that Cryengine was the right choice.
But I just said you weren't being paid.
You're being awfully defensive for no reason.
They got more money than they could ever possibly need. Custom engines have been built for much, much less.
They shouldn't have picked the lazy option. They're retarded for doing so.
You wanna know why? The game would actually run properly.
Such a game is possible since there is broadband internet.
>Indie game development is the same as a company with over two hundred employees.
Found the cultist. If Chris Roberts got caught fucking a toddler, you'd blame the toddler. Guaranteed.
Yeah, I should know you wouldn't be able to reach that far. Not a brainy one here.
OK I'll make it simple.
SC is a scam.
The order is a tech demo (4hs of jpegs)
Crysis is a game ahead of his time.
You are laughing because of every delusional promise you still believe it can be delivered to some point in the future.
It won't. Is a lie. They lie to you and to everyone who was candid enough to drink that kool-aid. Sorry.
You've really convinced me user talking out his ass with no context or evidence to back up his claim!
Ready to have your mind fucking blown?
Squadron 42 is first in development, and lacks any of the performance problems the current persistent universe has due to network issues related to the server tracking too many objects. Which they don't give much a fuck about because ITS NOT AFFECTING SQUADRON 42.
You should just stop, you clearly lost track of what you're claiming. Like, I understand you get paid hourly, but you're doing a really sloppy job right now.
It's not, it's just bad, even without the bugs.
1. I already fucking said that. See: .
2. The persistent universe is the literal reason they got so much money. People aren't spending thirty thousand for Squadron 42.
Idiot. It's like arguing with a fucking wall.
What do you even do in this game?
Crysis is working perfectly
It's like Freelancer. You fly around, take missions or quests or explore to make money. Unlike Freelancer, the base gameplay is so sluggish and boring to the point of tedium, and I don't know why space sim fuckers keep begging for everything to be ultra realistic when that turns out to be boring as shit.
This is my gift to you.
You quite literally do nothing.
You forgot to mention the boring as shit FPS gameplay.
Instead of backing Star Citizen, you could have put that money in a bank and you would have 1 billion dollars from the interest by the time Star Citizen is released.
Crysis takes place on a tiny fucking island user, SC is taking place across millions of kilometers.
I don't care about that, but yeah.
>using fancy words you don't even understand
Ponzi Schemes are the key to everything.
the gpu makers need to up their game. they dont see a need to because theyre still making money.
star citizen may give them incentive to make "current gen" hardware.
Bump. Enjoying this.
Fuck off retard
Its been a scam since day 1.
If you want space, Eve online is free to play to start with.
There's no groundwork though. There's no new tech that could be used somewhere else. It's a Frankestein's monster kind of game where they kept patching random shit together. This is why it's so unoptimized
They used cryengine because it was cheaper than building a proprietary engine. Its a fucking scam and Chris Roberts wants to cut corners everywhere possible in the development of his "super ambitious' game
The only reason it's even as ambitious as it is is because the only way they can keep milking the whales is by continuing to promise ridiculous features.
I love scam citizen threads. I know when one has appeared I get some popcorn, kick back and watch
Look in to Entropia Universe if you think that's ridiculous.
My only legit fear right now is dying before Star Citizen crashes and burns.
Holy fuck. It's gonna be so good.
They used cryengine because it's what the proof of concept was made in, and Chris Roberts was impressed like a baby is with a ring of keys, and demanded that a large map FPS engine be used for a space sim, even if there was an invisible ocean you can drown in that's tied to the engine's physics and can't be removed.
This. It's pretty fucking sad.
>he actually believes this
I think it's pretty great. Butthurt babies on one side and cultists on the other. I already got my moneys worth of gameplay before 3.0 and I spent 40 bucks like 2 years ago.
>The options at the time were Unity, Cryengine and Unreal Engine
You do know that this barely even scratches the surface of how many game engines there are, right user? Please stay away from Sup Forums
I never understood the retarded idea of having "a detailed exciting " openworld at a universe scale and idiots buying the idea.
I mean look at rockstars who spent god know how many years working on gta games and their engine and yet they needed like around 4-5 on a game like gta 5.
If you want to make something really new and impressive how about make something nice like a full detailed sandbox open world of a small planet with its moon and few space stations ?
how many more threads does Sup Forums need? these threads never add anything new. fuck off
Shut the fuck up.
>and few space stations
How about and a few am radio stations?
Hey folks, I'm from the future so let me just copy-paste the wikipedia page for you.
>In 2009, Chris Roberts began work on a vision he had since he first conceived Freelancer. He wanted to realize a virtual galaxy, whose systems execute their own programs regardless of the players' presence; cities would be bustling with transports and each world's weather changes on its own time. Commodity prices in each star system would fluctuate, according to the activities of the computer controlled traders, who import and export goods. Roberts envisioned thousands of players simultaneously interacting with and influencing this world through a unique and intuitive user interface never seen before in other games. Each player could pursue a quest set up for their character, and join other players to attempt other missions together without needing to exit the game and start a new mode of play. Artificial intelligence would fly the players' spacecraft, letting them concentrate on combat or other tasks. Roberts intended the cutscenes and gameplay visuals to be of equal quality so players would be unable to distinguish between the two.[34][35]
>Two years later, the project was officially announced as Star Citizen on Kickstarter, a crowdfunding platform.[36] The media covered the event, focusing on the features promised for this game. There were concerns about the state of the graphics and uncertainties over the promise of a dynamic economy, but gaming site Kotaku gave Roberts and his company, Cloud Imperium Games, the benefit of their doubts.[37] Initially in 2012, Roberts announced the game would be available on the market by fall 2014.[34] However, the project suffered delays and by PAX Australia 2014, Roberts said the earliest release for the game was at the end of 2016.[5]
In June 2019, Electronic Arts started talks to buy Cloud Imperium Games. Roberts admitted that his team required large sums of money, which only a huge company could provide, to continue developing Star Citizen with its "wildly ambitious" features and unpredictable schedule; the project had overshot its original development projection of three years by 5 years. Roberts trusted that Electronic Arts would not compromise his vision for Star Citizen, and was convinced the software giant would not attempt the takeover if it did not believe Star Citizen could sell at least 10 million copies when released.[38] Roberts left the company on completion of the deal, but assumed a creative consultant role on Star Citizen until its release.[39] Electronic Arts instructed Cloud Imperium Games to scale down the ambitions of the project and focus on finishing the game based on what was possible and the team's strengths.[13][19] Features such as the automated flight control, conversations that had different choices of responses, and sub-quests were abandoned.[12] Despite the reductions, several shills believed the resultant product was still true to Robert's vision.[5][13]
>The Star Citizen team kept a low profile throughout 2020 before displaying a demo of their latest work at International Games Festival 2021, drawing large crowds. Electronic Arts announced the project was on schedule,[40] and Cloud Imperium Games added all the planned content for the game by October 2022. A beta test with approximately 5 testers was conducted,[4] and the only main activities left were to refine the game's features and to fix errors uncovered in the testing.[4] The game shipped to retailers on March 4, 2023,[41] and was later available online through Google's Game on Demand service.[42] Cloud Imperium Game's role on Star Citizen ended on June 6, 2023, with their delivery of a software patch to resolve issues on the server and cheating; the staff were redeployed to other departments in Electronic Arts.[43] In accordance with their 2-week support policy for software, Electronic Arts stopped supporting the game on June 20, 2023 and shutdown their global server, which managed the list of multiplayer servers and the connection of players to them.[44]
The game is setting up so much expectations, it's never going to live up to them. We're looking at something that's going to crash worse than Tortanic, FFXIV 1.0, and all the other kickstarter MMO scams put together.
>this comes out
>mfw the backlash will be 10 times worse than No Man Sky
genuinely looking forward to it
It's not a scam in the sense that Chris is going to disappear one day with a giant sack of cash. However at this point they are probably knowingly deceiving their backers about the project and its outlook. It sure looks like they blatantly lie about release estimates, promise obviously impossible features all the while growing the scope to milk more backer money while delivering nothing.
It's been over 5 years with 170 million dollars and they have an "MMO" which can support like 30 players at 15 FPS, with no mechanics other than flight and shooting, yet they have sold ships based on theorycrafted fantasies of bounty hunting, medical/surgery, farming, exploration, mining, civilian transport/bartending (lol). You get the idea. It's the fundamental reason all crowdfunded/preordered games are shit. They reward devs for promises rather than delivery. Taken to an extreme, this is the result.
Most of north America still gets like 30 up 10 down. ISP Jews won't allow this
No they couldn't because they didn't have enough money at the time.
If they had perfect hindsight and could have known that it would have raised $200 million in the end, then yeah the best thing would be to go back in time and spend years making their own engine but it's a dumb point
>0(zero) star systems
>1(one) procedurally generated planet
>0(zero) moons and space stations
What you're describing is a scam. And Roberts will disappear with a pile of money since he's giving himself a huge salary.
>200 million
Ok so I knew they got millions but I had no idea they had that much jesus fuck. This is the biggest scam of the century.
>even if there was an invisible ocean you can drown in that's tied to the engine's physics and can't be removed.
There WAS you mean, and it can be removed. Where's the invisible ocean now?
It's worse than a scam. If it was a simple scam there would've been a lot less damage. No, we're dealing with the worst thing possible in this industry, a dream game.
i mean at least they didnt use Unity , that's a positive...heh...
>Game never comes out
I get to enjoy the backlash of a thousand bitchy fans who pissed away their money on make-believe spaceships they didn't even get to use.
>Game comes out
I buy it cheap when it drops in price and enjoy all the content it has to offer, smug that I got the game for around $20 after the turbo fans emptied their wallets and life savings kickstarting it for me.
Either way I win. Either way the retards who were stupid enough to spend money on a game that does not currently exist lose.
>the version Unreal engine was extremely new and basically no one was experienced with it.
Anybody who's worked with UE3 or even UE2 would have extremely familiar with UE4, whatever version.