You are picking up Dissidia NT right user?

You are picking up Dissidia NT right user?

Only if I see proof that they fixed the fucking queue times from the beta

nobody gives a fuck about this loser emo characters anymore ...square is ded

No, if I wanted to play Dissidia I can load up 012 on my Vita.

You're dead

Probably not. Only if theres a 1v1 mode and its not trash. Which is unlikely.

Theres a day 1 update that fixes some complaints so i wouldn't doubt it

No single player, no buy.

Have fun with your AI loser

not for 60 dollars

no, the 3v3 shit doesn't do anything for me


Yeah, so I can play as weapon gypsy

I'll wait for video because holy hell they were terrible, would definitely regret purchase if I had to wait 5+ minutes for every fucking match

nah. probably kill myself instead

Why would anyone get this game instead of Mon Hunt or DBFZ

But I got all three.

Cause final fantasy


What makes 012 more fun than NT?

Ramza is best boy

he's the most cheerful protag in the entire series

No he isn't.

Just look at this cutie.

>tfw got mh world instead
For some reason i feel like i made the better choice.

I am even though I hated both PSP Dissidia games, I want to like it so hopefully there has been some improvement.

Did you not play in the two fucking week beta at all?

Haven't had time with studies and two jobs to hold down.

I will.

>actual content beyond multiplayer memes
>actual game and not a shitty arcade port

Oh I see you're just retarded. Carry on.


NT has more game modes than 012 both online and offline