Capcom Stock is the Highest Since 2001 thanks to MH World

Other urls found in this thread: hunter

It seems to be a runaway hit. Unpredecented really for MH.




Cmon man, at least wait for the media create sales

>my nintendo news
Are they rubbing it in their faces?

Because there’s literally nothing else on ps4 worth getting right now

SHIPPED does not mean SOLD you low IQ coon.



DBZ and Dissisida came out on the same day :)
PS4 has all the games.


Your excuse doesnt work if the PS4 is getting all the worthwhile games

Tell that to Capcom's record high stock price lmao


We actually get games though, Nintendo soy homo.

>My Nintendo News

>also on pc

>MikeS: Where is all this hype from? Sony marketing?
It's almost like a 240p handheld was holding back this excellent series from its true potential

>Ships 5 million
>They don't sell at all
>Nintendo gets cardboard from those boxes used to ship them

Didn't the Switch get like, two 97 metascored games in it's first few months of release?

>new Dissidia on PC
>fighting games on PC

i don't want to buy it at full price, I'm going to miss something if i don't play it from the start?


One of them is, and is rapidly dying since >fighting games on pc, go ahead and find dissidia on your 3rd world steam store.


> Horizon zero awards took months to ship 3 mil.
> MHW ships 5 mil in 3 days.


>Talking about things from 2017

>i don't want to buy it at full price
user... if only you were here a few hours ago...

>The most popular anime worldwide.
>Against monster hunter's first entry into the casual audience.
>Is more niche.
I don't know guys, videogameninja might be on something here.

You sound like the typical sonyggger to me.
I'm sure all the other epic wojak posters will follow suite.

If japan wasn't casuals, Horizon would have sold the same amount since a majority of that 5 million is from japan.

>4000 yen

What the fuck? Why is Capcoms stock so low? Nintendo is up at nearly 50,000 yen and even Konami is at 7000 and Bamco is only slightly behind at 3700

yeah man that sub 30 FPS PS4 potential man


Monster Hunter is really that series that was entirely built over several years due to word of mouth.

Dragonball has always been huge so I don't know what that guy is about. But with World that word of mouth was enough to reach sales reach AAA levels.

t. paragonfag

>nintendo fanboys so desperate to shit on MH World they spam >Shipped and say its a failure
>its sold so many copies its outsold all previous Nintendo offerings in a mere few days

>3DS at 240p 20fps
>PS4 at 1080p 30+fps

>One of the largest game markets in the world doesn't count because I said so

Congratulations, you have actually manage to create something that makes me wish you posted the original instead, that is impressive.

man this version looks like shit. no real gold face and no leg hair.

Actually it's more like
> 3DS at 240p and 35 fps
> PS4 at 1080p and 20 fps

what do you mean?

>implying the 3DS MonHun games ran at a worse framerate than World
user... I

You missed out.

>lower FPS than PS4


Honestly I'll take the higher resolution, I can't stand tiny screens

Don't cry now

Some user posted an infinite use code for MHW Deluxe Edition and hundreds of people got it for free.

what i missed?

a free game

So MHW saved capcom ?

for you

>>One of the largest game markets in the world

MH games always dealt in shipped user. It beated the (now second) most popular MH game in shipped copy in 3 days. Portable third was 4.9m SHIPPED in its LIFETIME.

I'm glad you managed to oust yourself a retard

fuck, does that thing still work?

Oh THATS what it was? I thought it was a one time code last night so I didn't really keep to the thread. It was really early when I saw it too, had under gen replies

Not even the PS4 PRO could handle a frame rate as solid as 3U on 3DS, wew.

no need to be mad britbong

Capcom is back!

First it was MH is never coming to PS4

Then it was it's also coming to Switch

Then it was MHW was going to suck

Then it was MHW was going to flop

Now it's just denial

>nu-male wojack

They're literally irrelevant in the grand scheme of things, and are actually a very small and biased market. They only buy Sony and they almost only buy garbage games. The sales are small because the population is small, as well. The only reason anyone ever brings them up is because they're one of the only countries that actually reports game sales.

>mfw I don't give a shit

Those level of nintensalt are getting crazy, this is one of the best BTFO moment i've witnessed

And no-one gives a shit about your shitty OC donut steel.

Follow suite? Like a hotel suite?

Your age is showing nin toddler.

>43k players players on first day
>30k consistently
>More than SFV which is crossplay
This is why trolling is shitposting now, you're just being shit. Can't even research enough to sound like you know what you're talking about.

Why is she sweating so much while eating fucking noodles?

>They don't count because they don't buy my Nintendo trash


You've been eating the wrong noodles.

>>They don't count because they don't buy non-FIFA trash

Well yea, check the top 30 or so sales in games.
Europe sure didn't amount to shit in Nintendo's entries.

Lets put two and two together, user. They 1. Only buy Sony and 2. Bought a lot of MH because there's nothing fucking else out on the PS4 worth half a shit in this quarter

It's almost like it selling out wasn't an impressive statistic at all!


Literally proving my point

Nintenfriends Sonybros PChads and Xbrads
we shouldn't be fighting when this guy is somehow making already shit threads worse with his shitty art

t.FIFA player

Another series bites the dust. Post yfw

>All that salt

And yet, japan counts.

They bought MHW :)

Post yfw they made an intruder monster better than Jho.



>They bought MHW :)
America did probably

Please tell me someone has or will screencap all the posts about how this would flop.

Real talk, FIFA isn't a bad game. It's just EA being scums. The actual games are top-tier couch multiplayer games. CoD is shit though.

>Home market shouldn't count
Goddamn son.

I thought this idiot fucked off already

It's really a good feel to see monster hunter free from shitty protables

Now it needs to get off consoles, sub 20 FPS on PS4 in unacceptable

Horizon sold, not shipped, 3.7M in a month

I finally fucked this guy up last night with lance. By far my favorite fight in the game. Incredible design and a great roar

Fiiiiiveeeee millllliiiiooonnnnnnnn.


got the archive link?

So best JAV girl bought best game because she has exquisite taste ? what's surprising here ?

good things that statement is false in its entirety, the game does not run at sub 20 fps on console and it's not a console exclusive either.