Comfy 3DS thread

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DK Country returns

I dunno if i should play Bravely Default or DQVIII next

does DKCR have anything different from the Wii version?
would be great to play on the train anyway I guess

Bravely Default
damn i need to grind more those bosses are dank as fuck with every new chapter

Replaying Ghost Trick. If anyone else enjoyed their first run but hasn't gone for a second playthough, they should.

It adds a new world and several other stuff, pretty much the definitive version

A shame they didn't do the same with Topical Freeze switch port

MHXX with a DS3

based homebrew

Sakura Samurai. Gameplay is very simple and the game looks like it's gonna come in at under three hours to beat but the art and production value make it worth an afternoon of playing.

>It adds a new world
thanks for the hot tip

Pokemon USUM, still waiting for this in march though

Project X Zone 2. It's the weekend's game because maps take longer each time.

still playing pic related. haven't reached the end of the translated part, so plenty of time for the time to finish the full translation

Tales of the Abyss
It's my first Tales game, and it's pretty good so far.

Hoping this is better than Legend of Legacy.

Going through the endgame of the Superstar Saga remake.

Will probably play Robobot or one of the DS Kirbies afterwards since I wanted to catch up with the series before Star Allies launches.

>yet another remake

don't even care, River City never gets old

I've still got Xenoblade Chronicles, SMTIV:A, MH4U, and EOIV to play. Haven't been in the mood to play any of them since I bought them. What the fuck is wrong with me?

Possibly depression, if you're not doing something else worthwhile when you could be playing them.

I usually go to bed and stare into space until I pass out instead of playing them. What's worse is I'm considering getting a Switch and I know I'll do the same thing with that.

Super Mario Kart VC my dudes

with suicide

Sounds like depression to me. Depending on where you're at with the depression, the hardest part might just be choosing a game and booting it up. If you can, try to force yourself to start playing something and see if you can find the mood for it once you're already playing. If you start up games and can't find any interest even though you know you should be able to, it's probably time to look into depression treatments. Good luck, user.

How old are you?

>get hand me down 2ds from my sister
>younger than me so 2ds is not set to my age
>dad got me a 3ds xl a few years ago but it's American and I can't buy games for it in Australia
>only have 2 games for it
Should I just buy a used 3ds guys and homebrew my other 3/2ds?

I'm playing the Ace Attorney series for the first time. Just finishing 5-Special now.
So far, 3>1>5>4>2. 5 was waay to easy, and 2 and 4 were boring

Pokemon Ultra Sun. Just beaten the Water Totem, and I still need a good water mon. My psychic is gonna be Gardevoir, so I'm tinking if Slowbro is a good or bad adittion to my team


rune factory 4, trying to make the perfect staff

Fire Emblem Awakening, I lost 11 hours of progress, pity me.

I didn't expect this game to be so fucking long. It's fun but damn.

just installed homebrew on my old 3ds xl last night. i've been told the emulation for snes/gba is bad on old so I'm wondering what 3ds games are worth pirating with the 7gb of space I have

this is my biggest problem. i have trouble starting a game of morrowind or quake but once I do i'm playing for hours

Just homebrew the American machine to do region free. It's ez step by step.

Completed my 4th run of Samus Returns and now playing Wario Land on VC.

Ultramoon. There's a couple dozen dex entries I can still get.

I'm playing Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop on proud. I'm enjoying it so far.

The way to do it is to download a game or two at a time, then when you finish it, back up the saves and uninstall, then install something else. When you just download 60 games, I guarantee you won't play any of them.

Persona Q is really fun but i think it's a bit too easy.

Oh, I wanted to play that one, but have never played Persona 3 and 4, do I have to play them to enjoy Q?

>tfw have a massive backlog of 3ds games
>can't play n3ds xl for more than an hour because it's uncomfortable

If you want to get most of the jokes and character interactions, YES. If you want to get the plot, YES. If you want Etrian Odyssey with SMT elements, NO.

i was asking for recommendations

There's no point asking for recs without describing your taste a little. What genres do you like, what are some things you look for in games/don't want, etc.

if you need an idea of what i like, then maybe an rpg or something like link to the past
What I meant was: if I'm going to have anything at all filling up 7 gb, what should it be

>hanafuda plates

I’m jealous, those things resell for $100+ now

I've been putting it off for years to be honest.

29, why?

I've been playing Ocarina of Time and having a blast. Bravely Default should arrive today.

I'm a bit confused by all these various types of R4 cards

I just wanna play DS games on my New 3DS XL, do I have to get a specific one for this type of 3DS?

Gonna try MH3, also i have to finish Bravely Default some day

get the r4 gold, the others have timebombs

If you get one that doesn't play 3DS games, then any one will do. The 3DS plays DS, and old R4 cards, in DS mode. So the firmware wont bitch about any on the old ones. I use SuperCard DSTWO PLUS, works fine for GBA and DS

How does Ultra Sun/Moon compare to the vanilla versions?

>putting off depression treatments
Absolutely normal for depressed people. It's very hard to do things even to help yourself when you're depressed. It's a difficult road, but I hope you can find the energy to seek the treatment that works for you so you can start to enjoy vidya again.

Kirby Amazing Mirror. I forgot how much of a maze this games levels can be and I'm.completely at a loss for where to go. I have 4 portals unlocked the 1st 2 mustard mountain and the forest one

What's the pixel density on the 3ds compared to the switch compared to a 55 inch 1080p tv? Asking for a friend pls respond.

Just got mario maker and hell it's fun, im playing it on a 2ds and im pretty happy, considering a 2ds xl to play some more time sinking games like dragon quest

Thanks user. Had a pretty shit day all told and this cheered me up.

could you link it somehow? I'm too retarded to find an official seller

Apparently the vanilla didn't have the "most obnoxious character in all of pokemon" upgrade for the pokedex.

Buy a grip. This is the one I'm thinking about getting.

Metal gear solid 3d
The framerate is pretty bad, but I'm having fun with it

on gbatemp they give this link

Yeah, I've definitely had thoughts about getting something like that. I'll probably end up getting one next payday.

New Leaf and thingken about buying a flashcart to install cfw

l'm replaying dillon's rolling western

l forgot how intense it could get in later stages, l'm bretty exhausted after l finish my playthrough

and man the overworld, end boss and credits themes are so good

55" 1080p is super low density, 40" is about the max you want to go with 1080p, but it depends how far you sit back from it. Look up visual acuity if you're interested.
Website used:
Interesting calculator:

Etrian Odyssey 2
Gotta do something else in a while. I watch anime or go on a run every few days. Reading this shit website for too long gets me down the most. When you put some variety in your day games will be fun again. Be wary of psychotherapy and especially medication, it won't just cure your blues.

I bought and am playing recently Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate and Pokemon Ultra Sun. I was playing Monster Hunter Stories but I find it difficult to really care about it.
Hunting Horn is the coolest shit and I need to prepare to fight Laguicruis. I also evolved my Floette to a Florges and my Salandit keeps getting trounced in fights. Found mah nigga Drowzee and made him into a Hypno.

I play on a 55" at 1080p and I sit close to the screen and it's absolutely fine.

40" is where you START NOTICING 1080p, not the MAX, you fucking dolt.

Fire emblem warriors

Are any of the crappy rpgmaker 3ds games decent?

DQ VIII, my first DQ game appart from Rocket Slime

What are some hidden gems on the DS and 3DS I could take a look after finishing it?

gba emulation works fine on an O3DSXL just put a gba game's cia in your cia folder and install with fbi
for snes you can use snes9x, I don't know if it's perfect but it should be good enough

Also why is Ilima such a fucking psychopath? He told me he put up stickers for trialgoers to find but I've been finding them in people's houses, hotel rooms, a fucking pond. What the fuck is wrong with that cute boy?

Good advice, thanks. And I've heard nothing but bad things from people who have taken antidepressants so that's my scapegoat when I don't want to admit I'm too scared to get help.

Is that playable on the n3ds?

>Rocket Slime
A real hidden gem right there.
Ghost Trick is another.

Yup, only on the new one, though number of enemies feels reduced, I'm a sucker for hack n slash vidya

Only got a 3DS last week.

>Beat BoxBoy this morning, middle was a slog but last lap was pretty fun. Will probably do the bonus levels later this week.
>Also started Donkey Kong Country Returns this morning and it's a lot of fun but the 30fps lock and poor resolution make it distractingly blurry at high speeds.
>Besides that I've been playing a bit of 80's Overdrive and plenty of Picross 3D: Round 2.

Need help deciding what to do next after DKCR, here are my options:
>Start up Fire Emblem: Awakening
>Start up Ocarina of Time
>Start up Kid Icarus: Uprising
I definitely wanna play Yoshi's Woolie World after these but I figure I need a break from platformers before it.

Nice haul.

Got MH Generations for Christmas. Slow start with tutorials but I am enjoying it now that I've got the hang of it. Also first MH game.

cool, how about worthwhile 3ds games

It is.

So far I find them to be pretty great actually.
Totem Araquanid ripped my team apart and I had to evolve my shiny Dewpider and Leech Life it to death.

dragon quest vii and viii
ace attorney trilogy
the kirby robot one
metal gear solid 3

Phoenix Wright 2
holly shit they went super aggressive with penalties on the 3rd case

I finally beat Ocarina and now im plating FF curtain call and Ace Combat for the first time.

>game 2 case 3


He's rich as sin, therefore he can do whatever the fuck he wants in the Pokemon world. Also he's a nice young lad, I assume he asked before putting a sticker on their property. They're waterproof too so I assume they're some sort of plastic and can be peeled without residue.

I'm thinking about selling my o3DS to buy a n3DS/n2DS XL because of the screen size, but I was wondering... how good is the image quality in comparison? What worries me the most are the jaggies.

I have a 3DS XL and the image quality doesn't bother me. Now that I'm used it, the o3DS feels way too small. If it looks bad on the XL, it also looks bad on the o3DS too.

You're just upset at his massive honking clown dick. Big shoes, tiny car, etc.

That's probably all true but I'm having fun getting exasperated whenever I see one.

It is.
Just use panic and physical attackers, preferably multihit skills.
And Naoto.

i have a NXL, a friends has a normal one
normal size the image clearly looks SLIGHTLY more dense, but XL wins with text size
tho desu if i could choose again i'd pick the normal one for weight and carry options, it can fit in your pocket

Stay away from any pill based treatment. That will kill the little fire within you that is your will and ability. Pill based treatments neuter your mind and soul

I just got my fishing rod (sadly my shiny Dewpider had to evolve to beat the Araquanid, it just devoured my whole team beforehand), and man it is satisfying going back and fishing those stupid underwater stickers.

>underwater stickers

One is in his own family's pool.
How the fuck did brown Oak convince him to run around throwing stickers in puddles and attaching them to fridges in random people's houses?

Been playing bravely defult recently and loving it, any other great jrpg's for the 3ds?

As someone who loves DKC, i think DKCR is kinda dogshit, that being said i havent beaten the first world.

Does tropical freeze feel the same way that DKCR does, and does DKCR Get better