Doing any speedrunning user?

doing any speedrunning user?
wat geam?

Other urls found in this thread:

I'm not mentally ill enough

What would make a grown man turn himself into a fucking ugly ass creature such as a tranny?

Not being able to lose your virginity


>doing any speedrunning user?
Who is this "speedrunning user" you're referring to? Why do you care whether I'm doing him/her?

You mean what would make an UGLY AS SIN man remain an UGLY AS SIN human even when transitioning?

There are legit beautiful trans women.

I think I could actually get a pretty decent time in this game if I could beat dracula

>There are legit beautiful trans women.

no, I actually enjoy playing the games as intended, then I move on to a new game. I'm not that far down the spectrum to actually attempt speedrunning, let alone enjoy it. A lot of stuff speedrunners do is downright impressive, but I can't help but look down upon them.

I said "trans women". Not "women", tard.

dont give up user-kun

Is Narci the queen of Sup Forums? :3

Speedruns are for the mentally ill.

Wanting to be more comfortable in her own body.

queen of your demented brain maybe

Why doesn't he get braces, half the reason he looks so bad is because of his teeth.

Why does degeneracy run rampant in the speedrunning community?


You all are just jealous she has a gf that cares about her and you don't.

this user gets it. If you're a cute boy, you'll be a cute girl.

Is that razorfist? Lmao

Define degeneracy.

Yes, and I responded """"women"""". I see you're both faggot and a brainlet.

all vidya is degenerate in some degree user

I'd rather be alone than have one of those ugly bitches as a gf.

Because OCD is also a mental illness.

but cosmo wasn't a birgin

i bet his braper is nice and clean

>play the same video game for your entire life
>realize that's fucking stupid
>suffer an existential crisis
>wtf ima girl now

and your respond made no sense. Good job.

It correlates strongly with autism and autism is more than plentiful at speedrunning events

>having lost the physical, mental, or moral qualities considered normal and desirable; showing evidence of decline.

You're talking about an actual trans person. Cosmo is a severely mentally ill man with a crossdressing fetish (see what asset he immediately put into the room he's creating) who gets enabled by his chat.

People pretending he isn't mentally ill is what destroyed his life.

He got mind broken by JOHNNY FUCKING NUMBERS

Hi there!

You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of Sup Forums are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!

Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!

whats cosmos end game lads?
mutilate his dick?
going full trap?
getting BLACKED?

>if you don't adhere to heteronormative standards you're sick
Sup Forums not even once.

Having a dick is part of his fetish. He conveniently stopped transitioning when he could start roleplaying as a dickgirl.



>if you aren't normal you're actually normal
what did he mean by this

>if you aren't """normal""" you're sick

Yeah your name is cringe.
Purposely putting a name on your posts while most people choose to post anonymously just makes you look like a pathetic attention whore.


Yes, keep enabling a sick person and then blame everyone but yourself for his inevitable suicide.

Again, cringe.

Men are men and women are women. Deluding yourself into thinking that by attempting to change your gender your problems will go away is why so many of these freaks kill themselves. If people genuinely cared about these mentally ill people they'd look into therapy for them, not enabling them to get even sicker.


Who are you? You ugly, UGLY bitch?

Yeah again, your name and post is cringe.

That's not really true.
There is another tranny speedruner "CyberDemon531" and ""she"" confirmed that the whole speerunners being trannies meme is only a GDQ thing and that they are overrepresented there.
You have literally thousands and thousands of speedrunners but GDQ wants to be as PC as possible so you have that.

t. agp

>tfw cyberdemon was like 10x cuter when he was a he instead of a "she"

To be fair, you have actually got a username. One of the stupidest things on this site.
Whoring for attention on a shitty board is worse than posting a comment that's clearly copy and pasted.

Not even once. And if you idiots cared you wouldn't be shaming them and yelling about how mentally ill they supposedly are.

The reason these idiots kill themselves is more than likely bullying from your side. The people who can't stop yelling that what they are is wrong and that they will never be accepted. There's no "cure" for this as it's not a sickness.

>There's no "cure" for this as it's not a sickness.
the only cure for such levels of delusion is a bullet

What's the point of telling someone to "cringe"? How would that even work?

Honestly this nigger looks like a more convincing woman than a man.
Albeit an ugly one, but here was no getting around

>Still replying


So you don't really care about them? I'm not surprised but this means you can't argue like you care about their mental health or their suicide rates.

Because trannys like Cosmo look like totally normal, sane human beings and definitely won't end up killing themselves.

>implying trannies are women

He's a [B]irgin

Actually I'm sure if you take the thousands and thousands of speedrunners and factor in the tranny ones they would be over represented compared to the rest of the world.

>Me dislike lifestyle choice
>Crog smash
Cool. How about live and let live if it doesn't affect you.

Ecchi deliverer? More like cringe deliverer, friend


you fix the mentally ill by fixing society. they are mentally ill because of our sick society. most of them are too far gone, but the next generation can be saved.
they'll kill themselves anyways so is cool bra

Speedrunning is a soygirl(boy) sport.

>Still replying

Aren't namefags clever?

>tfw no gf
>tfw waifu will never be real
>but what if I became the waifu?

Mad AF.

Can't you read?
Putting on womens clothes, chemically castrating yourself with soy, breaking down into tears multiple times on camera, disappointing your parents in the worst possible way, is all perfectly normal behaviour.

Stale copypasta isn't nearly as bad as tripfagging

She looks a little off I'll admit but is that the test of sanity? Or the standard for what we should accept? Just gas everyone lmao do I fit in yet Sup Forums?

Like you I'm no psychologist, so I won't make any judgement on their sanity. It's pointless either way because they are what they are. The only thing we can do is be excellent to each other and find a way to make it work.

Thinking "trans women" are "real" women... you need to check your privilege.

epic trull my d00d! xd

Says who?


>They all kill themselves anyways. Who cares.
That's always the response these people eventually make.
Yeah okay. You're just going in circles now.
You don't care about these people's health. It's obvious. They can't be "cured", and even if they could, people like you wouldn't do shit about it but kill them.
They should be allowed to live a lifestyle that makes them happy like anyone else, and if more people were accepting, the suicide rate wouldn't be so high.

Well whatever. This is Sup Forums. Dunno why I'm even discussing a serious issue here with retards only shit posting because they're anonymous.

>run rampant
It runs fast.

man i can't even watch cosmo's old videos anymore, it's just too fucking weird. it feels like he's dead and this new narcissa personality is wearing his skin. i don't give a shit about him transitioning or even him not being able to run stuff since arthritis is a bitch but he changed his entire personality too and it's fucked up

you fix them by fixing society. accepting mental illness as normal is not fixing society, it's actually the opposite

>it's not a sickness.
then have fun paying for your plastic surgeries, surgical wounds and synthetic hormones out of pocket.

cute girl (boy)

>Play video games for a job
>Spend 100s of hours trying to figure out how to get through it quickly
>mfw it would have been 100x faster and way more fun to just play the game normally


I skill run instead of speedrunning.

I find it more fun since there tends to be less repetition involved. Being fast is a skill though so there is overlap.

Out of curiosity, if a guy genuinely believed himself to be a fish, got surgery to have fake gills carved onto his neck and wanted people to address him as a karp (Species are just a social construct!), would that be abnormal?

The government pays for so much that I can't honestly get upset that some people get some cosmetic surgeries that make them feel better.

I mean why not?


Isn't there some saying or something about seeing the top of someone's eyes means that they are psychotic

I am a psychologist and, though I can't say this to my trans clients or to my co-workers (don't want to risk getting fired for wrongthink), I believe gender dysphoria is a mental illness or at the very least a massive risk factor in developing other mental illness. Contrary to popular belief, many of the things my transgender clients talk to me about are fairly normal compared to everyone else. At worst, they suffer bullying regarding how they be, but so do my other clients about other things.
When you add this to the fact that trannies are so much more likely to kill themselves, and that gender dysphoria was only declassified as a mental illness to appease to the "progressives" of the time, it paints a very clear picture.

>If you're a delusional tranny that says you'll be immortal if you stream enough because streaming projects parts of your consciousness onto the internet and eventually you'll be fully transferred into the digital realm you're not sick.
>If you consume nothing but soylent to the point that you get dangerously constipated and you try to get the manager at Walgreens to put your fiber on your "tab" because you didn't bring any money and threaten to steal it when he says no, you're not sick.

He admitted that crossdressing Link got him horny.

Everyone except attention whoring tripfags

>The government pays for so much that I can't honestly get upset that some people get some cosmetic surgeries that make them feel better.
How realistic and totally feasible: have governments pay for everything that makes people "happier". Plastic surgeries? Sure. Expensive clothes? Sure. Video games? Sure. That fancy new sports car? You got it, senpai.

>Says who?
That's the whole fucking point.

>trannies deal with the same shit as everyone else

If only they also dealt with it like everyone else does, which is to grow up. But now they don't have to, thanks to tumblr and the internet, where every stupid delusion and opinion can be validated, no matter how retarded.

If you were a psychologist you'd base your conclusions on scientific studies and theories, and not your personal beliefs. I'm glad you don't let Sup Forums memes affect your work though.

The government effectively pays for my video games and everything else I buy. What I mean is that whatever it costs to transition some nerds can't be much in the grand scheme of things. And therefore I think they get more out of it than we (you) pay for it.