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Why is Hitler the only one blacked out when there are 3 other evil men to the left of him?
How do I unlock Hitler?
>jewish puppets
Is Tito a hidden character?
No, just align yourself to Stalin and hire commie ministers. You will have tito as a leader in less than a year.
I choose Kaiser Wilhelm II's Kaiserreich
Shit taste, as expected from v.
Soviet Union is unironically the most fun to play.
>il duce
Who is that shadowy figure leading the German Reich?
Heil der Kaizerreich! Death to the Nazi usurpers!
Because their countries don't have laws against showing their likeness in a positive or protagonistic light.
I'm more interested in why the fuck Hirohito is listed as head of Japan instead of Tojo. It's not like Italy has Emmanuel III as their leader.
Dolph "The Baker" Heinrich
Angela Merkels previous incarnation.
I pick the shadow man.
takumi "gas gas gas" fujiwara
I was thinking about playing another game of EU4.
should I play Ottomans or Persia? Which is more fun?
One of the greatest men who ever lived, so great that you can't even look at him, so they had to darken him out
When will the world be ready to accept that Hitler was just another one of many historical tyrants and not some cartoonish Harry Potter villain whose name can't be spoken?
Oy vey
Adolf Hitler, when you select leader he become shadowed automatically
Honestly he shouldn't be in the fucking game at all. This warmongering piece of shit herded his own citizens into concentration camps based on race. Roosevelt is a racist piece of shit that SHOULD NOT BE IN THIS GAME!
i just pick my shitty country
>hey here's a game about historical simulation and running a historically realistic empire/warmachine
>here's all the respective leaders
G*rmancuck guilt and censorship laws, there are large groups of Japanese, Russian and to a lesser extent Italians that celebrate those three leaders and their "regimes."
Hitlers portrait and the ones of the top nazis are only censored in the german version, because of german law.
Because Hitler was the greatest threat to the powers that be. They have to shit over everything related to him and censor it instead of presenting him in a neutral light so people don't adopt his ideologies.
In Japan, they love him, because schools teach about him in a neutral way
Shadow Hitler looks like a guy you wouldn't want to mess with
I'll take Kakyoin "Undeflectable" Noriaki
Hitler is only blacked in German version
History is written by the victor
how are the other leaders just as evil as hitler?
heh of course
Were the fuck is Mao?
top kek
Hiding in his cuckshed while Chiang Kai-shek deals with the Japs
Play Karaman. Beat back the Ottomans and form the Sultanate of Rum.
>Germans are taught in schools to apologize for something from before they were born
Stalin alone killed 10 times more than Hitler, but since he kept the genocide only inside the Soviet Union nobody gave a shit.
Is Mussolini the chaddest leader of modern age?
Also criticizing the "Holocaust" is illegal.
Because instead of proving them "wrong" with facts and knowledge; it is just """easier""" to throw them in jail.
>relevant in WW2
next DLC
>Germany has to censor their dictatorship leader
>while we have our dictator's statues in every major city and almost every school has his pictures hanged somewhere
The Bolshevik regime had a far greater body count than Hitler. In fact, they committed the worst atrocities during WW2, starving tens of millions of Russians in artificial famines and sending them to gulags
Then you have shit like them going to burn down villages dressed in SS uniforms and intentionally leaving survivors so they will report that the SS burned down their village
he was a beta on the world stage
are you actually retarded? (although mao was after ww2)
>there are large groups of Japanese, Russian and to a lesser extent Italians that celebrate those three leaders
Well, guess theres a large group of Japanese, Russian and to a lesser extent Italians that are idiots then.
because it would be illegal in germanistan, op is running the german or took the screenshot from the web
>Newfag spotted
He would be if his country wasn't totally incompetent at almost everything
German spotted
he was too pure for this world
stalin killed 100 bajillion people dontchaknow therefore the holocaust is fine
Don't get too politic guys, this is a grand strategy games thread.
What are you playing recently?
So glad I bought the field Marshall version with the free expansions and got 2 talent trees for irrelevant countries.
>(although mao was after ww2)
u fookin wot m8
Why'd they make him look even cooler?
>he was a beta on the world stage
He was an absolute chad until Ethiopia.
The problem is that they make WW2 all about the Holocaust, what about all the other people who died? Why do Jews get special privileges?
What are some games (besides Wolfenstein) with occultscience supernazis? I swear, that villain concept is so underused.
Never. He's been hyped up too much. Well, maybe in two or three hundred years.
You shut the fuck up; Israel has launched more wars of territorial expansion than any other nation in the middle east.
>Stalin killed more people than his rival did
>But Hitler also killed people so it's fine
Communists are retarded
Nazi Zombie Army.
>Hating genocide regimes now translates to hating history
Do us all a favor and never breed, alright?
He said "to the left of him", do you not know your right from left?
>Dark Excellent Adolf
>hurr you should be a proud nationalist and unconditionally love every facet of your countries history no matter what!!!
Gas yourself, you pathetic little drone.
You know I was actually in his house and the city the japanese burnt down. They rebuilt it and made a bunch of museums to mao. It's a pretty amazing looking area that is half village and half big city quite an odd combo.
Well the jews were targeted specifically for their race and others for superficial reasons but also you know (((why)))
Nazis are easily triggered
It's not like you will ever get a chance to breed anyways.
Is that Sauron leading the Germans? Hitler ascended to daemonhood?
You are right, that's our prophet Muhammad, brother.
Where did I ever said that? I'm condamning both Stalin AND Hitler, you idiot.
>hurr you should be a self-hating nihilistic marxist and unconditionally accept the degradation of your people and culture because they aren't perfect like any other human
Is that the prophet muhammed leading the Germans? Is that why he is blacked out?
Yes, good goy.
Don't forget to donate to communist organization while you are at it.
Because in Germany video games aren't classified as art and protected from Evil State actions like censorship.
Didn't happen in any German school I went to.
Trying out all the big Conversion mods.
I'll pick that Other Countries guy he looks like a cool guy.
>fencing without a mask
>and also wearing a fancy uniform
hope you know a good eyepatch manufacturer Benito
That's not what he said at all faggot keep this dumb shit on Sup Forums
Wow, communist really are retarded.
Come on, praise your glorious Stalin more.
People like you would get beaten up here.
How are they not? If we go by the common claim that "all life is equal" then Mao or Stalin was objectively worse than Hitler because they killed way more people.
>Bad have the world's most stylish uniforms
>Good guys are dressed in pathetic rags
Five or six (you)s in 6 minutes. Tell me more about how leftists are easily triggered. I unironically believe stalin was much better than hitler but I love saying it here because you cryptofascists get so triggered.
>forgetting to mention the evilest of them all at the right
You can't blame Italians for being Italian.
why do you think they targeted jews from the start?
the race of human rats were always special
but that's been accepted since The Producers
Yes, they were all genocide regimes. Unless you somehow know more than all the citizens and government officials who lived those regimes and can testify what I'm saying.
> my country is belgium
Because they didn't feel like making a separate portrait for other countries. You can't show Nazi icons or Hitler if it's not educational or tasteful art. Video games are considered neither in Germany. At least they didn't take out the Nazi swastika in outside Germany releases
Why is it that they try to make us feel guilty for something nobody who is alive had any involvement in?
>superficial reasons
Oh you
But the real problem is that the ones who should have been caught got the hell out of dodge while the getting was good
It's like a communist revolution. The rich that get caught aren't the actual rich, they're the well-off
I choose Ion Antonescu
Why were Jews targeted in the first place? Surely they must have had a pretty good reason to kill MILLIONS of them because of them simply being Jewish.
Why is it, that when you look at the annals of history, this occurred many times in the past, even back to the days of ancient Egypt?
Stalin is probably the least "communist" leader the Soviet Union ever had and subsequently the best it ever had
there is absolutely nothing wrong with purging kulaks or defending against an invasion whose stated purpose was to genocide half your population and use the other half as slave labor for potato plantations.