How did Troy Baker go from a cool, leading talent in the dubbing industry for both Japanese animation and video games to a man who calls anime faggot's shit and complains he's not paid enough for his job?
How did Troy Baker go from a cool...
don't do cocaine
I like that he's one of the main faggots who backstabbed the OG voice actors of Silent Hill 2 during the HD Collection clusterfuck and now he's crying and moaning about VA's being ''treated unfairly''
Making it means you don't have to pretend anymore.
Living in L.A. (Liberal Area) will do that to you.
holy shit, really? I hadn't heard anything about him recently but one reason I've always had next to no respect for him is because how he so shamelessly shilled for the company when the Silent Hill HD collection came out.
Literally just shitting on the previous cast saying they're whining and have no real case in trying to get royalties or whatever and adding the insult of giving an absolutely dogshit abysmal performance
Sounds pretty based Tbh
A true Chad cannot mix with anime.
I think the guy is overused and overrated, anyway. And sorry, Telltale, but Baker is NOT a good Batman. Seriously.
Is he the guy that claimed that Kanji from P4 is gay?
He got two 'big roles' in succession (Booker in Bioshock: Infinite and Joel in The Last of Us) so now he only does AAA games
He used you dumb weebs for a paycheck and moved on when he good get the big bucks.
You mean the guy who is trying act all high and mighty and pretend he's cool cause he's friends with Nolan North?
He totally fucked Kojima, right?
Troy fucked Stephanie Joosten doggystyle
Companies dont need Troy anymore. Matt Mercer has already shown hes a good Troy Baker replacement.
He is a good Rhys though
>a man who calls anime faggot's shit
Huh, he is ok on my book then.
As someone who has done video game voice work, I can tell you it's awful, mostly. I don't do it anymore. Quit about 2 years ago. Your job as a voice actor is to be completely left out in the dark. If you're not working with the likes of Sony or Microsoft, you're probably gonna end up doing lines for whatever game, for whatever context, speaking to whoever is standing opposite of you. And not literally. Most of the time you don't see this person ever. Your co-workers. You get your lines. Some context, and off you go to the booth. It's very unsatisfying. I once had the pleasure of working with a great group of people. There were 7 of us. First time I felt included in the work I was doing, and it was absolutely wonderful. It's why I became a voice actor. But that was just once. And the pay? I'm not asking for royalties, hollywood-like checks, but it can be a severely underpaid job.
>a man who calls anime faggot's shit
>Living in L.A. (Liberal Area) will do that to you.
>living in liberal area will make you hate anime and asian shit
You have no idea how the real world works, do you?
looks like a fucking chulo
>makes live action video game fanfiction
>when he's not VAing, runs a tabletop RPG thing
>has complimented and claimed inspiration from the people he's replaced(e.g. Paul Mercier as Leon in Resident Evil)
>openly excited about getting to dub anime roles(e.g. Jotaro Kujo)
>always doing nerd shit
Matthew Mercer won't ditch us for the normalfags playing CoD and movie games, right Sup Forums?
liberals hate anime and JRPGs because they sexualize women and little girls.
>a man who calls anime faggot's shit
This. Mercer is great.
Drugs and living in LA
>to a man who calls anime faggot's shit
And Mercer has range and ability
because he was in the wrong here
Kanji is fucking gay. His palace was a gay bathhouse for Christs sake
Specializing little girls is fucked up tho. If I ever knew someone as into Loli shit as much as people on this website I would beat the everliving shit out of him for being a sick minded fuck
And in Naoto's she was trying to get a sex change to be a boy. Does that me she actually wants to be a boy?
Only absolute morons think Kanji is gay, and don't see the larger social issues the game is trying to convey.
>tfw the cycle will continue and Mercer will eventually become an asshole and someone who is a discount Matt Mercer will replace him
go back to resetera
stupid phone poster.
Kanji is fucking gay dude. Just because he buries it doesn't mean he's not. Naoto has nothing to do with it. If your manifestation of a palace is a bathhouse full of glistening men, you're an irredeemable faggot end of story
Been here longer than you have, degenerate. Be lucky I don't know you because Loli shit is fucking disgusting and id snap you like a twig.
you came here during the 2016 election
She actually comments on the fact she wishes she were born a boy user.
Ray Chase is the new meme VA. He's starting to be in every fucking game and already he's getting on my nerves.
lol look at this internet tough guy
Stop projecting you little girl loving freak.
Sup Forums is a degenerate website, the only people who think it's not are the ones who came here during the 2016 election
Just stating facts. Lolis are one step away from those guys you see on the news abducting little girls, raping them, and then leaving them for dead. If you're okay with reprehensible shit like that you deserve a bullet in the dome
Why did Laura Bailey quit weeb stuff too?
So all shadows are exact manifestations, eh?
Chie is a dominating bitch
Yukiko is manipulative whore
Kanji is a gigantic flaming homo
Naoto is actually a boy
She would prefer to be a boy because no one respects her as a woman. As a boy she can go farther, it's the whole point of what she's saying. She doesn't actually want to be a boy, she wants to succeed for who she is and her abilities but she feels stifled, in the same way that Kanji wants to enjoy girly shit like sewing and collecting dolls, but feels that if he doesn't he won't seem like a man or he would seem gay.
When I realized that Mercer was Luke Skywalker in Battlefront 2 I about shit my pants.
I don't know how he can go from Leon, to McCree, to Luke Skywalker.
Dude is fucking talented.
Mercer seems like he legitimately loves all the nerdy shit he does.
Don't lump me in with your disgusting pedophilia fetish. Not everyone here is a disgusting human being who thinks about fucking little girls. Even the gore posters are better than you.
>Just stating facts.
where do these facts come from? your gaping, semen-covered asshole?
Chie is a domineering bitch. Look at yosuke
Yukiko is a slut
Kanji is definitely a faggot
Naoto still wants to be a boy.
Are you a fucking buffoon? You missed the whole point of his character development.
You got a link to where he complimented Paul? I'd love to check that out.
Anime is nazi now
Only fat cat ladies watch anime while still being L.A. tier liberal
I like how you think you're in a position to defend your disgusting attraction to little girls. Kys freak and do everyone a favor. If your parents knew theyd opt for a late abortion
Pls respond
So those """"facts"""" are just your own speculation then, thanks for clarifying that
My speculation? You're defending Loli shit. You're scum.
Union rules and also doesn't pay as well as stuff like Uncharted.
Honestly, the reason people tend to be more ambivalent about Troy Baker is that nobody can fault the guy that he's taking big AAA roles and doesn't do anime or smaller JRPG dubbing, the guy has a family to feed. But more that he acts like he wasn't some failed musician that got lucky he had a friend in the Texas-based Funimation dubbing scene that helped get roles for his good hero voice, and that he didn't make his name in weeby JRPGs like Tales of Vesperia and Persona 4.
Naughty Dog convinced him that acting is the most important part of video games and he believed it.
You said fapping to loli hentai makes people more likely to kidnap little girls
provide evidence for this claim or fuck off
>be amateur voice actor
>game i'm in comes out on steam early access
>play it
>disgusted by my own voice
>that feel when don't wanna get my dream role in my dream series because then I won't be able to enjoy that series anymore
Voice acting sucks.
Did he even like anime?
I wouldn't blame him if anime wasn't even his thing.
Strive for self improvement. Don't ever forget that sense of humility.
Because everyone spent years praising him as a great VA for being able to yell good even though his acting is pretty shit when he has to do anything else.
Most people hate the sound of their own voice when it is recorded, at least at first. It's because you're used to the way you sound when just talking more than the sound of your voice being recorded.
His range is amazing. Still he doesnt seem much into weeb shit, he only mentioned working on Persona 5 once while he post overwatch shit daily.
Sup Forums can't go 10 minutes without being unreasonably angry over something pity, can it?
Guy is a massive scumbag. How can you not see this from how douchey he is.
What game, user?
He probably has someone in his ear conning him into believing their bullshit and it's completely turnt up his perception of things around him.
Can I see a screencap of him being douchy?
I always strive for self-improvement. I'm aiming to get to Baker's level of renown myself.
My Time in Portia.
Matt is based. Hopefully he won't fall to trying to be a Hollywood replacement
I said they're one step away from it. Because it's true
Yeah he's a meme but he did an insane Mark Hamill impersonation in Arkham Origins. It was a seriously impressive performance.
>doesnt seem much into weeb shit
He cosplayed at conventions.
prove it then, if it's true.
Guy is into japanese stuff, vidya, a huge nerd, hosts a DnD stream, knows his shit.
I dont know if hes a nice dude but hes into his craft atleast.
This. He sold out.
Him and Laura Bailey are cronies of the highest order.
>that guy
>a chad
failing out of actual acting and becoming an overused video game VA isn't chad stuff. it means you failed in what you set out to do.
Well Rhys is the only Rhys there
>tfw laura bailey sold out too
>Voice sounds perfectly clear and understandable
>Listen to a recording of myself
>Voice sounds barely intelligible
>grew up in Texas
>friends had always told me I have a thick redneck accent, thought it was entertaining
>never had any idea what they were talking about
>hear a recording of my voice for the first time and suddenly understand all those comments over the years
You're a dumb nigger who can't differentiate reality from fiction, because if you could, you would lose the little semblance of self proclaimed importance that you feel you have.
That game looks surprisingly decent for early access crafting shit.
>Kanji is afraid of being called gay for defying traditional gender roles
>Tumblr focuses on the fact he likes feminine things and claims he's gay
Fucking hilarious, the people going on and on about gay representation in games are so obviously prejudiced and they don't even know it.
how when she is in final fantasy
video games make me wnat to kill peopls
How "underpaid" are we talking here when it comes to VA work? Do voice actors actually make very little money or are they just bitching about the idea of not making six figures?
>Doesn't defend his point
>Tells the person on the opposing side to kill themselves
Such faggotry
She still does some Weeb shit, just not as often
And this happens in the biggest entertaiment industry on this planet. Quite pathetic if they actually treat voiceover like this.
They even cram the fact that Kanji likes Naoto down the player's throat if they're in the same party in Persona Q and people still say Kanji's gay.