Is photomode cheating when discussing graphics?

Is photomode cheating when discussing graphics?

still looks like one of those 5$ generic german racing games from 2006 on PC so no

Well it's not a real time render so yes it's cheating

it still looks like a 2006 pc game m8 it's just that jaggies were fixed

shit the buildings in the distance looks worse than arma1 and that's like based on a 20 year old engine

If it's done to supposedly show off the shitty console's capabilities, then yes.

mind you, these were downscaled in Paint and converted to jpg.

how can a game look like real life and like it's from the mid 2000s at the same time

yes it is, it same thing like nvidia ancel mode, were you can have 10000p resolution.

this looks like fucking euro truck simulator

but yeah but only if pretending that photomode is actually what the game looks like

It's funny because you are right.

is that motorsport ? is the career mode ok ? i'm looking for game to play relaxed with a gamepad

No it's the first GRID, the sequels are an insult in every way, avoid at any cost.

Lighting. The biggest throw off in gaming graphics today is lighting. We can scan in environment assets with lasers, having truly unique and detailed textures. But if the lighting is using the old hacks to accomplish it, like shadow maps and no global illumination, then it looks immediately fake. If however you use this type of weather then it can be easily faked. No hard shadows, only ambient occlusion is very easy to do and look super realistic. Plus with this photo mode bullshit they can practically eliminate all aliasing which helps a lot too.

The day when we can get real time ray tracing in gaming is the day we'll finally break free of the shackles tying us down in graphics progression.

ok thanks

holy fuck, they really captured the feel of Tokyo well.

more comparisons (just for fun).



Upper is gameplay, lower is photomode for all of these, obviously.

Yeah Gran Turismo has always had super sampling for their photomode.
Game looks pretty damn great though.

And to answer the OP it isn't cheating in most games because they don't allocate rendering time for the screenshot.

Gran Turismo and Driveclub are the only 2 games i can think of that does this.

I wish you could just take photos without supersampling.

Post Monza.
I heard it's the best-looking circuit so far.


Racing games are always fuckin ugly anyway, especially the modern ones.

You can but you can't move the camera around.

Monza does look nice, all trees are 3d this time. Some pop-in though.

yeah, that's the main issue with renewed Monza.
maybe they're holding back the fix for the Spa update (where a lot of people is speculating that PD will add rain conditions for racing)

racing sims are gay anyway
and boring

this but unironically

Some conditions do look pretty damn good in pure gameplay.

Wow that's really rude
My brother is a racing game
And he's like super straight and fun and all that

The reworked Supra model looks so fucking rad.

No kidding? PD are delightfully autistic.

looks like a ps3 game

Meh, I think the IQ is good enough to warrant a "generational leap". PS3 Gran Turismos weren't this impressive, although the photo mode was nice in them.

>he's never used a wheel, shifter and pedal combo on a racing sim
plebest of plebs

ps2 games have better graphics than this

>Nostalgia googles as fuck: the post7
Idiot, the Supra had PS2 graphics in GT5 and 6..

wtf is this shadow?
everything besides the car looks straight out of ps2

Looks good. What game?

lol, yeah that shadow is horrible. it looks fine in motion.

You know whats funny.

If you grey scale an image it bypasses this. Probably why people can get away with those black and white horrible photoshops.
That and why Outlast looks fucking amazing when you turn on night vision.

I can't believe I'm still being blown away by graphics.

forza 7 has better graphics

That's insane. How many hours to model something like that? Or do they just sweep everything with a laser scanner and be done with it?

Is this why the Hedgehog Engine is so impressive?

Yes, because it's bullshots in viral marketing.

uh, no sweetie.
That's why I asked him for a Monza(which is in GTS since last friday) comparison and he did it.

>the sequels are an insult in every way
Glad I'm not the only one who feels this way. How did they fuck it up so bad? Literally all they had to do was make the same game with new cars and tracks.

Only if it is a console exclusive game.

>top: aliased image
>bottom: supersampled image with increased draw distance

>americans need videogames to simulate real-life driving
lel go buy a normal car that wasn't made for dumb potatos like yourself and enjoy using that combo every day.

Which is supposed to be the better one?

>top: gameplay
>bottom: photo mode
It's that simple.

And you're proving my point. Photo mode exists to show other people how game looks so pretty. despite the fact that's not how they look in the game. It's literally made for viral marketing.

Kys nigger you can easily see the aliasing in the top one

Meh I do the same. I think it's ok if we're focusing in anything that isn't performance (artstyle, aesthetics).

I play Witcher 3 maxed out at 1080p 60fps but I switch to 4K for screenshots (Unplayable, like 20fps) ha

Sculpt it and cloth physics.

What game looks comfy.

watch nogs 2

>that grass

Do you know what a real time render is?
Even in photo mode the graphics are being rendered in real time.
The word you are looking for is "in-game".

That's not the same, it's still achievable given a better PC.

pls buy me an f1 car for me to drive around on my private track

It depends. Does said photomode upgrade the graphics of a game for the screenshot?
If your answer is yes, then yes, it is obviously cheating since the game won't look this good in real time, ever.
Outside of that i personally don't really care.

>no game where you just walk around some hyper realistic buildings at night with some interesting story you can find notes about

I can't believe I want a walking simulator. Maybe I just want a good one.

I wish Mirror's Edge had a bigger world and some kind of Free roam mode.
Now THAT would be comfy

>far items glow only in photo mode
what the fuck, why


It will never exist because there's no such thing as a good walking sim

>Sims are boring

99% sims are boring because those not focus in your theme.

But for someone who is really invested into a theme a video game simulator about it can translate into hundreds of hours of fun.

Mirrors Edge Catalyst

Is a GTX 1080 enough for those graphics at 60fps? CPU is 8700k.

are these your screenshots?
ubi is a shit tier dev but in terms of graphics they have really steped up the game in some of their titles.

the new ghost recon was also impressive

You can't scan everything and put it in the game.

For game development you need to keep an eye in polycount, scans throw a really big quantity of polygons, and if you reduce them with an automated tool you get a fucked up low poly version of the object, the scan doesn't know where to reduce polycount and where to keep it, that's why you need modeling artists, still scans are a great tool to model over them.

IT sucks HARD

Is it actually possible for indie devs to keep up? They used to be able and some certain small groups seem to manage some pretty looking games.

Are the shortcuts out their now?

depends on what resolution


Calling for Unchartedfag and his bullshots

>dat interior

Oh how I long for a true revival of old school NFS.

anyone who owns a 'next gen console' should really feel embarrassed right now

plese dont give shit console devs like ubisoft any credit for simply adopting what was made standard in Crysis

They definitely scanned that interior, most AAA devs use photogrammetry nowadays

play horizon 4 its gonna use photogrammetry just like forza7

And the ground texture is still blurry as fuck lmao

the graphics difference in forza on pc and on xbox is so massive that im just leaving the thread

that looks terrible.

imagine the xbox version then

MS's jewry is why I don't play horizon 3.

Yeah thanks to consoles
>pic related photogrammetry on PC

not the textures and Horizon games look a thousand times better than mainline Forza anyway

there are no jewish tricks in horizon 3

Lands in a really ugly place before getting to photorealism. I know uncanny valley isn't the right term for non-human things, but that's what it looks like to me.

>that supra etxhing above the glove box

looks almost realer than real life

not even a game

No shit, if it was a game it would be downgraded for console parity

>rear view mirror doesn't reflect inside of the car/cockpit
>geometry clearly disappearing in the distance in "reflection"
one of my biggest autistic pet peeves in racing games. but I'm pretty autistic about reflections in general

>Console parity
If consoles didn't exist games wouldn't have that level still. Because then it'd be "Low powered GPU parity"

>discussing graphics
If you're taking still images of a game where you race at 200km/h talking about the quality of models that are on screen for fewer than one second, you don't care about the game, so why would it matter if photomode isn't real time?

>there are no jewish tricks in horizon 3

Given you have to use MS's shitastic store to buy it yeah, there are.

Wrong, PC games have a thing called graphics settings, which is what allowed Crysis to exist. The last game that was truly free of console greed.

who cares ill play horizon 4 for $10 and u cry about a store.