>"Essentially, it's made [our Xbox business] worthless overnight," Stuart Benson of Leicestershire store Extreme Gamez tells us. "You've got the whole section sat there, and why would people buy a £12 to £15 second-hand game when they can just pay a tenner and get a massive catalogue of titles to keep them going? Effectively overnight they've wiped massive value off our company and made it not worth doing."

>Barkman Computer's Nick Elliott notes that while Microsoft hasn't "killed off boxed game sales overnight", the Game Pass has "certainly put a dent in the business". He argues that when retailers sell games hardware, it is largely an investment into a future customer that will hopefully return to the store to buy games for that system and perhaps accessories. "Without that possibility, there is little benefit in allocating our resources to a dead-end-sale," he says, adding that he also doesn't plan to stock Xbox products in future."

>post-console future
The future can't come fast enough

Why buy games when you can rent them for the same price?

The future is now!

Who goes into retail stores to buy games anymore?

The trader took a risk and lost some profit, woe to the world

I do store pickup sometimes. does that count?

Poorfags that haven't heard of piracy yet.

If you ever thought you "owned" a game, you have been mistaken.

Idiots who don't know about Amazon and BB's 10% discounts.

Retarded rhetoric. If you can put the disk in and play the game offline, you own it, period. Terms of service do not apply when they're functionally impossible to enforce.

>Buy a game for 60$
>Rent over a 100 games for 10$
>same price?
Are you retarded?

>Stuart Benson of Leicestershire
>Barkman Computer's Nick Elliott

WAHHHHHHHHHHHHH why cant i make free money off of microsoft? WAHHHHH. Why do I have to put effort into my business plan now? WAHHHH. What do I do with these second hand xbox titles? WAHHHHH. Microsoft only cares about their profit and not mine? WAHHHHHHHHHHHWAHHH WAHHH WAHHH WAHHH

Kill yourselves Stuart and Nick.

>tfw we get the Netflix of gaming eventually

>prop up my obsolete business
Should we force people to buy movies on VHS too?

...there's actually a legit business called "Extreme Gamez"? What the hell. That would only barely fly in the 90's.

I already have subbed to Origin Access. Too bad EA doesn't have good games.

>adding that he also doesn't plan to stock Xbox products in future."
Based. Fuck Xbox

>tfw based Xbox is helping kill retail faster
Truly the good guys of console gaming

>they're functionally impossible to enforce.
It is so easy to stop you from playing a disc game. If they absolutely wanted to, there's at least 3 ways I can think of for them to shut it off on there end. Because it's all digital, some of those also tie into the same ways they could shut it off for the digital download.

Physical really only changes the way it's delivered to you, and not much else. You have a right to resell that disc, but that's the only thing you own. The disc and not the game.

>want to buy a game
>they didnt have the Xbox game I wanted to buy last time, they probably don't have the PS4 game I want now
>order it online

How to kill your business 101

>"waaaaaaaaaahhh!! we're making slightly less millions waaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh"

>retail dying
>xbox going to stop making hardware
>barely ever makes software anyway
Best timeline.

>It is so easy to stop you from playing a disc game. If they absolutely wanted to, there's at least 3 ways I can think of for them to shut it off on there end.
Sure retard.

Yeah, instead they're going to focus on wangblows and try to get everyone into Windows Store with no hope of coming out.

>People want retail to die
I want gen x to leave.

>sneakily push update that disables playing games offline
>block certain games from starting

Since all games launch broken, you'd want to keep your console connected, too.

>Xbox killing off kike game retailers, especially the extra heeb mom and pop shops

Literally every game worth playing on Xbox One, and a lot of 360 games are on Xbox Pass. Xbox is finally doing something based with consoles.

What is even the fucking point of getting a physical disk apart from richfag collectors editions?

We're way past the point where you need to actually have the disk in to play a game.

Microsoft kill Xbox and tried kill steam.

I literally save more money each year by using my amazon prime account and grabbing shit on sale that I want, instead of wasting gas to go pick up shit from a physical store.

>Why would people buy a £12 to £15 second-hand game
No one sells preowned games this cheap that are not intentionally garbage or that sold nothing, they could have at least been honest about their shitty practices if the wanted to garnish any pity.

The threat of them shutting down the services in a couple years. And data caps in 3rd world countries.

>No problem when game pass launched last year
>MS add their 3 exclusives of this year to the pass and retailers call it the doomsday when obviously they will still get money from COD, FIFA, GTA and the shit that really sell


I see you've already forgotten about Gamefly.
granted you an only have two games out at a time.

>Save money
>But wind up seeing reviews of the game that colors your opinion on it
Some of the best games I've played have been me hitting a store and being interested by a cover, you don't get that feeling of discovery with online.

This. Pre-owned AAA titles always go for $40+, even years after release. Retail stores are huge jews and deserve to die.

>State of Decay 2

I seriously hope no one touches this after what the devs did to customers of the first one.

3 if you pay extra

What did they do?

If they ddn't realize after PC games vanished from their stores years ago that their days are numbered and made the necessary adjustments to their business models then they get no sympathy from me because they are just fucking morons.

Start a petition fag.

>they can just pay a tenner and get a massive catalogue of titles to keep them going
This ass bag doesn't know what Microsoft Live service even is and the fuck head sells the shit.

I bought DB Fighters just to get the collectors edition then at launch they say that the preorder bonus is for online orders only not those made in store, can you honestly imagine hearing that. I honestly thought he was joking at first, this whole experience has made me never want to return there or any game store again.

most games are always online now. the disc means nothing in the case of something like destiny.

b-b-b-but capitalism is good. right guys?

idk where you got that impression

Independent videogame stores are cancer though. They rarely if ever get games on release date, when they do they only order 5 copies so they are sold out immediately and to top it off they sometimes slap a markup.

What really surprises me is that people were buying Xbone games in the first place

>wah posting
i feel like people aren't told to fuck off enough for this retarded shit

Now gamefly is something I don't want to die anytime soon, I've played so many hidden gems that I'd never even know about thanks to it. They also improved the delivery time a lot since I first got it back in like 2013. That shit used to take well over a week but now it's down to two or three days. They deserve to live.

>People want retail to die
Nah, just Gamestop.

isn't the latter a problem with games in this generation anyway? i haven't bought a single physical game that didn't need to download over half of itself online.

What you are talking about is far too specific;

>1. You require a firmware update update to play and the company making the console went bust as did their servers
Well first of all, they often keep such websites ready to download onto USB stick as an alternative to the system update, but even if the company went down, the idea that you wouldn’t be able to find a used console with such an update is highly unlikely

>2)in modern video games you broke the rules and your user account specifically got banned
Well yes, but this is likely your fault, and they can ban your account but not your ability to start a new one, if you went all digital... whoops...

>3)The company decide to render all physical games they choose completely useless upon connecting to their servers for some unknown anti-consumer reason
I don’t think so.

4) the servers for that game specifically are gone, and not a single patch that improved it is available
This is the most likely one i suppose, but i have not yet seen even the PS3 do this. They shut down the online portion of the game sure, but not the updates.

Internet conectivity to our games is the true shitshow, it’s given us so much, but left our future uncertain. I think many of us don’t seem to care though.

Who plays video games anymore? Faggots that's who.

Well i literally do not have to first download an entire game for a start.

Wut, who buys games online without looking at the provided cover picture and very specific game details? I do agree that scrolling through the reviews can mess with your head though.

>off xbox

its a good spot to molest children

Retail is dying whether people want it or not. Our mall is even close to closing. Granted I live in a shit state. But Sears/KMART and Tots R Us are closing stores all over.

If it was an American store then definitely.

They abandoned it while it was full of bugs and half finished, then re-released a "new" version, which was the exact same sans bugs, and charge full price for it and dropped all support for the first one.

Are we talking about shitholes like Gamestop etc? Because where I'm from buying used from franchise fucktards is way dumber than buying new ones off Amazon for the same or lower price. The few indie stores all specialize in true retro gaming with the oldest consoles being a SNES.

>No one sells preowned games this cheap

The actual fuck are you living bro? I can pick up say, bloodborne for £14 second hand and the recent DOOM for like £9. Do you guys just make this stuff up?

And it will continue to fail because the Windows Store is absolute fucking garbage.

fuck off retail store guy

Why are you just lying? I paid £17 for Dark souls III from a second hand store What reality do you guys live in??

Capitalism at its finest.
I'm honestly indifferent. As someone who plays games, I think it's fucking awesome. Though a part of me feels bad for retailers.
When things change, people may be negatively affected. It's a necessary evil and the good it does consumers outweighs the impact on retailers.

I even ultimately told my local vintage toy store to suck it since their retro games were ridiculously priced compared to eBay and Amazon vendors.
For some reason their retro consoles were always well priced though, I guess to hook you in and make real money off individual game sales.

Good joke mate, even disk games still have a gig of day 1 patches to download at the very least

Most people buying online have been tracking the game or have discussed it a ton before buying
Granted, I'm a middle aged bastard who has nostalgia glasses for being 14-15 or younger and browsing a store to find a great n64, ps2, gc, etc game and having to make a decision to buy blind, but that was fun.

retail games are overpriced as fuck, fucking jews

Retailers are a relic of the past and should be done away with anyways

Or Canadians. BB Canada never did the 10% off and Amazon subtly changed their 20% off new games+release day shipping for Prime to 10% off preorders only+no special shipping even if you're Prime. I have an EB card I got via points and I buy most games used if I can't or don't get it at launch. Usually goes for $50 within a month instead of $80(90 with tax)CAD.

>he also doesn't plan to stock Xbox products in future
anyone with a brain would have planned for that after the xbone reveal

>nice joke

Not all of them, and a Gig of patches literally does not change what i just said: i do NOT have to add the time of downloading a full game to any other install or patch requirements. Many of my games installed in the backround whilst i played (Yakuza Kiwami) whilst some do not even need patches, or have patches so small it’s over in minutes. Now, if you want to play, say Battlefiled 1 which is 80gb standard with a heavy online multiplayer focus sure, but again i will say: I DO NOT HAVE TO HAD THE DOWNLOAD OF A FULL GAME INTO MY TIME FACTOR WHEN BUYING PHYSICAL.

It's funny how we're supposed to feel bad for the people exploiting us when they fall on hard times. They should pull harder on their own bootstraps.

>He doesn't want to take his car out to retailers, play the demos of the games, then buy the games you want and everything else you want
This is why NEETs need to be purged.

>you own literally nothing
>you get to pay for a service in order to pay for another service in order to play games, as long as said services decide to mutually support them

great for the consumer
hooray for capitalism

>disc rot doesn't exist

i have used ps1 games that are unplayable and some of my own well-kept games are beginning to get pinholes

Only applies to new games. I own plenty of old games. Try to take them away.

This is a last desperate move isnt it.
There wont be an xbox two

I donmt know what the fuck you are doing then because my copy of RE2 that i have owned since 1998 is absolutley fine. Played to death (or not, it would seem) too.

I guess it gets harder every year to claw together a few good retro games since the classics are selling like hotcakes while you can't sell the shitty games nobody knows of. Like every once in a while I search through a local flea market and there are always the same guys selling the same shitty ancient shovelware.

>can play sea of thieves for 10 bucks for a month
More than enough time to make the most of the game, I'm ok with this.

Every xbox console made has sold for a loss.
It was close with the 360, but the whole RRoD debacle took care of any profit they might have made. In short, Microsoft can continue to sell their hardware at a loss simply to remain relevant in the industry.
Sony right now is entirely dependant on the PS4 in order to survive.

Xbox buisness was always worthless

>feeling bad for retailers
Yeah, I feel so bad for these fucks. So bad for people who exploit me to make a quick buck. It's funny how nobody cared when I went out of business. These rich fuckers didn't suddenly take an interest in me when I lost everything I worked for in life.

>>You own literally nothing
You mean like Rentals or Steam?

>the opinion of someone who can't string 5 words together without making a typo

go ahead, blame the phone you're posting from you imbecilic twat

Updates are stored on the console, not the disc.

all you young blood that never experienced Sega Channel make me sad. why even go on living?


Who even owns an xbone?

Fuck cinemas, fuck phisical games and fuck getting out of my house for stuff I don't need to.

>not getting your mum to drive you to the video game store so you can buy a new video game with your own two hands and then proceed to read the instruction manual on the car ride home before playing your new game upon arriving home
shiggy diggy anonny

I have music CDs made in the mid 80s that have literally zero disc rot.

about 34 million people


>console gamers

Yes it is.