Be 2004

>be 2004
>gaming critics, annalists, and websites are all stoked for the PSP
>this is the future handheld gaming!
>Nintendo's "primitive" and "ugly" DS will never be able to compete
>PSP will completely blow it out of the water, in sales
>Nintendo won't be able to recover, they're finished

That feel when gaming media was always fucking retarded.

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I mean, it did sell 83 million units. Poor compared to the DS but miles better than the travesty of the Vita.

It was ahead of its time.

What did the PSP that the Vita failed to emulate?

>Easiest to hack
>Play emulated Nintendo games + Sony Games
>Pirates dream platform
>The closest thing to an open source handheld we're going to get

If they weren't actual retards, I'd say they're correct.


It was a case of "fool me once". The 83 million disappointed PSP buyers didn't want to waste money on another Sony handheld.

By not having overpriced memory cards for one

value for money and actual games

i know this because i actually own a vita