>you will never live among the whales
>you will never have a good Subnautica Thread
You will never live among the whales
Other urls found in this thread:
>tfw too scared to go deep
>but have already done everything else
Where do I find gel sacks? I was in the jellyshroom caves for like an hour
The enemies deep underground are actually less scary and more annoying.
base r8s
r8 bases
I find a lot in the grand reef, blood kelp, and lost river.
>wanting to live among the whales
why not just join star citizen forums then?
how do you deal with leviathans? As soon as I see one I go straight up, I've never been below 300 meters
Go around them. Or make a stasis rifle so nothing is scary ever again
>Kill me now
>built base at the edge of grassy plains close to the Aurora's engine
>too scared to go anywhere else
Was this a mistake?
So is the released game actually finalized in some big way or did they do the typical early access shit where they hit a wall and called what they had at that point a finished product?
I'm going to the mountain to get magnetite so I can make that rifle, if I die its your fault
So where do I find a reliable source of copper now that the Sea Treaders don't spawn deposits that contain it?
This game reaches the pinnacle of fear. Like I think we've reached the maximum possible fear in a video game
and by engine I mean the back side
No guns, no co-op. Shit game. Might as well just go play Terraria.
The game has an ending, and a story through and through.
i shoot them with a grappling hook and punch them to death.
So did Minecraft, that doesn't really answer my question and I think you know that.
Jellyshroom caves, my man.
Well the story is complete and there's a way to win the game now
i saw that post as well, fellow redditor! upvote for you good sir!
>Look for mats for 20 hours
>Actually do stuff for 5 hours
>Can't go anywhere because reapers and/or swarms of bonesharks
Fucking seamoth and it's 300 depth can eat a dick, only found one place where magnetite spawns and rarely at that
Pacific Rim showed us the way. They cancelled the apocalypse, we're cancelling the cheques on all these sea beasties. We run this shit nao.
To actually answer your question, nope
They are scattered around the lower areas, just slash one for the seeds and plant more yourself
>calling someone out for reddit when you yourself recognize it as being from reddit
Do you not see the irony here?
gotta love this catch 22
I've been bottlenecked in my crafting by these things so many times. They're the only thing keeping me from putting bases with thermal plants and water filtration all over the place. Luckily there seems to be a bunch in the Lost River.
Is there a console command to move my pod? I want to put it near where I built my base.
Is the scanner room just bad, or am I building them at bad places? They never find shit for me. But I don't have the range update yet.
That's too bad I was really hoping they'd be one of the good ones.
Can't you just gently push it to desired location?
For any anons starting out:
>go through your fabricator. Gives you an idea of what you can make from the start, and what materials you should be looking out for.
>make 5 things right away – knife, scanner, flashlight, O2 tank, and repair tool. The last one can be used to fix your lifepod and the radio onboard will act as a long-term guide for progression and objectives. All 4 can easily be made within the first half-hour if you’re just starting out. 5 minutes if you know what you’re looking for.
>scan everything, especially in pieces of wreckage. It’s the key to tech progression.
>bladderfish can be converted into pure water at the fabricator. Much better than cooking them.
>mineral deposits randomly generated initially, but do not respawn over time. As you harvest an area of these, you need to push out further to get more.
>titanium ingots are a mid-to-late-game resource, and they cannot be converted back into titanium.
>check your fabricator occasionally for new blueprints that show up
>Solar panels do not need to be above the water to collect sunlight. If you place them deep, they operate at reduced efficiency, but still work.
>if a battery is required for a blueprint, use one with low charge. New item will always have 100% charge regardless of the battery used to create it.
>F6 toggles the goggles border of your HUD, as well as all your HUD elements
>you only start blacking out when your oxygen runs dry, rather than instantly dying. If you’re still moderately close to a source of oxygen, you still have a chance to make it.
>starting mineral power ranking is silver=copper>quartz=titanium>>>>>lead=gold>salt. If you’re coming up against your inventory limits, prioritize higher value things.
You know you can just plant anything that's in high demand, right?
Play bumper cars with your seamoth
There's about 4 years worth of dev blog posts you could read to answer your question.
The game is as finished as it was ever going to be. Every planned feature is in, every planned story beat was implemented.
lul nobody's tried planting them yet. It's gotten mentioned only a half dozen times recently in recent threads and nobody noticed.
I have to push the damn thing 900 meters? Goddamnit.
>you can plant gel sacks
you're blowing my mind user
I keep getting these messages, for what reason?
>Every planned feature is in, every planned story beat was implemented.
Sweet, good to hear
You have a base that doesn't have enough power.
>get to Lost River for the first time
>stomping around in my Prawn
>hey toxic gas aside this place isn't so bad--
>baby Ghost Leviathan starts charging at me
Your base doesn't have enough power production to feed itself through the night.
Yep. Baked the terrain, made it run well, balanced the resources, finished the story.
Game always had 3 major objectives
>cure your disease
>shut off the gun that shoots down ships
>get off planet
This update gets all that in. It's the true final version that they were building towards.
Put salt a bit higher up, making bleach for better water is much faster and better than hunting bladderfish and overfishing the shallows
To add to this, if you want to explore a large wreck but run out of air, you can manually equip a full tank of air from your inventory, useful if you haven't gotten your seamoth sub yet but want to scan some deeper items.
Why would it be Sup Forums when that meme is spammed by Eurofags obsessed with America?
I feel you, but it’s purely optional. I didn’t mess with salt until about 8 hours in when I was making Hydrochloric acid.
I can’t justify putting something optional over required stuff.
I was getting worried you weren't gonna help keep the thread bumped /vg/ friendo
Time to build a bioreactor then
isn't the protagonist british? His accent certainly sounds that way or at least european
Where are you fuckers getting all these cool blueprints for rooms?
>Not spamming solar panels all over
The protagonist is from space. His voice actor might be English.
> thermal plant
Just shove a fuck ton of floaters in a bioreactor. They're worth like 1000 energy each.
>his accent
I don't recall him ever speaking a word in the game
Hahahaha I died by drowning 23 hours in
Lantern tree is OP.
MPR is near the safe shallows, alternatively you can dive the jellyfish caves.
Scanner Room is in one of the big chunks of ship wreckage you can find.
I'm not telling you the rest because radio "quests" will lead you to them.
had a brainfart and thought the trailer fag was the protagonist for some reason, oops
Most of them are in wrecks
The Forest Island also has a ton of stuff to scan in the decaying base, including the observatory
He's mongolian I believe
>Some fucking fag is working on a multiplayer mod
>It's been blessed by the devs
>he hasn't realized the full potential of the marblemelon yet
>you'll actually be able to have a three man crew for the Cyclops
Why not just empty out all the shit in your pod and bring it with you to your base? Once you've got a decent base going you literally have no need for the pod
Tell you what sport, since you Sup Forums types love to talk about culture, here is a little board culture for you since you are new. When a new game gets released (final releases and remasters count) the mods generally give the game. 1.5 to 2 week grace period for threads, depending on how continuous they are. A couple threads a day, cool. If they are being remade on bump limit, then it's time to go to /vg/ sooner. After that grace period, then /vg/ is the appropriate place for continuous discussion, with the occasional Sup Forums thread acceptable. Think you got all that, lamb chop?
>we'll actually be able to create Sup Forumseabase
>implying solar panels will even work where I build my bases
Was anything besides ending added in the final release to warrant starting a new game? I completed the story in the latest EA build, except the ending.
Just punch limestone.
The pod would be an important part of the aesthetic of my base because my base is very tall and I wanted to make a walkway to my pod's ladder.
That's not reliable. The best way is the Prawn drill arm. You can get all the copper you'll ever need from just a few deposits.
It's retarded easily to get the Moth to go down to 900. Go to the QEP mountain and explore it for magnetite.
>look outside bedroom window
>get reminded that there's always a bigger fish
>build a nuclear reactor
>base now produces more energy than it spends even at night
fuck solar panels
Not him but I'm all the way to the lost river now and have never seen a copper deposit
This was a game I maybe would have been interested in but once I saw that long ass cuck paragraph about the developer not putting guns in it because 'muh sjw' I decided illl never buy it
it was around this point I just stopped enjoying the underwater atmosphere
>giant lava pools
>lava waterfalls
>doesn't even look like you're underwater anymore
was neat nontheless, but I just thought the giant pools and waterfalls were a little much
Real reason is that guns would ruin the fear in the game, half the fun is trying to go places the wildlife doesn't want you to go and succeeding. Even the stasis rifle or punch bot are plenty good enough to kill leviathans, guns really aren't needed. I'm sure the one dev just wanted some internet brownie points.
Hey friends and buddies, i just found the lost river, and i built a small make-shift base near the giant spoopy tree. What should I do next? I was thinking about moving my base down and taking my sub and Mech suit there, is that a good idea? I got to the lab place and my hands got all green and shit. Sorta lost as to what i should do
Am I the only person that gets anxiety from playing underwater games? I don't know if old games put this fear in me, but I just can't play them.
>Set up my first ever base in the mushroom forest in the NW of the map
>Build a bioreactor
>Not sure what kind of stuff to put in it so start by putting fish and acid shrooms in
>Have an idea
>Cut off some pieces from the tree mushrooms
>Stick it in the generator
>mfw it works
So what do you actually do in this game?
Your loss, bro. Sorry you’re so sensitive. I’m playing it with my funs right next to me. So I’ve got comfy underwater vidya and muh freedoms. One liberal’s autistic screeching on a forum doesn’t bother me.
>Those late game subnautica feels
Can you really overfish the shallows?
for any anons starting out:
>30 hours in
>still haven't fixed/built radio
is there any reason to do so?
>when cyclops thermal generator got added it was mostly an emergency thing
>would only recharge up to 20% (I think) and no more
>build it now
>it charges all the way up to 100% faster than a horde of leeches can drain it
Being that one always builds a base near a heat source anyway for thermal generators, I'll never have to recharge these cells again. Even if you don't it's a simply case of finding a black smoker and taking your PRAWN/Seamoth out for a drive and it'll be done when you get back.
If you've found the outdoor grow bed, creep vines grow incredibly quickly and make a limitless source of energy. If you've got the alien containment, you can breed reginalds to stuff in there.
I am pretty sure all resources are finite
>Stuck on gel sacks
>Scared of Leviathans
>Decided to go exploring with my 600m sub
>End up near lost river
>Explore it a bit
>Upgrade seamoth
>Pack everything up and go from the spawn to there to make a base
Still don't know what I'm doing though.