Where were you when Canada saved video games ?

Where were you when Canada saved video games ?

>it's another pixelshit indie platformer

made by SJWs too

>game is literally made by anita
>saved gaming
yeah no

what do

Solve the puzzle in world 1 first.

(You're right next to a checkpoint and backtracking to where you are is easy)

What is "world 1"? I never seen any worlds in the game.

I think he means Chapter 1

Forsaken City,

Chapter, whatever.

The puzzle is the one with a satellite dish. It's right next to a strawberry so it's pretty easy to find.

I found it but cant interact


God, that pixelart is frankly terrible. Like it tries to provide more detailed enviroments but ends up looking like a garbled mess. And why the fuck is the player character so fucking small?

The only thing it saved is my money.


I pirated the game but honestly it's really fun. Music is great too.


The dish and birds are telling you to do something.


>Friend bought this over the weekend and we played it together
>For shits and giggles we turned on all the "journalist mode" shit
>You can just jump all over hazards and not give a single fucking shit
>inb4 this is how it gets speedrun at the next AGDQ and if you say anything you're a racist sexist abelist trump supporting nazi alt righter

It was absolutely fucking ridiculous. Imagine super meat boy but you could jump off the sawblades, or they just pass through you. No wonder this fucking shit got 10/10.

typed that but nothing

>Literally made by Anita
I don't think you know what that word means user

couldn't even get past the prologue ahhahahaa.

What did everybody think about bit of dialog at the end about the clinic?

I honestly loved this game. I'm super into difficult platformers with the tight controls though so I'm pretty biased. The artstyle could've been a little bit less simplistic, but the game play and amount of content make up for it

What's up with this game?
I heard some shit about it being SJW garbage about abortion on something. Redpill me on that.

The mountain is a metaphor for abortion and the shadow self is one of your main enemies in the game. So, naturally Sup Forumstards are posting on every threat about it trying to persuade people not to buy a game because it supports abortion.

>The mountain is a metaphor for abortion