Is this the definitive JRPG?

Is this the definitive JRPG?

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8 babbies are so annoying

How are they annoying? DQ8 is widely regarded as being the quintessential JRPG.

V is better

That would be Crono Trigger, DQ8 is for babbies whose first console was in the 6th Gen.

DQ8 isn't even the best DQ game.

Most people dislike V for being an extremely generic and boring early title on the SNES.

I bet you're one of those faggots who likes 3 the most.


close but no. it's final fantasy V.

How is XI and what are the latest news? Nothing as far as I can see?

6 is faaaar better than 5. All 5 has going for it is "muh waifu" and "muh feels". 6 has a far better world, gameplay, journey, and characters.

quick reminder that your opinion is worth 0 if you've never completed DQ1 nes version

dq1 is shit tho

DQIII and DQVII are better.

Strange Journey is the definidefe jrpg.

>DQ1 nes version
>DQ1 nes
Looks like we have a try-hard poser here.

I meant the translation patch, not the godawful localization. DOST THOU UNDERSTAND?

VI is just a worse VII. VI contrarians need to stop inflating their game's reputation.

1 & 2 SNES is better.

There was someone you leaked some info on the previous Nintendo Direct (the mini one), that said there'd be a Direct in february and there might be info on a DQ game.

No, but DQ sure is the most generic jrpg series ever.

VII sucks something fierce dude. Who in the heck thought gating RPG progress behind collectibles was a good idea? That kind of thing is lame even in platformers, but in an RPG? No thank you!

>explore overworld in past
>do dungeon in past
>explore the exact same overworld in present
>do the exact same dungeon in present
>immediately, back-to-back no less
Yeah, the only reason the games like 80 hours long is because you're forced to play through it twice - within the same playthrough.

It's not even the definitive DQ son. VI, VII, IX got it beat.

>definitive jrpg
>nobody played it

Honestly I wouldn't even say that today, but maybe before. Most jrpgs today have more moe artstyles and go on these spheels about philosphy and killing god and other bullshit. DQ keeps things sinple and are more like classic fairy tales.

What are you even talking about? The tablets? Yeah they're annoying but not thay bad. Try the 3ds version, makes them much easier.
Most people have bad taste, this is commpn knowledge.

What's wrong with III?

>horrible encounter rate
>demon co-op system

Not even the best SMT although it's still great

>Yeah they're annoying but not thay bad.
Forcing you to redo the exact same content you've already done IS bad.

>Try the 3ds version, makes them much easier.
I've played both. DWVII sucks. DQVII still sucks.

you're the definitive op

Opinion discarded.

Saddest motherfuckers of the bunch.

Encounter rate is normal and demon co-op is cool as it make alignment actually matter in gameplay.
Well, notveveryone can have taste.

Chrono Trigger is absolutely garbage my dude. Even FF2 is a better JRPG.

Yes but only the 3ds version which removed the random encounters and instead you have visible enemies a la Persona/Grandia.

What is it with this irrational hatred towards random encounters?

While not having the best story, or the best characters, or the best combat, or the best exploration, VIII is still the quintessential Dragon Quest game in virtue of being the most complete and balanced package.
Contrarians can fuck off.

Can't you guys just enjoy these games without feeling superior about which one you like?

It's a completely unacceptable mechanic in this day and age where much more fitting alternative solutions exist. I don't want to fight the same fucking generic blob 12 times in a row in the single fucking hallway. It literally exists only to waster you time and to artificially prolong the game.

rocket slime is the definitive GAME

More games should do what Unlimited SaGa does for encounters.

>I don't want to fight the same fucking generic blob 12 times in a row in the single fucking hallway.
I take it you didn't play VII 3DS then.

III is better in every regard.

Dragon Quest is a good series.
But the classic fans really ruin the series imo.
They want the series to be low quality for some reason, it's never going to improve with those oldies

>Definitive JRPG series
>Definitive game of the series

Random encounters are meant to be an exercise in resources management, you dumb baby. You have to figure out the most efficent way to deal with them and still being able to take down the boss. You'd think that a fan of DQ, a series that still makes a point in keeping MP recovery items rare as hell, would have that figured out. Avoidable encounters defeat the point (as well as shit games like FF that while copying the formula, completely missed the point by letting you buy as many fucking aethers you want).

You even reply when you know that's not true?

>Random encounters are meant to be an exercise in resources management, you dumb baby.

Where the fuck did you get that? Its literally "mash X at the default option attack to win" genre. Name a single fucking jRPG that requires you to REALLY think about item management. Hell, few jRPGs even have limited inventories in a serious way.

You are playing a toddler game and romanticizing it to be some sort of 2deep4you intellectually challenging experience. And it's really not.

>That would be Crono Trigger
Crono Trigger.
The game that has only had one or two games to mimic its style of gameplay.

You stupid stupid beauty. You wonder of nonsense. You copulated thud.


I don't really get it either. Like with XI, there are some people who only accept the 3ds version because "it looks like the older games and the ps4 looks over-produced". While Dragon Quest games never really pushed the limit of graphical fidelity, a lot of the older games looked pretty damn high quality for the times they were released. So wanting to take a step back because "it looks like the older games" just makes no sense. Christ, there have been like a dozen handheld DQ releases. I'm ready for a fucking console DQ game that isn't a spin-off.

VIII is a fantastic game, I don't even know why people get so flustered when you sing its praises. Is it some console war shit I'm not aware of or something?

Fuck off, retard. DQ is literally a series built on nostalgia and staying true to its roots and yet it still evolves. It's literally not for you if you don't like the way it's progressing.

>I don't want to fight the same fucking generic blob 12 times in a row in the single fucking hallway.
You'll end up fighting said blob a million fucking times no matter what because RPGs have low ass unique enemy counts. And then they pad their numbers by recoloring said blob and making their stats a little higher. Great.

I really hope your anti-random battle arguement is based on more than enemy repetition.

When is the ps4 remaster ?

Fuck, the GBC ports are some of the prettiest games on the system.

Being able to avoid fights when you want to helps.

>reddit spacing
>"resources" are only items
>doesn't seem to have ever played a DQ game
Embarassing post.


>>reddit spacing
Right. Not going to bother with the rest of your shitpost.

You are making excuses and defending shitty game design. You are the definition of shitty target audience and a clear victim of a Stockholm syndrome. You are not worth engaging in a debate with because you provide zero insight or chance of contributing anything. Consider posting less often here.

Maybe characters if you care about that.

III has better exploration as it isn't completely linear, party customization is more fun then just building tension, and difficulty is better balanced as enemies actually can pose a threat.

VIII babies are retarded.

>what is padfoot
>what is phial of holy water
>what is encounter rate oblierators that have existed in the series for a long fucking as time

>reddit spacing
The worst meme ever made on this site.

Ahh yes.

DQ has a massive hatebase of people who don't like old-school JPRG traits and the fact that DQ continues to embrace them in the current day and age. Also people who hate Toriyama's artstyle.

You really can't argue about III's combat being better when half of the classes don't even have other moves than Attack and Defend, sorry. The sheer variety of abilities, the skill trees and tension add a depth to the combat than only IX and XI can compete with. The difficulty is also pretty much perfect. And there's more to exploration than the game being not linear. VIII's world is beautiful, expansive and a joy to explore, to find items, monsters, sidequests, and even story parts that can be done at any point (like the dragon graveyard)

Who is this and why did you think it's relevant?

>people who hate Toriyama's artstyle
It's a pretty shit art style to be fair.

Couldn't tell you. I'm not a fan of DQ games. Or more like I never took the time to play through them, and every time I tried I just stopped.
The only one I've played for more then a couple hours was pic related.

Some newfag who dresses as a little girl.

>Also people who hate Toriyama's artstyle.
I do hate it, but continue to play and enjoy DQ in spite of his style.

>VIII's world is beautiful, expansive and a joy to explore, to find items, monsters, sidequests, and even story parts that can be done at any point (like the dragon graveyard)
Yes. 8's world is amazingly good. Best in all of RPGs alongside SoA.

>y-you're not worth my time anyway!
I had no doubts. Are you butthurt because I called FF a bastardized abortion that doesn't understand its own design choices by any chance?

I played so much of that game as a teenager. I think I ended up doing two playthroughs, with a total of around 400 hours.

Avatarfags should be permabanned.

>rocket slime 3 never ever

Why does it look like a dragonbal?

Akira Toriyama.

No. But its still a damn good game

Is this the most iconic and adorable RPG mob ever?

Not him, but those methods only work with monsters below your level. This is where the stigma about DQ games being grind-heavy games comes from. In order to avoid battles, you have to be higher level than monsters in the area.
With being able to see monsters, you can avoid monsters even if you're the same or below level than them.

for the overall DQ series i have to agree its the definitive when it was release in 2004. with DQ11 now i have to say its the 2nd.
i rank it this way(main series only)

4-5-6 , 1-2-3

the trilogies in the bottom.

Yes, it was gorgeous and fun to play. Why they didn't cash in on the FF remake hype and give this a HD re-release baffles me. They shit it out on the 3DS with extra features we'll never see in HD.


>use those abilities
>only face enemies that are higher level than you ie. that pose a threat
What's the problem?

>tfw playing it on my hacked 3ds
Shit's fun and you don't even need to understand moonrunes to play it

>3 4 and 5 below 9

Uhmm, there's an emulator? Like, you can just play it there?

Excuse me, what mimicked DQ8?


The problem is the more you fight them the more your level increase. In some maze map/dungeon, you'll be overleveled by the time you meet the boss. Thus the "jrpg takes no skill, all you do is grind and grind" comes from.

>prinny as iconic as the DQ slime
you're off your rocker

how is Bravely Default compared to FFV?

Fucking loved FFV's job system and heard BD is similar.

>Not him, but those methods only work with monsters below your level.
That isn't true in the case of Padfoot.

>With being able to see monsters, you can avoid monsters even if you're the same or below level than them.
This isn't true either. I played Joker, Joker 2, IX, and VII Remake. Avoiding monsters in places other than the overworld (and even then when they ! at you, you're usually fucking toast) is incredibly rare. Its infuriating as all hell to see a monster, try to evade it, yet be forced into the encounter anyway.

And the devs deserve a special fuck you for deciding it should be possible to finish a battle and instantly be placed into another one because a monster spawned literally ontop of you or an inch away, before you've regained control. Yes. That is SO much better than random battles.

>the more you fight them the more your level increase.

Oh no, the horror. And its not grinding if its just natural progression through an area to get to the boss. Grinding is when you deliberately go out of your way to run around in circles for hours to increase your levels.

Cell Saga-era Dragon Quest art is top tier

>dragon ball art style ripoff
