Why is this so hard?

Why is this so hard?

I am 26 now, last time when I played sonic when I was 10-12. That time I completed everything smoothly. Now I am struggling to complete the third stage. Literally unplayable.

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>the game is the problem, not my atrophied skills

Isn't Mania easier than the classic trilogy?

You are bad at games. I have no idea what the average completion time is, but on my first playthrough took like 3 hours, with no real problems in any of the stages. Final boss was the hardest bit, as it should be.

The only hard part in the game was the oil octopus boss fight. Besides that it's easier then the older sonic games.

You get lots of lives.

The difficulty increase is both intentional and completely necessary if you intend to complete the game.

I've always had a theory that the vast majority of 2D Sonic haters are simply the bottom half of the skill pool in terms of reaction times. The reaction time you're given in the classics, assuming you have very little input lag, is pretty close to the average human reaction time. I know averages don't really work this way but if you simplify it, that basically means that half of the population can react in time and half of the population simply cannot.

Of course this only applies with the classics. Mania streamlined some elements of the game and gave you a wider screen (meaning greater reaction time), so it's likely that you just suck, OP. Your brain still knows how to play but your hands are shit from lack of practice.

>Finished Sonic 1,2,3,S&K as a kid
>Play Sonic Mania Now
>It's like I'm playing a Classic Sonic game again
>Breeze through stages like it's nothing.
>OP is struggling in Studiopolis Zone
>Where there's literally no pits
Acquire Proficiency


Haha! You're a casual.



I dont get that, game was pretty easy. The only problem I had was with the crushing blocks that was off compared to the classics.
I dont even get why the octopus boss is considered hard or annoying.

I'm surprised to hear that since it's known as the easiest Classic-styled Sonic game to people. I know I only died 3 times my initial run personally with like 40 lives by the end of it.

>40 lives
>not getting 99 by exploting Press Garden's pigbots

In my defense, I thought there was an achievement/trophy for that to be a recall to Launch Base's bird trick. I was disappointed since it was a missed opportunity

>Of course this only applies with the classics. Mania streamlined some elements of the game and gave you a wider screen (meaning greater reaction time), so it's likely that you just suck, OP.
Fucking this. People bitched for years using the shitty ass "screen ratio" and the game fixed this, "the game takes away my speed too much!", it gave you the drop dash, "game is too hard!" it's the easiest Classic game in the series, etc. Face it the shitters that suck at Sonic and the ones that hate him are the ones that are killing the series. Just stick to fucking Mario, Sonic was always meant for skilled players that can beat Mario games without effort.

I'm 32 and I had no issues (except that gravity ball part in the last stages). I sucked at the bonus stages though. But that's because they're a play off the Sonic CD bonus stages and I always sucked at those.

Not Sonic 3 and Knuckles, I replayed it after Mania and it's much easier. Sonic 1 is hard as fuck, though, and 2 is kind of hard because if you die at the final boss you go back to the beginning of the game.

>drop dash

I barely used that on the first playthrough, but now that is mandatory. Fun as fuck.

>gravity balls

That really drove off some players. I was so used to S3's bonus stages, which that one was the one I loved the most, so it was easy for me.

>Special Stages
I got every damn gold medal on Blue Spheres first. I fucked the special stages so much because I thought it was necessary to have Mach 3, but no, even mach 1 is enough for some and 2 is more than enough. When i started to ignore the blue balloons/spheres i started playing that better

S2 isnt hard. Metropolis is annoying and the final boss can be time consuming if you are being careful.
In the early acts is pretty easy to get 10k points which gives you a continue.

Tfw trash at the bonus stages so can't unlock anything after hours

>there is no pits
Please kill yourself

Never forget that the Sonic franchise was considered the entry level casual platformer franchise back in the classic era, moreso than any Nintendo platformer.

It's way easier than any of the classics, though.
How are you even dying in Studiopolis? There's hardly anything that can kill you aside from the Act 1 boss.

Jesus fuck I got this when it came out and I STILL haven't beaten the bosses at the end of Hydrocity.

>I was so used to S3's bonus stages, which that one was the one I loved the most, so it was easy for me
I was more used to the blue sphere S3 stages. I always avoided the gravity ball stages as a kid because they didn't reward an emerald, so I had zero practice when that shit came up in Mania.

>not abusing special stages so you had a shield at all times
Even 8 year old me knew to do that.

Basically if you die from field enemies as much as you die from bosses, you're retarded. I feel like there should almost be no reason to ever die in the field save for the occasional fluke, it's really only acceptable to die to bosses.



Sonic Mania is 10/10, HOWEVER
>Running full speed in one direction
>Jump pad pushes you the other way
>Moving your joystick to move the direction you are now moving will halt you
This gets annoying, especially the airship level where doing this will instantly kill you via pitfall.

I've never actually beat a Sonic or a Mario all the way through (except for Adventures 1&2 but those don't count), and honestly I consider full classic Mario games to be harder than Sonic games maybe with the exception of Sonic 1.

Oh and just for the record I never got a Sonic game after Adventure 2 except for Generations which I did complete.

It is easy to memorize the labyrinth path to get the bubbles. Remember that every space, even for how small it seems, is possible for Sonic to get through. That helps a lot in that boss. The 2nd half is just Sonic3 Act1 boss.

I played too much S3&K since a kid. The gravity/elec baloons bonus stage was great to get shields, lives and rings. The rings would rise as far as you would go up, so you could amount 200+ rings, the very top ones would amount 70 or 80 for sure if no live baloon appears

Getting crushed was the worse though due to pixel bullshit. Fucking CP act 1 and TM.

Oh yeah, and Super form against Metal Sonic. God damn, I thought it was impossible, but just doing a small roll is a fucking hard task to hit the Silver Sonics on Metal.

Maybe one reason for Mania being easier is that it avoids some of the trappings of old school game design. It's probably also the further refined controls. But then again, the classics aren't too difficult with some practice.

>Literally unplayable
My god you fucking suck.

Just hold down to enter spin mode and everything will be fine for the most part.

It's honestly surprising how many people never think to use the rolling attack. It's not just decoration after all. It's better for building momentum than running and it also protects you against those "hard to avoid running into" enemies.

Yeah, I prefer Sonic and I always found his games easier. SMW is fairly easy but SMB3 is easily harder than any classic Sonic game.

Sonic 1 is easy, it's real problem is that it gives you like no lives and very limited continues. I can remember beating a stage and only getting hit once early on and still only having something like 80 rings despite playing 70% of the stage flawlessly. Shit like that doesn't happen in the later Sonics. Also the level design in Sonic 1 kinda sucks and it's a pretty mediocre game.

Beyond that the stages aren't particularly hard, only like the final stage because of how spaced the air bubbles are, but even that's a short stage.

Because back then you would replay it until you get it done, while now you come complaining to social media at the first sign of challenge...like a bitch ass pussy.

Dumb players never try things. Rolling is so useful even to take advantage of slopes(S1 was mandatory to skip some shit like Spring Yard Zone). Spindash could be used in small slopes in S2 to reach top routes. Now with the drop dash things get even more insane if you know how to pull that out in the right places

A lot of people don't understand that 2D Sonic has always been about momentum based platforming.

A LOT of players just go "Sonic is known for his speed, this means I should be going fast at all times" and then they end up running headfirst into pits and enemies and then complaining that the game is unplayable.

It's amazing how many people try to justify the whole "fast" meme as a means for Sonic being a bad game.

git good

No it isn't. It's a harder game, but even then it isn't too hard. It's just that they nerfed the shit out of Sonic.

>Because back then you would replay it until you get it done

Fucking this someone buy this guy drink, but seriously most of the stupid reason assholes used are "damn I went too fast and crash into an enemy, game sucks how do people like this crap" trying to re-write history like the fuck heads over at IGN - GameScoop.

>I am 26 now

Because you grew up with shitty casual Playstation games. Don't feel bad, all kids your age suffer from that problem.


Sonic 3 and Knuckles is so easy even an infant could beat it. It's the Super Mario World of Sonic games. And I don't mean that as a compliment.

The game is short, so they make it hard to make it seem longer than it really is. That's how games were back then.

I only played a few levels of Mania, I thought the only had blue sphere and the shit CD level?

because you suck at games, im 28 and finish that game the same day i get it, you need to play more plataformer games

I can manage the labrynth but I swear I can't hold on to my rings before I get to the old act1 boss at the end, and if I do I fucking lose them to him. It's fucked, I should be able to do this.
I mean I was playing the fuck out of these as a kid. I'm not a fullblown Sonic fag though.

Is there porn of the Heavy Magician?

Yep a prime example thank user these are the types of dipshits I cant stand.

When I heard that there were actually people who didn't use the rolling attack it blew my mind as to how absolutely retarded so many people can be.

It's called the spin dash, user.

>First time playing through Flying Battery Act 2.
>Land the finishing blow on Eggman with 9:57 on the clock.

I did that on Studiopolis I believe. Knuckles had a hard time hitting the fat bastard.

>bawww I can't constantly move at top speed through stages
>lol who cares about collecting rings I can just get 1 ring and run forever
>baww I hate having lives why is there a lives system, I keep running out of time and dying

He contradicts himself multiple times and he has 0 understanding of the "speed checks" and basic Sonic level design. Collecting rings and not getting hurt rewards you with a life if you get 100 rings, going fast through scripted sequences and reaching higher paths generally rewards you with more rings and items and moves you further away from pits.

That dude really is the definition of a pretentious game critic.

>mfw the levels are the same for both Sonic and Knuckles
Did they take nothing from Sonic & Knuckles?

I'd also like to mention that the latest stage you see in said review is flying battery. There's no mention of special stages at all either, So I just like to imagine he played the game for about a half hour before declaring it was bad.

Because Knuckles actually jumps worse than Sonic and Tails.

Knuckles has one unique stage and one unique boss, but I really do wish he got his own final boss.

I know that. That's why it was harder.
Sonic 3 had him taking different paths after he'd sabotage Sonic. You don't even get to do that on this.

They kind of do that in Mania, but yeah it was definitely more fleshed out in S3&K.

Not him, but I only beat a few levels as Kuckles and the levels were the exact same as the verses mode. Does Knuckles only get one different level?

He gets a different boss at the end of the hidden cave zone, and his opening to the wild west stage is different. His green hill zone is also different and he can access some paths Sonic can't (I can vividly remember a breakable wall in chemical plant zone 2) but overall it's pretty much the same.

Granted he did have a lot of the same paths as Sonic in S3&Ks, he just gets even less in Mania.


>Granted he did have a lot of the same paths as Sonic in S3&Ks,
That isn't true though. Every time he trapped Sonic he had a different path or opening, and being able to break things let him go where Sonic couldn't even with Tails. Wall climbing also let him go where Tails couldn't reach.

>these are the people that think Sonic Forces is an amazing game

Explain why it isn't.

>and being able to break things let him go where Sonic couldn't even with Tails. Wall climbing also let him go where Tails couldn't reach.

You do the same shit in Mania. Also yes, he does the same stages with some different paths in them only available to him.

git gud fag kek

I assume you do the same thing, I was saying that they aren't that similar in Sonic 3 & Knuckles.

You're just terrible. This is easier than all the other 2D sonic games.

Probably. I can't get over the fact that he's trying to act like getting crushed under a moving box is some sort of crazy unseeable hazard when they've been a staple of platforming games for decades.

You need to change direction if you're on level ground, but if you run up a wall and are running upside down, you don't change direction, because technically you're still running the same direction.


Not baiting, I actually believe this. Because its fucking true.

He's pretty much right though, none of the 2D Genesis Sonic games are hard, and this one is also fairly forgiving and easy.

No, it's called Spin Attack (スピンアタック), also known as Rolling Attack (ローリングアタック).

Don't spread misinformation you liar.

The only hard part was oil ocean's boss as knuckles

You fucking idiot

fuck off Heavy Magician is pure.

These assholes are some of the reason why it's difficult to have a healthy discussion about Sonic when you have retards like these guy spreading bullshit that seems to work judging by the brainless cunts that thumbs up this video.


He isn't right. The old games are easy, this one is just slightly harder because of the shitty jumping physics and the lack of linearity in the level design seen in the older ones.

Spin attack is right. It can't be a rolling attack when in air though, beast.

It's name is Splats, you fucking pleb. Bet you don't even know the story behind that enemy either, faggot.

>shit level design
>shit physics (controls)
>dumbed down mechanics
>cut corners everywhere
Forces fucking sucks and you're literally retarded for thinking otherwise.

Knuckles' campaign takes place after Sonic's, not during.

They're rabbit badniks

>shitty jumping physics
>the lack of linearity in the level design seen in the older ones.