What is your actual favorite video game?

What is your actual favorite video game?

Not your Sup Forums approved favorite, your real favorite.

Other urls found in this thread:


Ultimate Doom

Crusader Kings 2

Burnout Revenge

Marvel vs Capcom 3

guardian heroes


In terms of how many times I come back to it, modded Minecraft. There are so many ways to build your pack and tweak it to your liking that I don't think I'll ever run out of stuff to do.

Persona 3 FES

Tekken 4 or 5.1

Skies of Arcadia

The Secret of Monkey Island

kirby's adventure

>Sup Forums approved favorite

How insecure would you have to be to have something like that? Anyway pic related.

Dark Souls I.


Any Souls game bar 2 really.

Megaman X

Fire Emblem sacred stones

I like Nights but I have no idea how to beat the bosses

Like the first one that is a dragon, people beat that shit so fast but I usually take a minute to wreck him

the one where I get to bash ProJared's fucking face in

favorite game itself is hard to pick but I can pick a series if that counts, Zelda, Pikmin, and my favorite indie game is lisa the painful

You can just knock his tail bits off one at a time by bopping him on the head but the fast method is to do a paraloop around the end of his tail.


games I've come back to the most are League of Legends and Warcraft 3, but those are just fun with friends. Best game in recent memory was probably Nier:Automata. Favorite series would probably be pokemon, as I've enjoyed most of the older games

Pro "my viewers are mostly men and that sucks" Jared

lol did he say that?

Guild Wars. The first one, especially Prophecy.

I actually couldn't think of any one game that I could pick as favorite until I played it again with a friend recently.

It's a great fucking game.


Team Fortress 2

Bloodborne I've done 26 playthroughs
After that would be SOTC

Either RuneScape or A Hat in Time

I dunno, what does "favorite" mean?
The most emotionally powerful experience I've ever had with a video game was with Persona 4.
Super Metroid is the game that I'll probably end up replaying the most times over the course of my life.
Melee is the game I've put the most hours into, and unlike every other game I've ever played, it's introduced me to new people and taken me to new places due to traveling to tournaments.
They could all claim to be my "favorite" depending on how we're measuring.

Street Fighter Alpha 3


Has to be Guild Wars 1 probably. To see what has become of that franchise actually made me emotionally distraught to the degree that I actually can't play it for long these days.

Megaman Legends

majora's mask


Not my favorite fightan but easily my favorite SF game.


I dont get how a serious video game player can have jsut 1 single favorite games. Some games are better than others for different reasons and often, the best games are also flawed but they do a specific thing really well.

In any case, my contenders for absolute favorites are:
The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
Romancing SaGa: Minstrel Song
Dark Souls 2
Hotel Dusk: Room 214
Monster Hunter World

Metroid Prime 2

>Dark Souls in general
>Dark Souls 2 specifically
da loreeee

I adore it, man. The roster's perfect, I'm personally very fond of the soundtrack, the presentation kicks ass, the extra modes in the console versions are some of the best I've seen in a fighting game and that fucking announcer never fails to get me hype.

My #1 since release and replay to this day.

Dragon Age: Origins


pic related

I'm not going to argue over DS2. It just does a thing about the series I really love very well imo
It's a niche thing and is unpopular but thats just how it is

tony hawk's underground, bitch

I have played many games but it's difficult to choose one as a favorite. But if i had to, i think it would be Dragon Age: Origins. That game is one of the few genuinely good RPGs.

Sequel never ever
>The wind is pushing me

great taste anons

mine is pic related

Dragons Dogma is trash
So disappointing

Single Player: Castlevania SOTN
Multiplayer: Quake
Massive: Ultima Online

To me you can't compare games that are totally different types of games so I select 3 categories of types of games that give different experiences by nature

if I had to pick one, Quake

I'd settle for a remaster instead. It had little to no story content and most quest were just glorified rewards for killing monsters.

Not even that guy but DD ranks very high on my favorite list. Popping that shit in on release, knowing next to nothing about how the game's going to be like, I was utterly blown the fuck away.

SMT 4 Apocalypse or Devil Survivor can't decide

Can't decide between Dark Souls and DMC3

Best boy, best game.

This game has one of the best OSTs i've ever seen. It's like DOOM 2016's OST. It makes the battles so much better.

Metal Gear Solid 3

I dunno man, the game is just too flawed but I see the qualities it ahs. The rigid world structure with its levels totally ruins imo and the qte's you need to sometimes are so fucking shitty.
The qte bullshit especially ruined BBI for me; the minotaurs are so fucking gay with their insta kill one that takes fucking 30 seconds to do
A 30 fucking second waggle stick qte that instant kills you
I mean, come the fuck on....

Yoshi's Island

oh god, how will i continue on with the hot brand of user's opinion seared into my flesh?
I wouldn't call it disappointing, just very obviously unfinished and rushed to market, and yet it still delivered better gameplay than almost every AAA action-adventure/ARPG since then

>hear people hype up dragons dogma for literal years
>buy it
>play it
>they completely lose me with the "chase this thief around and catch them" quest in the first 5 minutes of the game

Nothing about the way the gameplay was wrought was fun. Didn't even bother to get past fighting a few dogs. Just didn't feel interesting.

Japanese games as of late, by and large, are just a lot worse than western games. It's an unfortunate fact

How do you even pick a favorite game?
If based on time played dark souls, if based on my nostalgia memories ace combat zero, if based on characters drakengard 3, if based on customisation warship gunner 2, if you have just 1 game you probably haven't played games at all


Final Fantasy 9
Jak 2
The Witcher

fite me


yeah man its fucking great. Devils never cry is KINO

>mgs1 and 2

it's the only 2 games I keep returning to time and time again


Not knocking your tastes, I do personally love 3 as well for entirely different reasons, but it is definitely super fucking overrated here as an action game. I generally get shit on by the fanbase now when I actually try talking about the 1st game because it has it's own rigid rules in regards to combat, that newfags confuse as clunky and dated instead in comparison. Anons act like it's something better left in the past sometimes. All the bullshit has made me hold the slightest grudge towards that game.


Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker, or Metroid Prime 2. It's a close tie.

>why does this sound like old west music?
>only years later, discover ennio morricone

Nobuo is pretty much a god. I'm glad I experienced his music in my adolescence. It's seared in my brain

The game is flawed AF but its gameplay is undeniably strong. I think people praise it so much because it really came out of left field so it had no or next to no expectations to fullfill, which in turns makes people recommend it, progressively raising expectations for future players it may not deliver because at the end of the day it's still a rough as hell game, but that's Capcom for you.

Post the pic

Favorite is probably Final Fantasy IV. I really loved Persona 5 though as well, could be my favorite.

Going by playtime though it's probably either Binding of Isaac Rebirth, Smash 4 or Star Wars battlefront 2.

The only game I have ever loved. Nothing will ever scratch that itch again, although WoTC comes close.


Theoretically a sequel would deliver more gameplay content than anything. They set up a vague reference to an expanded world, so they could work with that.
It's weird because as cool as the overarching plot ended up being, I'd hate for them to reuse it and fall into the FF/DQ cycle.
I'd want a new story for the sequel, but it doesn't have to be Shakespeare or anything. Anything as long as improving and adding to the gameplay remains the focus.
I've just about had it with RPGs and shit tier gameplay. They can barely form a coherent story with compelling characters, and despite that they're excused for having shit tier gameplay.
I won't name names but Christ, either write a book or design a game, and regardless of which one you do you better fucking do it at least half-decently. I'm sick of wasting 40 hours on narrative driven RPGs that go nowhere with their plots and have arbitrary "role-playing" choices. I'd rather play Missile Command instead.

You're right but your taste is bait tier.

its all cool man. this franchise could you more level headed threads with actual discussion.
3 was my first DMC and i immediately fell in love with the game. so for me DMC was always about the action.
But i can appreciate 1 for what it is and understand that people that started with it expect different things from the franchise.

Singleplayer: Ocarina of Time
Multiplayer: Guild Wars

Better than the original IMO.

Kirby Air Ride

Mgs4/shadow of the Colossus

What game has impacted you and your taste in vidya the most? What do you find yourself wanting to talk about most from time to time? Do you find yourself going back to replay it? I personally find it easy to pick a singular one, though naturally I can have a laundry list of other faves.

Warcraft 3: TFT.


Is ProJared the anti-numale reviewer?
>reviews whatever he feels like, has a wide range of selections
>is clean cut and presentable, always carries a tone of authority and sincerity
>reviews games entirely based on gameplay, with his mystic quest basically being “the music kicks ass but everything else is boring”
>very few uninformed or incorrectly evaluated opinions
>hardcore gamer who actually plays niche games
>decent DnD dm and player

Max Payne

My nigga

I really love Xenoblade, but after beating 2, it’s tough to say which one I really liked better.
Can I just count the whole series as one game?


Sly Cooper 2, If I just want to have a fun, relaxing time that's my go to game.

Super Mario World
Super Mario Sunshine
Grand Theft Auto IV
Grand Theft Auto V
Red Dead Redemption
Fallout 3

all tied

He's a pretty chill dude, and I like his videos.
Still waiting on that FFIV playthrough/review.