Thoughts? Is it worth getting a Switch for?

Thoughts? Is it worth getting a Switch for?

I mean both that and mario Odyssey have been worth buying a switch for.

What about Xenoblade 2? I might be picking up a Switch on friday


no it is not worth getting a switch on as you can play the superior version elsewhere

You can play a much better version for free.
If you don't have a PC, you can play a somewhat inferior version for free on WiiU.
If you don't have PC or WiiU, sure, it's a great game.

I don't hate the switch but this is just a fact at this point really.

Switch is my first Nintendo console since NES's taiwanese knockoff. The console itself is worth it, but Zelda is far from 10/10. World and mechanics are great, but gameplay gets very repetitive, 95% of side quests are MMO grade filler and shrines and dungeons are pretty shit in general. Switch is my to-go Stardew Valley machine and I'm looking forward to Terraria on it.

side quests aren't worth completing to be honest



>it has to be cycle accurate so I can get the authentic 20fps experience

>Telling people to emulate instead of getting the console
>Even though midrange GPU's now cost over $1k

>video gamer
>doesn't own a computer
Also Cemu needs a good CPU not a good GPU

Switch is not worth getting just for this game. The game is very repetitive once you realize the reward for exploring is the same thing, over and over.

Your post shows how much of videogames you understand.

not sure what score out of ten i would give to botw, but it's definitely above average to be desu

This so fucking much it's ridiculous. No matter where you are you are always doing the same things.

>oh man, look at this Rito village, can't wait to see how much cool content th- oh wait it's all done.

>Shilling PC as the best way to play the game, even though that requires a top tier gayman pc
>When called out, hides behind the excuse that 'everyone has a pc'
Nice goalposts you got there. They seem a little loose though?
>Good CPU
A pity those don't exist either now!

I think that's because the rest of the hebras are so jam packed full of things. Somehow they forgot that most people aren't going to go thoroughly explore the barren looking mountains

Not at all, it is absolutely worth emulating though

no mostly for the stability, price and portability

yeah it's worth it

>getting a switch for a Wii U port
Just get a 2nd hand Wii U and hack it.
It'll save you a ton of money and give you access to over half of Ninties library.

Goron town is also pretty bare on content, but at least main quest before the beast there is not 2 minutes long.

Just play it on cemu. Switch has no games and botw isn't worth replaying anyway

How about that final """""boss""""" guys?


>silver bokoblin hits harder than Ganon's super laser cannon and giant flaming sword

And Death Mountain is weirdly empty. I spent way too much time flying around it looking for things to do, but it's just lava flows and ore

No, but it's a good game to play if you already made the mistake of buying the Switch. Not worth the price of admission though.

If you're the kind of person who thinks a single game is enough to make you buy a console, yeah, BotW is about as good at that as you get. Personally, I bought mine because I think the hybrid concept is cool as fuck, and it's gotten me to sink a lot of hours into zelda, golf story and arms

Never buy a console for just one game.
Instead of buying it now, wait until more games release that interest you.

I bought a switch for this game, and I can say with certainty that it is not worth it. BOTW might be the most overrated game of all time now, dethroning Ocarina of Time.

I'm actually interested in the lineup of the Switch. There's a possibility of handheld monster hunters being ported as well as old zeldas.

You can emulate mario Odyssey and xenoblade 2?

Not that user, but OP was asking about BOTW.
If the question was about Mario, yeah, it's worth it.
If the question was about Xenoblade 2, no, because it's a terrible game pandering to autistic virgins and drones.

XC2 is a fantastic game, sorry you haven't played it.

It's a very good game, but I think Donkey Kong is the best game ever.

You can emulate it with a mid range i3, but nope it's a nintendo fanboy we have here so that can't happen.

I tried. My friend was mad because I hate it since the first trailer, so he lent me the game.
Turns out that I was right, it's a pretty bad game. For me it's horrible because I fucking love the first one and like X a lot.

For me, it's Bayonetta™ the best Platinum Games® game

Buy a switch if you want to play BOTW on the shitter

PCfags shitting up this thread. Attempting to emulate BoTW is a horrible experience. Emulating only really works with handheld console games.

I wasn't arguing against buying a switch but against the notion that botw is what makes it worth it

You know what? Viewtiful Joe™, the first of its unfinished tetraology, is the best Platinum Games® game.

It's a sandbox open world game. If you like fairly gentle exploration it's great. I got about 100 hours out of it, so my switch got off to a good start.

>but gameplay gets very repetitive

The previous Zeldas are far worse in this regard. I've seriously lost count of how many times I've gone back to a different 3D title since last March and thought "Where's the climbing? Why can't I hunt animals? Why can't I cook? Why can't I tame horses or run into travelling NPCs or sneak into enemy camps? Where's all the environmental interaction, why isn't weather affecting gameplay? Why don't all these hidden grottos have any puzzles? Why am I so constricted in regards to where I can go?"

People focus far too much on BotW's flaws to notice all the things it drastically improved on.

>hurr where's all the shit exclusive to one game
was it impossible to replay OOT or WW because you played SS and wanted motion controls, material scavenging, dousing, and stamina back? fucking moron

I mean, he successfully got you to undermine your own point, so it seems mostly like you fucked yourself over

>Emulate it with a mid range i3
Bullshit. I can barely emulate at a playable frame rate on a quad core i7 after it got patched, no way will it be playable on any i3, let alone in a way that's 'superior' to the Switch.

It's not that good and you can play it for free on Wii U or PC. If you're getting a Switch, get it for Mario, Xenoblade, or the upcoming Kirby game.

Not really

But user, motion controls were added to the 3ds version of OOT and Wii U version of WW.
And they're both vastly superior as a result.

>liking greek controls

>where's all the lame (((open world))) features? why isn't this more nu-male friendly? why didn't aonuma make the entire game revolve around puzzles?
the only good thing you listed was environmental interaction

It's the future user. Adapt now while you still can.

>liking controls that give you a greater range of movement for finer manipulation
yeah man who wants that

get a used one, many ppl bought it for zelda and mario and now they realise there is nothing else to do with it and sell it with both games
you can even resell it after u finished both


Yeah I figure worse case scenario I can sell it to CeX.

Buying a switch with BoTW, the resale value technically means I'm only paying for a full price AAA game.

Are you using an AMD GPU?
Under NVIDIA GPUs, it runs easily on most processors.
On AMD GPUs, you're going to have a shit time regardless of your processor. CEMU uses OpenGL, which AMD cards hate.

i sold mine for the same price i bought, i just payed for the gas to drive there and pick it up

Nope, GTX960. I'd upgrade it, but not at current prices. The frame rate is fine mostly desu, it just simply takes a massive dump anytime the game needs to load anything new, whether it be a animation or asset. CEMU is a great bit of software, but as-is it's simply no replacement for a Switch unless you have top of the line specs.

I've put more hours into Breath of the Wild on the Switch than my top 5 played games on the WiiU.

>where's all the lame (((open world))) features?

All Zelda games have open world features, pretending otherwise is straight up delusional. They were just done poorly.

>why isn't this more nu-male friendly?

Not an argument.

>why didn't aonuma make the entire game revolve around puzzles?

Those games I mentioned DID revolve around puzzles. They were just really shitty block-pushing and switch-shooting puzzles.

If you're talking about the grottos, they barely had any content at all so shrines were definitely an upgrade on those.


All hype aside, no. No it isn't. It's solid 7/10


Overhyped shit. Glad I tried it on PC before getting Switch.

It's the best Zelda game ever made so yes.

Xenoblade 2 is good, better than X but weaker than 1.
Most of its issues being patched so I say get it in a month or two.
Regretfully I bought it and sped through it so I wouldn't get spoiled and it was a buggy mess with unskippable menu dialogue that prevented you from navigating the menu until that dialogue finished.
I should have waited.

I only got 150 hours out of this boring hunk of shit

Download a complete shader cache off of the internet

Same. I still can't believe I ONLY got 200 hours out of this game. What a fucking joke. A sequel to Skyward Sword would have been way better.

CEMU isn't making use of the extra threads on your i7 and the cores between all iX processors are pretty identical so you'll get a similar result across the line, clock speed is king on this emulator

Lots of people played No Man's Sky for longer than that, and hated it. It's possible.

If you hated Nu Male's Sky and clocked over 100 hours into it, you are by definition an idiot.

I feel pretty bad about this but I still haven't beat it.

Just got the master sword and have two divine beasts left to kill with only the desert region left to uncover. Just feels like a chore now. wtf is wrong with me.

It's a game that promises much, while delivering nothing. Most people that played it put a long time into it to get to the ending, and still hated it.

Sorry your argument sucks ass, bro.

You have taste. I quit out when I realied i'd have to work my way through about 50 shrines just to get the master sword. Just NOT worth it to keep mucking about a basically empty map

>You can play a better version for free!
>Just spend $1500 on a computer and massively increase your electricity bill
>for free

If you can't figure out you don't like something unless you devote 100+ hours to it, you are fucking retarded.

Literally a worse Skyrim.

And Skyrim was terribly overrated.

UNLESS the game is designed to work you that way. Fucking hell, you are completely stupid.

I played WoW for like a week straight before realising I didn't like it. Some games are designed to hold your time.

THIS. Fucking hell, so much THIS

Desert region is the best part of the game honestly. Probably because it's an absolute nightmare to map the area until after you beat the camel, which actually makes exploring fun.

A good ending doesn't redeem a bad game.
Story is not indicative of the complete package.
YOUR argument sucks, bro.

You have to eat half a turd to figure out it's shit and I am the stupid one?

I don't want to admit it but you are right. The new mechanics are neat but don't really set it apart from other open world games.

post your favorite screens


>he doesn't get at least half way through a game before dropping it

You sound like you lack patience.

>talking about NMS
>bringing up the story

Oh, I see. You're deficient.

no, don't do it.

Nobody is buying a computer to avoid buying a switch, retard. You use the computer that you already play video games on.

To be fair, he is "Hatred and Malice Incarnate", not 'Deadliness and Precision Incarnate'.

Depends on you having a WiiU.
Do you have one?
No? Go for it.
Yes? No, wait and consider if you have at least 5 games you want on Switch that you can't have on WiiU.

Nice closure.
The battle was against the Calamity. Beast ganon is just an addition but by that point the game already aknowledges that you won.
Not saying I'm totally ok with it, but I can see why they did that choice. In any case it was an awesome game and the best Zelda game.
Not the best final battle, sure, that goes to Wind Waker and Skyward Sword, but best overall game it's BotW.

Calamity Ganon was the final boss, this is just a nice "whoa" moment to set the mood for the conclusion to the fight and to demonstrate exactly how ridiculously strong Zelda's powers actually are.