How does Demon's Souls compare to Dark Souls? Is it better or worse?
How does Demon's Souls compare to Dark Souls? Is it better or worse?
I like it much more than DaS since it's the original.
It is the best game in the series, because it is the first game. All sequels are bad no matter how much they improve on the original.
>All sequels are bad no matter how much they improve on the original.
On a serious note, it's mechanically inferior and has some frustrating aspects like a limited carrying inventory.
But the secrets and atmosphere in the game I would put above Dark Souls. The only problem is that a lot of the secrets are tied to World Tendency which is a pain to manipulate.
Overall I would say Dark Souls is better, but I still really enjoyed Demon's Souls.
Demon's Souls has the best world structure and a very good, if convoluted, upgrade system. It plays like a beta version of Dark Souls 3 of all things, in that it is fast and you feel rather light.
Its very balanced around fat rolling, which I really like.
It IS pretty janky though. Also, the tendency system is a little awkward.
All in all though, it is my 2nd favorite in the series after Dark Souls 2.
DS2 > Demon's > DS1 > Bloodborne > DS3
Dark Souls is much better for replaying because the gameplay feels better and the level design is more interesting.
But Demon's Souls is a better art-work in terms of story, setting, music, etc.
Definitely still worth playing
Its the best one. There's a reason its the only one that never shows up in the shitbox threads
It's about the same as Dark Souls.
def better