Its comfy

>its comfy

Other urls found in this thread:

Is there a disease going around that makes people unable to feel the natural sensation of comfort?
What's with these threads?

>americans are whi-

What the fuck was his problem?
>find lizard
>obviously from upside down
>don’t tell your friends and let it keep growing

What are some games where I'm whiter than you Ahmed?

Yes Ahmad, when a game’s atmosphere and setting is actually well made it can be considered comfy

La creatura...

it's called despair
people handle it poorly in some cases

He didn't write the script

>Americans actually wear burger shirts

do they even know that the people they are trying to mimic hate them?

He's Italian so not white.

>it’s fun

Floridians are not Americans. Florida is basically a dedicated refugee camp for Cuba and the Dominican Republic.

el negro mama...

>Not Puerto Rican
I live in Florida and Dominicans are like unicorns among hispanics. It's all Puerto Ricans and Cubans down here.


He took that photo, looked at it, and though "Yep, that's something I'm proud of".

The arrogance of Americans truely knows no bounds.

Sorry that your gritty realistic garbage doesnt know how to make you feel comfortable fucko

Maybe next time you can ironic post an overrated show

La creatura....


>reporting criminals is socially frowned upon

Isn't it weird southern Europeans and slavs aren't white until it's time to make fun of America and then Europe suddenly becomes le 100% white faec?

Dear Lord, what the fuck is wrong with that kid?

la boca malvada...

It goes against the American way. While do agree that entry to this country should be granted legally, going out of your way to kick people out is the scummiest thing you could do.

>a anchor baby is a criminal all the sudden
the logic of amerimutts

when you're too autistic to get a sense of warm contentment and feelings of being where you belong


>its kino

>alternating between U and V
Can't even shitpost correctly

Mediterraneans are the true master race. Show Sup Forums this image and they will call it a divide and conquer tactic because they can't accept reality.

this, plus since he is in school his parents are the actual illegals. The kid did nothing
we have actual illegals commiting crime that we can deport yet this dipshit reports some random kid minding his own business wasting ICES time

This is your brain on memes

angloniggers BTFO.

>I don't like it so it doesn't count

anchor babies aren’t here illegally, hence why they’re called anchor babies

obeying the law goes against the american way?

Shame the native americans didn't have ICE 400 years ago, hey?
Haha, fucking white americans going on about immigrants man. Peak irony.

>but white people
Fucking Europeans.

why is Sup Forums so leftist compared to other boards?
no other board hates Sup Forums and gets along with Sup Forums easily
Sup Forums screams Sup Forums whenever there's something right of their beliefs (and also hates piracy).

native americans sold their land for glass and bijou.

yeah, it’s almost like an extreme case for immigration enforcement

>Settlers = immigrants
Always mildly annoys me.
I suppose it's something like the clip=mag things to /k/

>Someone actually made a picture depicting a draft dodger as some kind of military hero
>this kid thought it was good enough to get a print of it made and to hang on his wall

if you spend your entire life being worthless and playing games with very little knowledge of how life actually works, you're almost guaranteed to be a soyboy leftist

Are you fucking deluded?
Every part of Sup Forums save for /r9k/ absolutely loathes Sup Forums.

>tfw dominican in fl
We don't do much, try PRs

even Sup Forums posters on Sup Forums hate when Sup Forums leaks because they are shitting up the board

infiltration from neogaf and after goobergate

yeah i figured it would be something like that
Sup Forums is beyond saving

Who are they trying to mimic?

why would neogaf come to the boogyman of the internet?
fuck off
Sup Forums,the_donald,and 8gag flocked to Sup Forums during the election

Oh, my mistake, sorry.
White europeans were """settlers""", who came to America for prosperity and to escape tyranny. Whereas these other folk are """immigrants""", who came seeking fortune and leaving abject authoritarianism.

It's now obvious to any idiot what the difference is.

it is

>no other board hates Sup Forums and gets along with Sup Forums easily
So new, just kill yourself.

>native americans were essentially genocided for not creating their own government and enforcing their own immigration system

Cause we're sick of the race baiting and other political nonsense shitting up our GAMING threads.
Some asshat going on about how he "DROPPED" a game because it had some black guy in it so that makes it an SJW pandering conspiracy is just annoying to listen to as some triggered fucking twitter feminist crying that there's guns in doom.

So we tend not to have sipped quite as much of the kool-aid as Sup Forums because their shit is getting in the way of our enjoyment too so we want them to fuck off.

prove me wrong cunt, only Sup Forums hates Sup Forums

it's just all teenagers

You're not mediterranean Paco you mestizo savage.

>Sup Forums flocked to Sup Forums during the election

Reminder that burgers are celebrated worldwide

contrarians lashing out at a word they see as "reddit"

You'd only think that because the only boards you browse are Sup Forums and Sup Forums

It's just a real shit way to describe why you like something. Everyone likes to meme on the whole "fun is a buzzword" argument, but fun has the same problem as comfy where it just shows like without really explaining why.

Just be more descriptive you fucks.

because it’s not the boogeyman of the internet and because the dispersed everywhere after resetera and brought their cancer with them

Ironic coming from an amerimutt.

are you actually dense?
not going to ignore what you're saying but the leftist are up to something, shitting up our games (those leftist games are usually bad though)

I think he meant the users of Sup Forums all flocked to poll during the election, and I'd be inclined to maybe agree, given that it wasn't so popular until then.

Yup, settlers came to develop land, immigrants came to live on developed land. It's really simple

ive browsed more boards than you have done child

imagine being this entitled rich little fuck who's had everything handed to him and reporting poor, hard working people to ICE to be deported. for every 10 mexican families I've met 9 of them have been incredible hard working, literally non stop working just to try and get by. These rich white kids are a fucking disease

>why is Sup Forums so leftist compared to other boards?
There's a lot of Candian dog fuckers on this board. Memes aside, many anons on Sup Forums are young shut-ins who are completely ignorant of anything outside video games and anime. It's why most of their talking points are from 2008.

I imagine a criminal getting punished, you little commie turd.
Having more money than you doesn't make someone evil.

>implying neckbeard anime directors represent the rest of the jap population

No you didn't.
You're a fucking newfag.
Fuck outta here.

Whiter than you ahmed

the difference is europeans came with high risk, there was no government, there was only land

immigrants today come because they want to get on the welfare state and they only vote to expand it after they get citizenship

it’s why over 80% of all americans want to reduce legal immigration

/r9k/ hates Sup Forums they brought normies here and ruined everything
Pol is the literal cancer killing this place

/r9k/ is indistinguishable from Sup Forums

> game development is a technically difficult task
> game devs tend to be educated, young, fairly wealthy
> educated and young people tend to be more left-wing
> wealthier people are more likely to experience different cultures

it's not a plot, just societal ability.

I want to know what it's like to live in his world where one stereotypes Mexicans as lazy welfare stealing sub-humans while simultaneously complaining that they are stealing all the jobs from "real" hard working Americans. It must be confusing.

>Isn't it weird southern Europeans and slavs aren't white until it's time to make fun of America and then Europe suddenly becomes le 100% white faec?
It's mostly americans about the southern europeans.
The only people calling slavs white are slavs or some kind of super retard, who also idolize Hitler. Sometimes it's both.
Hitler wanted to free us from (((Them))) and slavs.

But if you see somebody outside of a slav country say that slavs are white, it's probably a diaspora (50% chance it's a Pole)

Are you blind?
I mean a good recent example would be the subnautica threads, people are genuinely trying to talk about the game but we keep getting shitposters who can't stop bringing up the race of the protag and one of the devs admittedly kinda silly but not really all that damning explanations on why they don't have so many guns in the game.
Sup Forums complains about feminists trying to inject politics into everything but a lot of you are so paranoid of it that you bring it up at every turn yourselves.
It's obnoxious and I just want to talk about stabbing fish and building comfy underwater bases.

>So mad we are so well fed we can even wear food

Because this board is filled with gafugees who shitpost nonstop


He has a disease that makes his skull all fucked up too

>be american
>get shot

>be european
>get stabbed

>be south korean
>get nuked

This. You can love Sup Forums as much as you want, but you're outing yourself as an election wave newfag if you think that every board should be a meme-spouting alt-right haven and has never had their own culture or things they don't want shitting up threads.

>a criminal for fleeing his shitty country, contributing to the American economy with cheap labor nobody else will do

Hey remember when Alabama (might be confusing the state) passed a law and all the migrants fled, and the crops rotted in the fields losing millions of dollars worth of food? haha sure showed them, stupid illegals!

> It must be confusing.

Not really, that's basically illegal immigrant parents vs. illegal immigrant kids raised in the US. In either case, they're parasites.

>Pol is the literal cancer killing this place
Too true

It's almost like since you don't have a legit SSN and you work an under the table job you can do both.
Must blow you mind, my gullible friend.
And they're not so much "Stealing jobs" as much as they are driving down wages.
Why pay one guy who does his shit properly 1.5 times the minimum wage when you can hire 3 shitbirds that'll take .6 times the minimum wage.

>implying gaffags would flock to the boogyman of the internet
fuck off


No one cares.
Being human doesn't entitle you to break rules.
I'm not entitled to live in a mansion because I want to.
Sack up you fucking fags.

dude you're posting on fucking Sup Forums, on the video game board. Don't take the moral high ground as if you're superior to anyone.