How do we fix streamer sites?

How do we fix streamer sites?
what happened to nerds playing games for other nerds to view?

Disable monetinization so that things go back to being done by fans for fans.

Remember when fansites were a thing, were ad free, and didn't ask for money?

Remember when Gamefaqs had loads of different faqs for the same games, before "writers" started jumping ship to places where they could get paid for their "work"?

Remember when cheevo/trophy guides could be found across a few big sites, before, like with gfaqs, the people making them went looking for $$$?

At least fanart is still fr--

Look, all I'm saying is that big businesses are now controlling fandoms by waving a few pennies in the faces of people who once did these things for the fun of it, to help others, because they were huge fanbots.

>Disable monetinization so that things go back to being done by fans for fans.
That will never happen, as streaming rakes in too much money to stop. Even if you somehow ended monetization, you could be sure it would come back, because if there's money to be made, some Jew will throw everyone else under the bus and sell everyone else out.

Watch streamers you like.

Don't watch streamers you don't like.

I agree, its wishful thinking on my part. Youtube and other shitheaps coining the term "content creators" sealed the deal. People now carry it around like a work badge.

This, you retards spend so much time giving the whores negative attention that you forget it's still giving them attention (as well as fuel for whiteknight beta orbiters to give them more donations to make them feel better).

>People should stop making money because I don't like it

They could actually enforce their rules first.
After that the problem is kinda gone.

>Streamer goes live
>yo how is everyone doing?
>xy thanks for subbing
>yx thanks for the donation
>WoW guys it was a really good stream, have a good day, bye!

Personally I would build a time machine so I would never have to play games in a world where streaming existed

I just don't care much for sellouts. Strategy guides are still being made and sold long after faqs and youtube vids became a thing. SG's weren't proclaimed to be made by fans though. Youtube, Twitch, Patreon, Kickstarter changed all of that. Now almost nothing made by some rando person is done simply because "they like thing" unless that thing is some couch cash.

If you put on a show that people find entertaining enough to pay you for, then good for you. I don't understand why people would be angry at a type of entertainment they never planned on consuming in the first place.

Streamer sites don't need fixing in this regard. "Nerds playing games for nerds" are still there, but they don't get tens of thousands of viewers, because they seem autistic to the general public. What generates views is being hyperactive and overly excited at everything which are somehow perceived as being entertaining and fun.

The only thing that needs fixing are the IRL streams, which should have a completely separate platform dedicated solely for them.

Do you get this upset over construction workers who don't actually like doing intensive labor outdoors in the heat and cold not because they love it but because it pays cash money dollars

I don't really see the issue with Twitch in this regard, the big channels fund the platform so that anyone can stream to any number of people for free.

Twitch isn't making you watch ecelebs eating dinner.

>not watching binyot

Twitch really needs some serious competition. The human garbage that manages the site is only going to get worse with their bullshit.

Oh, what's the issue with twitch? I don't see people complain about it much unlike, say youtube.

Did those construction workers previously build shit for people for free, out of the love of building?

Neckbeards are just angry because they're not popular. Twitch is like high school 2.0. The Chad's and Stacy's get the most views due to a mix of their looks, personality, and less so due to vidya skill and knowledge. The neckbeards whom have high vidya knowledge and skills but lower physical looks and social skills believe their technical knowledge is more important than looks and personality and feel entitled that they should have more viewers. But real life doesn't work that way so queue autistic screeching.

Apparently FB is attempting this.

One of the slightly bigger guys I watch is transitioning over to there.

That's not accurate anyway, because people like shroud and summit get big view counts.


That's even worse