Shall we start a discourse on this subject?

Shall we start a discourse on this subject?

I love it

>yfw you're plataforming your way to an abortion clinic

I bought this game for my wife and I couldn't understand why she was crying all day yesterday after beating this game. I feel terrible.

"she" can't do the b-sides

>abortion simulator
It's the murder of babies. End of "discourse"


It's baby murder propaganda. Have you even played it?

I feel bad for people who play this game thinking it's like a new Mario game for girls. I wasn't expecting the ending.

>rated everyone +10

so many numbskulls on the internet.

Yep. They're pushing abortion sympathy on kids now.

>I love killing babies
Kill yourself. No really, kill yourself. I'm not just saying that to be edge. I really mean it - if you killed yourself, it would objectively be a moral good.

How can this ugly abortion simulator take 800MB of space in my drive? Is it uncompressed music or what? Iconoclast is 100MB and looks way prettier.

Is the abortion meme to detract from people not being able to find faults with the game itself?
Honest question, never played it

Like gay agenda being pushed on children, it was decided abortion should be too.

Ding Ding Ding!

Nice try shills.

Oh god, Sup Forums is here making shit up again

The game is basically Super Meat Boy with hipster ugly as shit "8-bit" graphics, it should be good for you if you liked Super Meat Boy, you are expected to pull precise jumps and die many times to get it right. The abortion thing is not a meme, sort of.

No we don't. It sucks, it's a piece of shit, it's Matt's worst game. Anuntitledstory kicks its ass all day long despite being unfinished.
it's actually 1.13GB

don't say that to me... i grappled with suicide in my past. almost went through with it too. please... be considerate of other's lived experiences. i will be notifying the appropriate authorities of this chat log.

Why this girl look like Vivian James?

This topic has nothing to do with Sup Forums
You neofags sure are paranoid

It's pretty solidly done, I'd say. The core gameplay is engaging, the mainline areas have a good amount of challenge ut aren't ballbusting, but if you want that there's the Core and B-sides, or collecting all strawberries even if there's no reward for the berries. And hey if you don't care for the story you can just skip it, it doesn't really ruin anything but you might end up a little confused as to why you get a power up in a certain chapter, but nothing terribly disconcerting.

Me: Killing babies is maybe not so good

>it's actually 1.13GB
What the fuck.

>Equating abortion with baby killing
You know, strawman's are a logical fallacy user

i love celeste and soy glub glub i love soy milk

There are 3D models in it

>Why this girl look like Vivian James?
I never noticed that before, can someone edit the jacket and add a hairclip?

Anyone who would buy this game already had their children aborted so there's no danger of kids playing it.

9 dismissive words and a picture of Homer and you freak out, it's kinda funny actually. Get some help my dude

I recently uninstalled it and that was the file size. On the Steam page it says 1.2GB.

>doctor, please kill my baby
>ok i will! because thats legal for some reason
>ok your baby is now killed!
>thanks! i feel no guilt even though i just killed my own baby!

Decide for yourself. 1 negative review basically reiterating the retarded "criticism" witnessed in this thread about a GAME.

Can someone explain why Sup Forums hates this game please. Something about niggers?

iconoclasts is better

of simple quality, it shouldn't bloat up the size, it's badly optimized.

This reads like a bot set to instantly paste this crap any time someone mentions abortion, there's like no logical reasoning that can be made out in these words

never heard of this game until now but I bet my left nut that this game was made by a tranny or a tranny was heavily involved in the production.

It has stupid themes it shouldn't belong in a 10+ rated plataform game.

I hate that
Meme has completely ruined any chances of having actual discussion on the game and instead every thread resorts to shit that isn't even true.

This, the game is good, not sure why people want to be contrarian over a made up point.

Its such a good game. Definitly my favorite of all the 2d indie platformers. I usually dont like the infinite lives with checkpoints every room model, cause I think it encourages shitty level design where you just have to identify and execute the one intended solution. But in this game while there certainly are plenty of rooms like that, most of the time the mechanics and level design allow for creative/reactive play. It is also great aesthetically, despite having the hipster indie pixel look it is not low effort, it is very well animated, and each of the environment themes stand out and have great atmosphere. The music is great too, catchy melodies and well produced.

I would have preferred if the title screen/level select/cutscene art/UI elements/character portraits/text were done in the same pixel style as the game.
It was a weird design choice to not have an input buffer during the hitstop thay occurs when you pick up one of those dash recharging diamonds, I would imagine thay much of the west coast hipster target audience had a hard time adjusting to that. Extra challenges for strawberries come across while you play, and the stages are so lengthy that you feel compelled to get them all when you come across them cause its not something you can quickly return to, which is kinda weird, but I liked it as otherwise I may have skipped them. Ill reiterate that the stages are really fucking long, with tons of rooms each, some took me over an hour my first time, and they have a pacing that makes it feel weird to stop in the middle of one. Some of the dialogue is cringey perhaps, as memers will point out, but overall its really charming.

I say we try ignoring them
Hey what's your favorite stage gimmick? Like the bubbles or space blocks

I think postive steam reviews only matter when you yourself like the game, even hentai RPGmaker games are getting univeral positive reviews for pete's sake.

The feather is kind of neat.

most occurrences of abortions are naturally spontaneously aborted from uterus anyway without any human intervention due to the uterian environment detecting genetic abnormalities in the zygote. of course, this process isn't perfect, which means we often get retards like you.

I'm actually not that far in yet I only just beat the hotel since I have one save for recording and one for playing on my own and I don't wanna pass my recording save. I really liked the space bubbles mechanic though it was especially neat in the section where you're being chased. I fucked up like 70 times on the especially long sequence at the end.

I completely agree with how well they executed having multiple 'solutions' to each little room being a standalone puzzle of sorts. In most of them there is a cautious way to approach it that will get you through but I found out there are plenty of solutions that involve you keeping momentum rather than trying to wait and time sections by just being precise and fast with your inputs. I especially noticed this when I started doing the computer game levels.

In fact even on rooms where I could probably do it slower without dying nearly as much I felt compelled to press myself to handle each one as fast as possible just because it feels more satisfying.

One thing that I hate so very much is the screen shake when you pick up those diamonds, that fucks with me more than having any sort of command lockout when you first pick them up. Also I'm playing with a PS4 controller but it seems like it's really easy to accidentally do a diagonal dash (up+right/left) as opposed to doing a straight left/right dash unless I force myself to stop depressing the dpad and then immediately press left/right.

The developer seems like a likeable guy.

we have reached a point where people who dislike a game don't even try to make an argument critiquing the game on it's own merits pointing out what it does wrong. Rather, instead they voice their dislike of the views of the people who made the game thinking that this in any way impugns the game's quality.

I do like how this game does its boss fights, those sorts of final platforming challenges under duress. Really sticking to that core instead of hamfisting some bullshit in there

Nah I don't give a shit. I'm just seeing a trend with indieshit developers who put social justice themes in their games. They're usually trannies or soyboys. I was leaning tranny since the main character is a girl.

Damn. Sup Forumsfags are easily triggered.

People have been hating games based on the developers since FEZ. Fuck, people hate games that are good based on whether its trending on popular youtube channels.

tumblrtier garbage

t. failed abortion


That's what I was thinking after the end of the hotel too. I was like " Oh shit I'm gonna have to like jump around an arena and like bop him on the head or whatever" but I was pleasantly surprised when it was more platforming just under some serious stress

Just finished Summit B-side earlier today, thought it would be a comfy 30 minutes run like the others and holy shit the whole thing took me an hour and a half.
You even learn new moves that you didn't know where there.

Anita DLC part 2 when?

Yeah, seems like a guy who speaks his mind. Thats an interesting take on BR2049, I didnt think about it that way.

Space blocks and the wind.
I liked the Theo gimmick in B-side too but only the parts that didn't involve a monster chasing you.

Seems like a guy who says what it popular to say on Twitter and Tumblr and Reddit. He's part of the political justice hive mind. That's not the same thing as speaking "his" mind.

that's because it's retarded to think that way

>Theo B-side
Jesus Christ what is this madness?

>The abortion thing is not a meme, sort of.
I finished the game and found nothing that could be a metaphor for abortion
did I miss something?

Just finished the C-sides yesterday, don't think I'll bother with the gold berries. Overall had fun but it was a bit gimmicky for my tastes.

It's subtle, but I can see why people are memeing about it so hard.

>i think this game is shit because of the developer's political beliefs!!!!

sounds familiar

I didn't play the game. Explain to me in what way is it an abortion metaphor?

god what a queer

but what do you expect from people who gave anita her own skin in their first game

with the difference that v isnt trying to fuck that guys life up for it.

>He thinks fetuses are babies.
Do you also believe you can go blind from masturbation stupid mutts?

Subtle as in not there at all.
I too can see why people are memeing about it so hard, and I suspect it's the same reason this board has been so fucking shit lately.

>b-but It's ok when Sup Forums does it

>it's another "Sup Forums pretends to act like hyper-conservative christian fundamentalists because that's somehow seen as counterculture on the internet these days" episode

>if a movie shows a traditional family in the 1950s without mentioning womens lib it is sexist

Wow... what an idiot. Bet the bootlickers around him just respectfully nodded in his direction and didn't even adress the most obvious fallacy in there, right?

Nobody is telling the guy to stop making the game or that the game should be removed.
It's all just "well, guess i won't be playing it"
But still they are called "MANCHILDREN" and sensitive when SJWs literally go out to ruin a person's life for shit like that.

There are atheists doctors that think fetuses are real babies.
Leaving a vagina doesn't magically make you human or completely change your biology to make you count as one.
It's all a broad definition and people just can't agree where life begins.
Not that some retarded shitposter on Sup Forums that probably brigaded from NeoGAF would understand.