I knew World was dumbed down but I didn't know it was casualized to THIS extent. What the absolute fuck...

I knew World was dumbed down but I didn't know it was casualized to THIS extent. What the absolute fuck?! HBG moves just as fast as the LBG? Hunters can fill the mount bar by just moving across the monster? Can anyone confirm this?

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Consale babbies only play casual shit so they had to if they wanted it to sell.

Also the Monster Hunter fan base has become embarrassing and plagued with retards.

God damn how jaded do you have to be to hate this game? Has the best maps in the series imo along with everything fucking else. I'm 35 hours in, taking it slow. Lots of sidequests and investigations, making too much low rank armor. This is the best feeling monster hunter they ever made. Haven't played anything but gs hammer and lance, though I tried everything else in the beta except maybe sns. My thoughts? Only faggots are whining about potion ruining when you shouldn't be taking damage in the first place. If you complain about potions and don't sit still while drinking potions on principle, how much more of a spineless piece of shit can you be? I'm not saying you should have to handicap yourself even further, because you're already mentally handicapped if you're not perfecting consistently, but please. Instead of being a whiny shitter oldfag snowflake, get good or shut your mouth

>HBG moves just as fast as the LBG?
100% false. You walk when you have the HBG out but run with LBG. Though I will say that HBG has a very long dodge, if you spam it you might be moving pretty quick but it has a long recovery so it doesn't seem very effective.

>God damn how jaded do you have to be
Where do you think you are you enormous fucking faggot?

Retarded but I'll bite; HBG's walking speed is demonstrably slower than LBG and the mounting damage thing is exclusive to Insect Glaive if you have red extract (or is it the triple buff?)

>clunky garbage gets a few quality of life improvements while still maintaining it's character

Every time.

HR5. The dude has BARELY started the game. Opinion discarded.

>Has the best maps

Monster Hunter has never been about maps you neanderthal. World has big maps that only serve to pad the game out. Monster Hunter doesn't need big maps because the only thing to do within them is find items and fight monsters.


>only HR5


Anja has a flame breath attack that 1h-KO's anyone with under rare 3 armor, even maxed out. Perhaps play more than an hour before shit posting.

>playing this junk when MHXX, MH4U, and MHFU exist

I don't understand. There's good MH games on basically every console (and emulated on PC) already.

>it has been 000000000000 minutes since Sup Forums cried about Monster Hunter World

Because MHW isn't MH. You can complain about styles in MHXX, but they're just a gimmick added to the classic gameplay (like 3 and swimming, or 4 and climbing). MHW changes basically everything, including iconic stuff like flexing when healing. It's just a "we want the wider audience" attempt.

>they changed muh niche game slightly, and now more people like it and are having fun with it on a system that can handle it

Your opinion is shit

>soyntendo still mad about mhw

I still don't understand what the appeal is to this franchise.


They changed basically everything, like trying to shove a story into it with voice acting. If that doesn't scream "we want casuals and people who aren't dedicated MH fans", I don't know what would.

Games change. Nintendo did the same with BotW

Last I checked BOTW was not done to attract casuals and make the game easier.

who are you quoting

>Last I checked BOTW was not done to attract casuals

Yeah, casuals hate open world collect-a-thons

Mainstream taste should never be trusted. Twilight was once popular.

You should check it again.

Yeah, only YOUR taste should be trusted. You ARE video games

The appeal is becoming good enough to do stuff like this and the multiplayer aspect.


How delusional do you have to be to thing that having big and interactive maps is bad? I love the games but the fanbase is seriously cancerous as fuck. or it is just butthurt people who can't play it

It's angry Nintendo fans who are salty that it's gone to Sony

I like MHW but the changes they made kind of go against what MH has always been about. IMO MH has always been about resourcefulness. The changes made in MHW strip away the soul of the game and it makes game play more convenient and entertaining, but a lot easier I'm enjoying it, but it's a very turning point for the series. Hopefully they won't keep dumbing it down, but MHW has had fantastic success so far. Capcom is going to want to capitalize on that and continue to to make MH games that are more "accessible".

>interactive maps

I didn't say anything about interactive maps. Also interactive maps should not come at the expense of making the game even easier.

The changes make the game more fun. Deal with it, handheldlet. Monster Hunter belongs to a real gaming platform now.

Reminder that all monster hunter games are casual trash and anybody who unironically likes any of them is a babby.

Nintendo babby so goddamn SALTY

if dark souls had a "normal mode" it would sell double the amount of units and 90% of the people who play it would light the first bonfire achievement LMAO

>I can't play it therefore it isn't MH at all
Breath of the Wild is a drastic change for the franchise, MHW is still Monster Hunter and doesn't do something retarded like turning every monster into some sort of puzzle.