Woah...Monster Hunter is amazing now

Woah...Monster Hunter is amazing now.

But did we need another thread about it? No.

Feels good not to be stuck on a cramp inducing sub-HD handheld.

Yes we do it's the fucking goty.

Poor Nintendo lost their good exclusive

>monster hunter
>nintendo exclusive

Let's just hope the PC port isn't a disappointment. MT Framework is a pretty solid engine, but I could see CAPCOM fucking it up.

its coming to pc?

With how popular switch is, i wouldn't be surprised to see it pop up there

It looks good, but I absolutely positively am never giving Capcom and more of my money.

In a couple of years, yeah.

Haha what

really hoping they don't, since dragon's dogma runs on the same engine and its pretty good on pc. just hoping online isnt bugged to hell.

Nobody playing it. No one cares.

>The PC version will actually look like this

Hope I don't burn out too hard on this PS4 trash.

Inb4 thread gets deleted again because Nintendofags are jelly

U mad bro?


Fall this year.

so which one is it


He’s super mad.
>Sold out on Amazon
>One of the top streamed games on Twitch
Monster Hunter is back baby.

How is that proof that anyone is playing it

monster hunter was always amazing faget

it's the best. all these shitters that kept saying it was gonna fail are getting BTFOd and are actually upset it's an insane success. it's beautiful.

Ive never seen a game make Sup Forums more SEETHING

Must be sad when you're too retarded to google shit

BotW would like to have a word with you.

>how is the top streamed game in the world proof that anyone plays this game????????

why even post on Sup Forums or on any other site?
just google it

>nu/v/ mad about the success of one of old Sup Forumss favorite series
Lmao this place is is fucking GONE

Nah, it's just nintendofans spamming Sup Forums is mad any time someone mentiones botw is not perfect and has flaws. That is artificial, but this is organic.

We want the Horizon Zero Dawn audience

Goddamn this game is so fucking good. I'm currently really enjoying the hunting horn, anyone else using this? I go around responding to tons of S.O.S and i've yet to see someone else use one, are they bad or something? I have no idea about balance but I just really enjoy the switching between hard-hitting combo's and jamming it out infront of the monsters face.

Did the cat fucking jihad at it?

you're part of the problem you're failing to see
>the only people who criticize BotW do it in a fair and balanced fashion
is the kind of assertion only a total moron would make

kek, see?

cats suicide bombing has been a thing for as long as the cats have.

>mentiones botw is not perfect and has flaws
Yet they literally cannot take a break away from the computer to not do this every 10 minutes, really makes you think.

Is that the xbox one X? I'm playing on the PS4 pro and that Webm looks alot more detailed/stable than my game.

I fucking love this monster design so much.

Nergigante is an instant classic enemy.


Buy it used then

HH is a weak weapon, to the point where even the huge attack boost song in a 4 man group is still not optimal compared to another DB or HBG/LBG replacing the HH, but that's at the TA level. Because of this, and the general difficulty in getting gud with it, thanks to weird attack angles,long animations, and recitals, not very many people play it. regardless, it's generally a good addition in multiplayer and is fun as hell.

MHW, Botw, and BooBooborne are holy trinity of SEETHING.

>hurr who cares about sales and streams, where’s da proof!?
You’re literally fucking retarded, if not for sales, streams, and threads on Sup Forums where’s the proof that anyone plays any video game? You shitters just don’t want to admit that Monster Hunter is a huge hit in the West because it made smart decisions. Fuck the Japs, fuck the handheld faggots, Monster Hunter is thriving again.

you should tell him that, I bet he doesnt get compliments often

You kinda proved my point.

HH users really need to learn their input buffs and stick close to their party members (without tripping up them) to max out the support.

It won't. Pokemon is probably next to leave nintendo.

>4 elder dragons

I see the brain damage is starting to kick in.

And it's not even on PC yet.

March 2019

what a shitty weeb ripoff of HZD

You just proved his point though

Not happening in a million years

>Swaxe now feels so good it's criminal
That mount pump and dump is the most satisfying payoff

Adding you to the collage of retards who think Pokemon and SMT aren't going multiplat

and it'll be even better on PC with mods and 120hz

this desu

They get deleted because they're full of shitposting and cancer. Maybe the fan base should try acting like the mature adults they're supposed to be. Or is the monster hunter fan base full of underage children is what you mean to say?

Can confirm.

>Started HBG because proper controls finally
>Feels really good
>Decide to try out Hammer since I just never really fucked with it before
>Everything is dying, everything is stunlocked, dominating the wild with a fat hunk of metal

Jesus christ, I probably should have given these a shot years ago

>MHW, Botw, and BooBooborne are holy trinity of SEETHING.
>PCfags ----> Bloodborne
>Nintendofags----> MHW
>Sonyfgas-------> Botw
This could be perfect OC material.

what you said, but from the ninten toddlers

t-thanks for beta testing it consolefags!

fighting machines in HZD is unironically more fun that fighting monsters in MHW. People mostly think otherwise because of coop, but coop can make any shit game seem good. (not saying MHW is a shit game)

No, he proved mine. Also, he is much more mad about Monster Hunter World being successful than anybody on Sup Forums about BotW.
In fact, anybody who dislikes something I like is just mad, it makes them upset. They become agitated and start acting irrationally. That simple.

>Pokemon EVER leaving nintendo
you're retarded or baiting. Probably retarded. Not to meniton its very possible for Double Cross to get a western release.

I've played 20+ hours and done tons of s.o.s. only seen one

>its very possible for Double Cross to get a western release.
>Double Cross
>western release

Never FUCKING Ever. MH team is done with Switch.

Is this on PS4 Pro? I'm playing on a regular PS4 and the game looks kind of blurry and the frame rate isn't very good.

fucking hell the odagaron set and dual blades wreck anything in seconds

>calls someone retarded
>thinks Pokemon will become multiplat

Horizon+Monster Hunter crossover when?

>Man with Mom's Gateway computer as sole source of video games is anally devastated when he can't play something
Tale as old as time, really

It already was though starting at FU

im playing on regular ps4 and theres literally nothing wrong

>odogaron plate finally drops
>get Garon armor with critical eye
>craft weapon with affinity bonus
>kestodon gloves give affinity bonus on sliding
>mfw stylish crits
I fucking love critical hits in games, the fact that they can look stylish is just the best thing ever

Eloi is already in the game dummy

I don't play games anymore, I just stop by games like this, who I am sure have some of the most obnoxious and toxic fans looking for validation from strangers or success of the product, make pretty much the same SEETHING™ post to make sure that this people convince themselves that there is demographic of pissed of people to make them run amok on the whole board with "u mad' posts, making sane people go insane.

Assuming this isn't obvious bait, you do know that Nintendo partially owns Pokemon, right?

I have a Switch and I felt BotH was weak regarding combat.

Does it look like OP's webm?

I can't find an answer for this anywhere, can a fellow hammerbro tell me whether or not the degree of charge matters for the charge buff? Like if I just hold R2 and then instantly press circle is the buff shittier than it if I fully charge and then press circle?

How do i evade with the Gunlance? Even with evade window 2 Im still getting hit

Does someone have that webm of a hacked older MH game where someone dodges an attack with a somersault then hits some chibi looking bitch off a cart.

That image gives me life. I have a switch and ps4 and pc but seeing smug autists get btfo is better than sex

Is there any point using custom recipes in the canteen instead of the selectable ones? If so what are some good recipes?

Does anyone know if powertalon and powercharm stack?

yeah they usually do. are they even in this game? that surprises me. they're inventory burderners still?

Does this run at 60fps on a normal PS4?

Its been pushed back to late 2018. It will probably be pushed back again.

not sure if shitposting or just retarded. HH has higher dps than hammer, doesn't bounce, and higher ko per swing (though admittedly the hammers moveset makes a ko simpler with its heavy burst). A HH party dps contribution isn't just from its damage boost song either. infinite stam songs make dual blades and hammers go nuts, blight resists or negates reduce downtime, and sonic waves and ko can give free knockdowns throughout a fight.

obviously a party of 4 HBG will have the highest dps, it's always been that way. In a traditional party of mixed weapons however, a HH offers considerable dps and a huge amount of quality of life, reducing total party downtime massively.

they take a slot yes but the inventory is less often full since items like the whetstone or the BBQ spit don't take a slot anymore
btw powertalon is made with a bazelgeuse claw

so what happened to the free code of the game that was posted here?

yes its in the game along with armorcharm and yeah they take up space

>this false flagging obsession with Sony
Can't you retards just enjoy the game without trying to start a console war?

Is this a cut scene? It looks too good.

no, that thing has been edited to look more like a movie. However, it is real gameplay.