Unpopular opinion thread
Rare has never made a actually great game. They were master on the technical side of things but actual gameplay they were just boring or bad. Their best game which was only alright was Viva Pinata
Unpopular opinion thread
Rare has never made a actually great game. They were master on the technical side of things but actual gameplay they were just boring or bad. Their best game which was only alright was Viva Pinata
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I agree their best game was Viva Pinata but you're a fag for thinking it wasn't a masterpiece.
Pic related is overrated
>beardglasses science man
>27 yo and already has a Ph. D
>goes from nerd scientist to one-man army in a matter of minutes
>hailed as Second Coming of Christ in the sequel
>totally not a Gary Stu
>game takes credit for everything Quake and Goldeneye 007 had already done
>"great writing" is based solely on fanfic and speculation
Perfect Dark was a great game, faggot. So was conker
Opps, forgot pic
The Persona series is one of the most insipid pieces of shit to come out of the industry.
>Perfect Dark was a great game, faggot. So was conker
There were complete trash. Perfect Dark was a shitty shooter and Conker was an unfunny shitty platformer.
>Donkey Kong Country
>Conkers Bad Fur Day
>Perfect Dark
You sir are a dumb faggot
Confirmed 13 years old who never played either game
Diddy Kong Racing says otherwise.
Darkstalkers is every bit as good as Street Fighter and Marvel.
You sound like you're 14.
Conker is ridiculously overrated
>Unpopular opinion thread
More like underage opinion
Not that user, but Conker 64 is pretty fuckin' bad. Humor's fine but controls are far from tolerable.
>Donkey Kong Country
Maybe the weakest platformer series on a system that had some of the best platformers in the world
>Conkers Bad Fur Day
Not really funny and wasn't that fun of a platformer
>Perfect Dark
Pretty bad shooter.
For what thinking Conker wasn't funny and didn't control well or thinking Perfect Dark wasn't a good shooter?
I agree.
You mean wrong opinions thread?
The Souls series has absolutely no replay value.
Cellshading is ugly. You can post Okami and NMH all you want but it will always look like a comic book to me.
I mean, depends what constitutes replay value for you. If different story choices, plotlines etc. then sure they don''t. But if different builds and playstyles(and for many people that is easily enough to warrant replayability), then they definitely do.
I just feel Dark Souls is a alright action game but there's nothing actually special about it
Conker is a fantastic experience and has 10/10 writing, but imo the gameplay is the weakest part of the game. It's serviceable at best and plain broken at worst. Banjo and DK64 do platforming much better than it did, Diddy Kong Racing did racing better than it did, and Goldeneye does shooting better than it did.
That said,
these two are tasteless, underaged faggots
>DKC 1 and 2
>Not better than every single Mario game up to that point
The ONLY first party platformer that could have come close to being as good as DKC was Kirby Super Star. DKC blew Mario out of the water.
I get trying different builds but the core gameplay is too repetative to bother if you've already played the whole thing.
You have a really strange definition of replay value my dude.
I don't feel that way at all. I enjoy it a lot and really like replaying them, with breaks in between playthroughs of course. The combat is fun, I really like their atmosphere and once you get good you don't really have to waste time repeating areas any more. But this is an opinion thread after all, so to each his own I guess.
Hey I was thinking/researching about this earlier, maybe some anons could help
what's the state on viva pinata original emulation? I couldn't find an xbox emulator or a rom for the original
>Perfect Dark
>Pretty bad shooter.
No, actually it's a great fucking shooter, if not the best ever made. To this day there still isn't another shooter that has the kind of insane features PD had, like allowing a friend to play as enemies in the level, or bringing AI companions with you into the story mode, or making your own custom characters and game modes. It wasn't just filler either, the core gameplay was insanely fun and the guns have some of the most satisfying feedback of any game I've ever played. If you don't like Perfect Dark, you are a faggot. End of story.
I mean the whole point is that he's a Gary Stu..
He's meant to be the player, and it's never fun to have the player fall on his face cause 'LOL U SUCK AT JUMPING MR SCIENTIST'
Barret from FF7 is actually a pretty racist caricature of an angry black man. I don't understand why he is so popular with some black gamers.
Dragon Age 2, Metroid Other M, Resident Evil 6, Dead Space 3, Marvel vs Capcom Infinite, Mass Effect Andromeda, Wolfenstein TNC, Sonic 06, etc. are all actually great games.
>b-b-b-but they're bad
You only dislike them because you can't think for yourself. They're good games, just not good X games.
>implying I have shit taste just because I don't agree with everyone else's opinions
Learn to branch out once in a while. I am clearly in the right here for liking games literally everyone else can see are bad.
There's your thread.
id's only objectively good games are DOOM 1, Quake 1, and Quake 3. Everything else is either bad by today's standards or is mediocre even back then
Blood 1 is overrated and a huge Sup Forums meme game
CS:GO doesn't deserve to be an esport due to how broken it has been since day 1. Has it gotten better? Yes, but nowhere near as good as what 1.6 and Source were for their times
If you bought PUBG and dislike it and mad, you are either new to PC gaming or an utter tard who didn't learn a damn fucking thing from the Early Access shitshow of the early 2010s with shit games like Rust, Ark, etc...
Goobergate did more harm than good and took gaming from becoming a well respected media in the eyes of the average Joe back down to something only children and man-children play. If you contributed to it in any way, I sincerely hope you die in a fire
>id's only objectively good games are DOOM 1, Quake 1, and Quake 3
What's controversial here?
>If you bought PUBG and dislike it and mad, you are either new to PC gaming or an utter tard who didn't learn a damn fucking thing from the Early Access shitshow of the early 2010s with shit games like Rust, Ark, etc...
Most people on Sup Forums subscribe to this opinion. Paying for unfinished games is retarded.
>not DOOM 2
Holy shit when will this meme end. DOOM 2 is objectively the better game in every way, it has more weapons, more enemies, more features, and you even even play all of the DOOM 1 maps in it. Replace DOOM 1 with DOOM 2, and you are absolutely right however.
Morrowind is broken as shit and slightly less casual than it's sequels.
Blacks are actually pretty self hating, and it's completely come 180 in some respects. They enjoy ignorance, and their own stereotypes as long as its coming from themselves because in reality they don't care. They've been trained to hate those things coming from others only. This is why they never improve, because they think the situations they're in are ok.
Doom 2 may have shittier level design but literally everything else about it is better.
Oh look, another faggot who came from reddit and doesn't understand the bigger picture about gamergate. That isn't an opinion, that's a denial of objective fact.
>Blood 1 is overrated
Unironically Kill yourself
This always bothered me. He looked like he could be fucking 30 something to 40 from the very beginning. And yes, I do believe the Half-Lives aren't really that great, but both of them in their respective times blew my fucking mind when they were new.
Everything Rare did in the 90's was better than Nintendo did in the 90's.
You missed the point of cellshading entirely
The devs are cucked faggots that support white genocide, that's all you need to know that their games are shit.
>shitting on DKC3
shouldnt you be in school today kiddo?
I played about halfway through that before getting bored.
On the other hand, I managed to get through the entirety of HL2. But I also played that game years ago, at a time when I could be entertained by pretty much anything. I wonder, if I played it again, would I still enjoy it?
Black 'gamers' still tend to be violent thugs like LTG, just less so than the general nigger populace. I'm not surprised that they identify with Barret.
i absolutely love DKC1, 2 and Kirby Super Star but you're actually retarded
You should know they complain about games without even playing them.
Diddy Kong Racing BTFO MK64 anyday.
Oh of course. I just reply to posts like this to help counterbalance the autism and let other people who aren't functionally retarded know that they aren't alone.
2D Mario has always been boring kiddie trash.
How do they support white genocide.
Remember how MK64 couldn't even handle having music if you were playing with more than two players?
need context, OP. what year were you born?
Lol remember how DKR couldn't even produce a decent framerate with a single player?
DOOM 2 map design is a fucking trainwreck. The first few maps are okay, but from map 09 through 24, they are just very bad.
If only there was some kind of way to... modify or even... create... your own levels. Or even... even... play maps from DOOM 1 with all of the new DOOM 2 features... Hmm.
I like the variety of enemies, weapons, and maps, but getting killed due to the millionth monster closet full of hitscanning chaingunners isn't fun.
What was accomplished? What has changed since then? As far as I know, vidya journalists are twice as corrupt, the industry has gotten worse with unfinished games being allowed to sell, and "duh Fiminismz" are still a non-issue
Why would you want that? The maps were designed with none of the new monsters in mind (because they didn't fucking exist). It is not like DOOM 2 features (new monsters + ssg) were that much of a game changer.
You are better off just playing Alien Vendetta, Sunlust or any custom WAD.
>The bigger picture
My fucking sides.
Haha no they were GOAT in their prime, DKC, DKR, PD, BK, JFG are all objectively great games your probably just mad they mad they were beating Nintendo at their own game.
Anyone who thinks gamergate did something positive for the industry is dillusional. It made gamers look like petulant children and did nothing to actually improve journalism. In fact, gaming journalism is way worse now.
>pointing out blatant collusion, deceit and agenda pushing makes you a petulant child
What was it then? What agendas were proven, you passive-aggresive soiboi? Name me 15 MAJOR games since 2012 with a progressive tone that weren't shat over upon release.
Nah, berating the woman dev when it was the shit journalist who committed the ethics breach is what made most of you look like petulant children.
A lot of old games are borderline unplayable in the modern age. Most games from the fifth generation and most from early sixth generation as well. Fun engaging mechanics started existing within the later end of the 6th generation.
Example, baldur's gate has complex math for everything, but it boils down into barebones and uninteresting gameplay with few legitimate choices during comvat encounters. Icewind dale presents interesting encounters and speeds character progression, but doesnt fix fundimental problems in the format. Infinity games do nothing better than Dragon Age Origins (the other 2 DA games are garbage fires).
What makes Rare's success back then with DKC et all even more impressive is that Nintendo have ALWAYS witheld key coding information about their consoles from all 3rd party developers in an effort to prevent anyone from matching the quality of their 1st party titles.
>Perfect Dark is great
It would be if it didn't play at 2 fps. I love old first person shooters but PD is nearly unplayable because of the N64's resolution and filtering along with the slide show fps.
perfect dark 64 was nothing short of amazing, i agree with ya. the reboot on xbone was garbage though
Perfect Dark was an incredible game hamstrung by the generation it was released for. They should have made it a GC title and spruced it up a bit. BY then, though, Rare was already about to circle the drain.
t. never played any of those games.
>It would be if it didn't play at 2 fps. I love old first person shooters but PD is nearly unplayable because of the N64's resolution and filtering along with the slide show fps.
Another gay anti-PD memer who never actually played the game. Fact bomb incoming: when played with 4 players, 8 simulants, on a large map, with hi-res mode turned on, the game runs at around 8fps. Given normal circumstances, like playing by yourself or with one friend and a few bots, the game has no problem maintaining a steady 20~25fps unless there's a bunch of simultaneous explosions or something. That isn't unplayable whatsoever. Regardless, if you're one of those motion sickness faggots who complains about everything, then go emulate it at 60fps or play the XBLA remake.
Don't kid yourself, Zoey.
Reinforcing my point, kid.
>Their best game which was only alright was Viva Pinata
...excuse me?
also, DKC2 is one of the best games ever made
>Another gay anti-PD memer who never actually played the game
Get fucked.
It slows down to a crawl when there's 2 enemies on screen. Doesn't help that they made the backgrounds and lighting way too detailed. The n64 simply couldn't handle it. No it's not motion sickness. Doom, Duke, and Quake all play fine on N64.
>They're good games, just not good X games.
The surest mark of the brainlet. Begone dipshit.
The irony.
>Get fucked.
Lmao you went out of your way to post a picture of a game you never play and own but apparently hate. Not exactly spiting me retard.
>It slows down to a crawl when there's 2 enemies on screen
Holy shit how are you actually this fucking stupid? Just look:
The game is fucking butter smooth 90% of the time. The fact you'll sit there and continue to scream about "2fps" when the absolute lowest it ever goes even with 12 fucking players and hi-res mod turned on is 8fps is indicative of your autism. Stop embarrassing yourself.
only americans could be this dumb
Lmao, those aren't Americans. Have fun living in Europ- I mean, "New Arabia". Hope you like the smell of curry.
Vintage bait.
every time
>Goobergate did more harm than good
I agree. The only lasting it actually had was making yet another self important #chan, though. This one just happened to be even more smug and retarded than usual.
>and took gaming from becoming a well respected media in the eyes of the average Joe back down to something only children and man-children play.
>>well-respected media
Holy shit you're out of your fucking mind.
All these youngfags need a beating.
lol you're so mad
Doesn't change the fact it still has drops especially in Chicago and the Villa. The low res just makes it worse. There's a reason it was ported to XBLA.
I'm mad that I have to share valuable oxygen with retards like you.
well stay mad, faggot
Lmao bro you're the one who was so asspained that you actually posted a timestamped photo of your game cartridge. Don't talk about anyone being mad.
Rare is one of those nostagiafag things. You need to have been a N64 gamer.
Rare hasn't amounted to ANYTHING since Microsoft bought them. It was a huge waste of money. I still dont know why MS bought them.
Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts was worth it.
It's not like it was out of reach. Keep replying tho. Makes you look totally calm and not autistic.
>replying makes you autistic
>literally calling yourself autistic
>Rare has never made a actually great game. They were master on the technical side of things but actual gameplay they were just boring or bad. Their best game which was only alright was Viva Pinata
You fucking babbys haven't got a clue about their history. This was before they were know as RareWare.
I'm not trying to shitpost. I honestly believe that people who think this has not touched Banjo Kazooie.