Why is the end of this game so poorly balanced? is it just Birdie and gasoline spit?
Why is the end of this game so poorly balanced? is it just Birdie and gasoline spit?
Eh the whole game isnt hard you can solo it with brad alone. Birdie is pretty good for damage boost and works really well with brad, terry and mad dog. however its characters like that walking fish and fly that are truly absurd
brad did nothing wrong
Fly can basically freeze anyone in their tracks.
Shit gets super easy once you get characters with group heals, that and the debuffs are strong as fuck. Really needed enemies with more resistances to debuffs.
Birdie is pretty damn good, considering nobody else can oil up enemies and the damage boost is insane, especially with Brad, Terry, and Rage all being able to shit fire late.
>mfw you can defeat buzzo if you just spam super puke
Play Lisa the Pointless if you want harder gameplay.
Is it done yet? It's pretty... pointless to play an unfinished game.
the first chapter is long enough to be a game on its own
and it has a satisfying ending while still hyping you for chapter 2
Whats out now is hours long. I personally prefer it over painful.
The more abundant and OP companions later on I imagine was created to offset the RNG that is specifically made to kick you down.
I'd imagine it was hard trying to create a game that constantly took shit away from you without putting the player in a situation where they're completely fucked over from being to progress anywhere.
That said I feel like the best solution to something like that is to basically have multiple wrestling arenas rather then the one all they way at the end. That way if you get fucked over too much you can just grind Brad to a higher level and put a limit on how many levels Brad can gain before going to the next area.
why was this game so obsessed with being edgy is my question , it could of been 10 times better if they focused on the game and not how to fuck over the player at every opportunity.
the combat is shit anyways, im glad op combos exist so i dont have to bother with it
It's about making difficult decisions in the worst of times and truly punishes you for no reason because that's how life would work in the game. The moments it "fucks you over" are well placed enough to not really be to overbearing or punishing enough to make the game unplayable.
It's better than most RPG maker games, unless you like the less inventive turn based it was before (and still is, just more interactive).
ya but it makes the game so predictable , in my playthough after if found lisa the first time i dident want to leave that cave because i knew as soon as i left an enemy would instagib me.
it could have been better by punishing mistakes you make , the way it is now it just forces you down a linear path of FUCK YOU
found buddy the first time*
The linear path of get fucked is kinda the point. It's an old man trying to make up for his past no matter what and getting into things he shouldn't be in in the first place and suffering the consequences from it. I'm not saying some of them aren't like "Well I'm about to lose something..." like when you see the guy in the cave before the Russian roulette game. But that knowing impeding doom is apart of the point. Before leaving the cave you gotta think for a second "I'm not the only one trying to get Buddy so I gotta be careful". Also Lisa is brads younger dead sister, the girl in the games name is "Buddy".
ya i corrected myself , also the roulette guy was such bullshit you should have been able to fight him! actually you know what fuck this game if you kill buzzo it doesn't even let you fucking continue it just ends the fucking game!
Roulette game was basically "There's more of us with weapons than you can handle, so play the game or get mowed down" which is brad being forced into something he didn't sign up for, further expanding the world by showing what those who are surviving are doing. It also forces (In a sorta bad way IMO) showing you the death mechanic and favoritism. Like when you probably put up Percy (who is given as canon fodder before hand) and lose him you notice that their lives are in your hand and someones not making it, living with that guilt. And the whole not being able to beat Buzzo is a metaphor, at least as i see it. Buzzo is your past, which you can't just fight and kill past, it will always live with you till you die.
Its punishing because it wants you to mechanically feel every loss in the story. When you lose a character in a normal RPG you might be sad because they were important to the story or you liked them emotionally but you can keep going unimpeded. Losing a charecter in Lisa is both a blow in the story and gameplay.
He was meant to be immortal but if with fly and a nugget you can have him miss every attack and die in ten turns from poison damage.
i just reloaded and reloaded until i got past roulette without losing anyone , also why be able to fight buzzo if beating him just ends the game? why even have the option if your just going to be a dick about it. and thats what this game feels like , it doesnt feel sad or challenging it just feels like its trying to make the player say "oohhhhh fuck you".
He's meant to be unkillable for the reason i stated in my post. He is your past and a large memory of it. He was why Lisa died. He's why you are what you are. Of course if you just kill him what the fuck is the point of his character?
ya i know i killed him both that way and with the stat swap glitch , it just gives you a game over!
You're missing the point. Lisa is a bit of a metaphorical jerk off of a game sometimes. Once you bite the bullet of that and indulge far more heavily in the story it becomes far more enjoyable (if you like being miserable)
im miserable enough as it is
Its a purposeful assualt against games that give you an easy way out of a hard choice. Like when you ask buzzo whys he's doing this and he takes both your arm and all your items.
again i just reloaded when this happened like i assume every other player did.
You can do that. It's not an option that's been taken out. If you do play the game again I'd recommend not save scumming it and watch what happens and how the game unfurls. I found that far more fruitful than minmaxing and scumming most things.
like i touch that game again , although id like to hear your reasoning on how it makes it more fruitful?
How playing the game how it's intended is more fruitful? You actually suffer the consequences and for me I really felt the world far better in its unforgiving vibe and depressing miserable way of taking the worst of every situation. Save scumming just makes it turn into "Nah, I don't wanna lose anything or really feel any sense of the turmoil the game tries to give off in its atmosphere. I'd rather just blow through with the best set up with the most characters like a real video game hero!". You're an anti hero, the more you play with the game the more that shines. Getting friends killed, sacrificing your limbs for your team or having them slaughtered because you're more important. Not playing with the game, instead going against it of course makes the game seem dumb. But anythings dumb when approached at in the unintended way.
i had to do all this shit anyways , i whould not have to save scum if this game played fair! since it doesn't play fair i defiantly will not.
What do you mean it's not fair? It's not fair as in there's actual problems with the game that hurt the game severely enough where there's an obvious hole in the game that needs fixing because the vast majority of the users are having severe problems with said unfair thing? Or do you just not like following the games intended mechanics and don't like being the one in last place so you think it's just not made well because of the differ in traditional gameplay...?
2 things
1 what hole are you talking about?
2 the unfair things like when you beat buzzo the game just ends , or not being able to fight roulette guy. how about the game telling you to avoid barrel bros even though they are a good source of xp or not telling me playing on hard railroads me into a specific ending (ya i fucking played on hard my only play though because i just thought it was just difficulty i dident know that it changed the game and ending).
To have any challenge at all you have to avoid using Birdie, Harvey, or Fly
>implying the barrel bros aren't really boring and tedious to fight
The whole game is poorly balanced. You can cheese about everything with status effects.
kill them in 1 turn and im playing on hard = tedious to fight?????
Hard mode isn't actually that much harder. It's just annoying since you can't save twice on a point.
ya i figured as much i was just pissed i went though the whole game without using joy and dident even get the joyless ending!
You're saying something is unfair, so I'm referring to whatever you think is unfair as a hole in the games mechanics. I don't think you understand the games point of that you're not supposed to kill buzzo. That's an in game mechanic, not a problem. Yes you can beat him with exploits and perfect RNG, does't mean you are supposed to. Roulette guy was made to show you more of the rock in a hard place and tough decision making the game loves to enforce. Just because you can't kill everything in your path and actually have to deal with the decisions and consequences doesn't mean the games not fair. You're literally just upset at mechanics you don't like because you want all the power while playing the game. which is what the game is at its's core trying to take away from you.
so your saying even with hard work and incredible strategy that the game is perfectly justified in throwing a tantrum and quiting because i beat buzzo? that not giveing me an option to fight 3 goons is ok even if iv been though much worse already? this game like to pretend it gives you choice but it really just wants to aggravate you , if your into that ok but dont pretend like its fair.
>so you're saying even with me doing something unintended and getting the fail safe result is what was made in the game is totally justified
Yes I am you fucking idiot. And yes, group of people with guns against your fists and bow and arrow is totally dumb, yeah. I too like to bring my fists into a gunfight and just punch people at gun point! Holy shit you're denser than a black hole.
>like i haven't already fought people with guns at that point
>like brad isent a martial artist and the 1 dude with a gun is beside him
>if you dont want buzzo to be beaten dont let me fight him you asshole! or let me keep playing as a reward for doing something so challenging ??? instead of throwing a fit.
fuck i dident mean to do that all in green text my bad
I can't stand the artstyle though. It's beyond ugly.
>You've fought one guy with a peashooter before the barrel area, after that no guns up until that point if correct
>It's more than one dude, martial arts or not brad can't jump to the second floor where some people have gun or leap over the the guy in front of the door with the guy with the gun or hurt the main guy with a gun with many guns pointed at you
>fighting him was intentional, beating him was not. It's a metaphor that's going over your head.
Your point again?
I think it looks better. More interesting looking and detailed in a good way.
i meant when he first comes out of the cave , not when he is in the building.
what about the buzzo metaphor is going over my head? i beat him , the game quit what is this a metaphor for?
He's on a far up platform. It's implied that you either can't see him (but the player can) or can't get to him (to high up)
who is up on a high up platform?
Again, like, for the 10th time. Its unintended for you to beat him. You're not supposed to. You losing if you do (which is almost impossible to beat him) is to end the game because you're not supposed to beat him. Its completely unintended for you to actually beat him at all. You beating him wasn't supposed to happen so the game ends itself. Like clipping through a wall in a game, its not intended for you to do it. Yes you can do it, but its technically not supposed to happen.
You're right. It's always cool though when they put in some reward for beating an "unbeatable" boss.
WHY EVEN HAVE THE OPTION THEN?! either take out the option to fight him OR when you pick it he kills you or whatever . DONT put me in a beatable fight and then tantrum when i fucking win!
I get what you mean, but I think the creator didn't really want that kinda way through through the game.
>MFW not getting the "Don't fight the inevitable" metaphor he was going for
>Not getting the point of that he's not killable
>being that dense
Isn't highschool still open right now? shouldn't you be in class?
i like how you keep responding the same way and dont understand thats not even what im complaining about. also he is killable , and even more we probably are not in the same timezone !
Anyone have controller issues with this game?
It remains the single game in my collection that won't recognise certain buttons on my controller. It's infuriating
i fixed this with joy to key.
Huh I'll need to look in to it
Deepest lore
You seem to be complaining about how Buzzo is killable so he should be killable and not punish you for doing it or just take the option to fight him out. I'm saying you aren't understanding the point of him so hard it hurts on a physical level.
yes thats what im saying , if you dont want people to beat buzzo either
a. dont let the player fight him
b. dont let the player beat him
or the best option
c. let the player keep playing if they manage to defeat him
all 3 of these options are better then what they did.
>Buzzo literally instakills the team on the first round in order to finish the fight to show you its futile
>Only way to live in status effects and getting really lucky with him missing which was an oversight while making the game
So we can conclude its answer B and that beating him wasn't intentional. Beating him makes you lose in case of cheaters or you doing something your not supposed to. How hard is this for you? Are you ok?