Yfw cryptoniggers killed PC gaming

>yfw cryptoniggers killed PC gaming

Crypto currency is here to stay. Gaming cards will be out of stock for the foreseeable future.

Kaz did nothing wrong.

>Killed PC gaming
PC parts are selling more now than ever before.
Stay on console brainlet.

>crypto here to stay
Tell that again when mum gave you an asswhooping cause the electricity bill is suddenly 5 times as high

>PC parts are selling more now than ever before.
Who the fuck do you think is buying them?


If you seriously think this is in any way negatively impacting PC gaming overall, then you probably don't know the first thing about economics.

Money has no identity you neanderthal. To say PC gaming is dead is a lie lmao. I'm good cause I got my 1080 ti so I'm set for at least another 5-10 years.

This is what PCbros get for being the city of gaming. Being filled with both niggers that steal everything and SJWs that ruin everything in the games industry

Says the kid who spends money on internet twice, has no backwards compatibility, Probably plays FPS with controller and has to pay for a new console in a couple years.

yfw someone homebrews a mining app for each console

PC gaming isn't even that big.

I would get a real gaming PC only if there was a single streamlined gaming PC. Like it could have all the same hardware but be sold in tiers where higher prices will get you better performance. It would be like a monopoly on PC gaming but honestly it's better than everyone whining about how a game doesn't work well because they have different parts and spending large amounts of time to get the game to run smoothly.

Not buying direct from EVGA MSI topest of keks.

>Volta/Ampere being delayed because of cryptoniggers


You want to give up flexibility and customization for worse, but stable specs? Let people have their freedom to choose, you can still get a cookie cutter built PC if you care about compatibility that much.

> I think ram is a measure for how long a video card will run instead of what the chips actually do

AMDfan detected

Fucking faggots will always have to ruin everything

Why gaming cards? Why aren't these cryptoniggers buying cards designed for mining.

>eternally not in stock

You should have to name a video game before stores sell you a GPU.

>Like it could have all the same hardware but be sold in tiers where higher prices will get you better performance.

Reminder you can run linux on ps4
inb4 crypto running on console

It'll be fucking hilarious seeing PS4's quadruple in price
Remember guys, PS4 piracy is already a thing, not long before 5.0+ gets hacked and the floodgates open

Some user said it resets at midnight CT on Wednesdays he could have been lying.

>Like it could have all the same hardware but be sold in tiers where higher prices will get you better performance.
you high or what

because they can't resell the mining cards for full price to idiots and/or exploit warranties

What time zone though? And is it midnight from Tue to Wed or Wed to Thu?

Tuesday to wednesday and I said CT Central time. so 1am est or 10 pst

What are iggers from crypton

Sorry I'm tired as fuck didn't notice CT there. I will verify that this week then.

Oh noes! Not free games!

They've been hacked mainly not for piracy, but to run Linux. The patches for open source (faster) compute support is almost in upstream now so in a couple of weeks it will be really easy for the first time to get compute going on a hacked PS4, right now you just get acceleration for games.
PS4's are going to be running as mining systems.

Yes, I'm sure the additional sales are hurting the companies a lot.

all you need is a 1050 TI and pirate every game


Great! Now to just find PS4’s second hand that have not been updated sonce 2016 so i can use a toy to mine bitcoin! How effecient!

>pcfags are actually brainlets
No wonder you dumbasses spend $1000 for a Facebook machine.

Name a console game that's sold more than pubg this generation.

pubg is a console game user. It’s on xbox.

PC gaming has apparently been dead for 20 years now.
It also apparently seems to die every year despite being already dead. Funny how that works.

Funny, Sup Forums says the exact same thing about consoles too.

how do I know you're underage?

I have a mid range set up and play everything from the beginning of time to current year.

What do you want? PC gaming has never been more accessible. Even building your own has become piss easy, software is borderline apple if all you do is play games on it.

Breath of the Wild is playable on pc too. What's your point?

Sorry, what’s yours exactly?

I'm out of the loop. How did cryptocurrency fuck everything up?

Pricehiked GPU prices and are shortages since a ton of people are into Bitcoin mining these days.

But here is some food for though, Gaming shit has stagnated and requirement for better specs are as influenced by bad optimization as much as they are by actual progress.

Happy with my 750ti.
Someone honestly name 5 PC games that are worth buying a top graphics card in current year+3. A mid to low tier will do you fine.

Exactly. There is no point.

Crypto is dead in the water.

Get out or get burned.

Good. Pc gaymers are PIECES OF SHIT. I'm tired of these reddit monkeys going on and on about muh performance and muh fps. And no stupid monkey, pc gayming isn't "objectively superior", go fuck yourself.

You can buy several used PS4s or about 5 new ones to mine with for the price of a single graphics card, as moat cards are $1000 or more now.

Take your crypto/graphic card bullshit somewhere else.