Remember Splinter Cell Sup Forums?

Remember Splinter Cell Sup Forums?

CT > 1 > PT
I'd rather pretend the rest doesn't exist.


never played muppet cell, which one should i play for a vertical slice?

I love Splinter Cell. He kills terrorists and doesn't afraid of anything.

I'd have to rate PT higher, loved that entry, also I do have a bit of affection for Double Agent too

It's down due to technical problems, also sadly I'll never be able to play the only good version of DA which is on the original xbox only.

any chance of a reboot with an old sam and the mechanics of 1 - 3?

The franchise did not deserve its fate.

Haha no.
Not under current Ubishit.

I beat Chaos Theory about a year ago. I sort of roleplayed and didn't kill anyone until that mission in Korea or whatever where you're told you're going into basically a warzone and it's totally cool if you murder people. So I murdered everyone.

Good game. I'll probably play it again someday.


it's coming back sooner or later according to ubisoft. Just hope FOR THE LOVE OF GOD they make it more stealth oriented and go back to it's roots while improving on it.

>go back to it's roots
Come now. We know that wont happen.

Anyone remember the Bob and Steve skits Xplay used to have way back in the day? I loved those

Its also amazing how well CT holds up to this day, the physics and lighting still look great along with the killer sound design

It died a fucking painful death unfortunately. Like Metal Gear, Silent Hill, Mass Effect ect;

The multiplayer was so fucking fun, even though the mercs were too powerful, good times!

The OG Xbox version is backwards compatible on the 360 and runs pretty well. I never played the 6th gen version until recently and holy shit I wish I had played that version instead.

I don't own one, so it's not an option.
The 360/PC versions are pure AIDS.
I went in unbiased and the moment I've seen the very first gameplay section with the absolutely awful nightvision goggles effect which looked worse than anything I've seen so far was the moment I've realised I'm in for a smelly shit ride.
The first level wasn't even completable without triggering an alarm from invisible cameras (model bugged out but you could hear them move).

What the fuck were they thinking?

If it didn't have Splinter Cell in the title ot wouldn't have been so a SC title ot was so poorly executed

Start with Double Agent, then Conviction and then Blacklist. The three of them are the most connected in the series.

Fun af. Taught me the value and fun of stealth. I play RPGs like elder scrolls like this now to this day.

I enjoyed it. Specially because we got to see Sam so mad because of his daughter's death. We now know he can be a fucking monster.

I only played the PS2 version, is it so much different than the other version ? I know it starts differently but does the story change ?

Blacklist is legitimately good.

idk, maybe i hated it so much because i played it right after finishing Chaos Theory,
I knew it wasnt going to be the same, but holy shit

Unironically kill yourself.

I own every Splinter Cell on pc, they are pretty cheap, especially during a sale.

I wouldn't say it's good, but it wasn't terrible.

Here you can see the exact moment the franchise died

What's wrong with Blacklist?

(inb4 the 2 minute long first person sequence)

Yeah, it's the black sheep of the series but I still liked it.

Not that user but I enjoyed the crap out of Blacklist. I think it's really good. Why don't you like the game ?

Conviction was ok. Double agent sucked.
After Ironsides left, the IP was dead.

It'll probably be a fucking Battle Royale game, knowing modern Ubi.

I still try to do the Blacklist levels in record time. Quite fun especially if you restrict yourself.

At least Lambert stayed in the past during the franchise's glory days

it was my first stealth game, how could i forget it? splinter cell is what made me fall in love with the genre, and will always hold a special place in my heart

I never said I didn't like it, I just said it was average. Good fun and the best game for awhile after a string of awful, awful entries.

Everything is on the way when you have a helicopter and Donald Sutherland is a sex machine.

The only real problem with CT's visuals are the horrid character models.

i want more Splinter Cell, goddammit!

i'm just glad they made Blacklist before shelving the series.

Remember Syphon Filter?

It's coming back, according to Ubisoft.

As for the quality, hope for the best, expect the worst.


Hopefully they will take note of the success of the Hitman reboot and take the franchise back to its glory days. I'm a huge Metal Gear fan but Chaos Theory is the greatest stealth game ever made

I'm sure you don't, son.

all i remember is the stiff ass animations and that it was a bootleg Metal Gear Solid

I still remember Ganes voice in my head like it was yesterday user. I also have vague memories of mental hospital level with elements of stealth which was fucking excruciating