So what's the verdict? I haven't heard anything since it released X years ago

So what's the verdict? I haven't heard anything since it released X years ago


Max Payne 1 will never be dethroned

Im a huge fan being critical. It was a solid game and I enjoyed the story

amazing graphics

He's a big guy/10

Boring as fuck. Looks pretty though (on PC).

Played it on acid.
Story was decent basic but still about mid tier hollywood level.
Graphics are great, real depth and color.
Gameplay was also pretty surprising and mildly challenging on hardest. I am a sucker for time manipulation games though.

Trash. Mindboggling that Sup Forums is so contrarian that some people actually pretend it isn't trash. Even by last gen AA TPS standards it's trash.

Max Payne was a fluke

Is this worth pirating for CIA?

Was probably going to pirate it also. I remember it being a Windows10 Store exclusive, who the fuck thought that was a good idea.

microsoft obviously
it's been on steam for a while now

I bought it because the guy in the box is hot.

Shit game, through

it was okay a cool movie. sam lakes writing is always good. but the gameplay was eh though it would be more max payne but the gunfights were rather generic

fuck, are the quantum breaking mechanics good at least?

watching those live actions were more fun than playing the game itself, where half of it consists of platforming and whatnot
what a waste of decent writing

I've had this sittting on my shelf for a year. Installing now on my x1x

>platforming in a TPS

Its average, not as bad as people sad honestly. But its not very good either.

I bought it entirely to see CIA in a video game, waste of money tbqh

Has anyone ripped his model yet?
Would be fun to use in shitposting or VRchat

The last time MS will invest into anything remotely single player. MS puts all their chips on Xbox Live and Games as a Service now. Smart, there is no room for two PlayStations.

This. Gameplay is standard TPS stuff, story is a bit all over the show, especially with the TV stuff, but it looks good.

Particular shoutout to the effects when you use your powers, or there's a time anomaly. Just aesthetically pleasing.

The various powers you fairly generic stuff (Time shield, time vision, time shield, time super speed etc), but they look pretty good.

I remember enjoying the "Time Grenade", which froze time around enemies (Assuming they aren't wearing the special stasis backpack things), so you could shoot at them, then they'd unfreeze and get hit by all the bullets.

Why is this man so good at writing?