Did Nintendo delay their paid online because they realized literally no one is using their shitty cell phone app?

Did Nintendo delay their paid online because they realized literally no one is using their shitty cell phone app?

It's because the console is selling unbelievably well and they don't want to slow the momentum with online gatekeeping.

Also they don't really need to right now anyway since they're making boatloads just off the hardware/software.

Did Nintendo delay their paid online?

I like to believe they are delaying it so they still keep the free online

>It's because the console is selling unbelievably well and they don't want to slow the momentum with online gatekeeping.
This literally makes no sense. They would make MORE money by charging for online if more people are buying. Are you just defending their incompetence?
yeah, it was supposed to become paid over the holidays

no, its because they know Splatoon 2 would see a drastic drop in players

>so they still keep the free online
lol they're not doing that
The Clam Blitz trailer for Splatoon 2 says it will become paid in 2018
I think Splatoon 2 will be okay, but ARMS will be completely dead once the online becomes paid.

Why do posters like you try to pretend they know ANYTHING about running a business? It's honestly kind of hilarious.

Is the Virtual Console coming with the online? Getting pissed off with this. Fuck Nintendo.

Are they gonna add a browser once paid online is here? That will be gay why no browser until now and you have to pay for it

the time you spend being pissed off at nintendo could be spent emulating those VC games in mere minutes.

>Is the Virtual Console coming with the online?
They're not doing virtual console anymore, they're just re-releasing old consoles like they did with NES classic and SNES classic

>Why do posters like you try to pretend they know ANYTHING about running a business? It's honestly kind of hilarious

Calling the kettle a little black there, pot

I'm not pretending to know why Nintendo does things, unlike you.

I do. But I don't really like having to play them on my PC.
Nah, I bet VC is still a thing.

Their infrastructure is so shit.
Nintendo Network doesn't work at all.
It better be good as much as they delayed it.

It's fucking p2p, dude. It's not going to get better once it's paid.

There's also the fact they currently have like, 2 main titles that actually use Nintendo's internet service, so making it a thing with just those games is kinda pointless and impractical.

I genuinely believe they'll annouce their plans with it either with the next "non-mini" direct or when Pokemon Switch gets a proper reveal and release date.

>2 main titles that actually use Nintendo's internet service
Splatoon 2
Mario Kart 8
That's 3 right there. Bayonetta 2 has online play too.
Stop defending them and accept they just need to get their asses in gear already.

Because the online service is so bad that it makes PSN look good

I would rather they just not charge money for it at all tbqh famalam

>I would rather they just not charge money for it at all
They don't have any business charging for it when they won't even offer basic shit like voice chat. I can't believe people actually put up with this

Its because they have no games

I can't imagine $20 a year being more profitable than potentially making a $100-200 a year per customer, and a lot of people would be turned off by the paid online and may buy fewer games or won't even buy the console, so those are lost customers.

>a lot of people would be turned off by the paid online and may buy fewer games or won't even buy the console,
please don't speak as if you have any experience in this area.

I really doubt that, the mini consoles are for the novelty and have a very limited library. Plus they are not portable.


4 next month. Keep making excuses for your favorite corporation though, I'm sure they appreciate your loyalty

Erm you know you don't have to pay for each game you play online right?

we might as well never give opinions on this site at all then, are you gay?

>Plus they are not portable.
so fucking what? They make more publicity from doing those meme consoles than they do from VC.


they are most likely reading the apps and working on addin tons of media shit to it to justify the adding of a paywall. Shit like netflix, twitch,youtube etc will probably come first.
And then the paywall.

can you make it anymore obvious that you've lost this argument? lol

Arms is not a real game, mario kart and splatoon thats two games.
With what ZERO games coming out this year

man you didn't just move those goalposts, you threw them across the field

ARMS is a weird case. It has the fewer number of people playing online compared to Splatoon and MK8DX, and despite that, it's still going even after Nintendo claimed it wont' be getting new content, so...I dunno if it counts or not really.

And I'm not defending them. If anything, I'm pissed and disappointed they finally ended up going for the P2P route. I might be a Nintendo fanboy, but I'm sure as hell not paying for an internet service inside another internet service that's already gonna get more expensive in a few years. It's a shame people like me are the minority.

>A lot of people would be turned off by the paid online and may buy fewer games or won't even buy the console, so those are lost customers.

You are aware Nintendo has always been the odd one out in this whole online game service, right? Because that sort of shiet has already become a normal thing to see and expect, with or without a reasoning behind it.

>so fucking what?

Portability is the biggest selling point of the Switch and you're asking that? Doesn't invalidate the other points, and those meme consoles still only sell just as much as any popular game, it's not like it's in the 10s of millions. Digital games also aren't short in supply.

you really overestimate how many people buy VC games

Well the point is they have no multiplayer games.
lets say bayonetta, splatoon mario kart 8 arms streetfighter minecraft wow thats alot of games!.

>but I have to pay the price of a coffee each months to play online and get free games? NO WAY JOSE, FUCK YOU NINTENDOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

By your logic no platform has online games

Here we see a butthurt fanboy in his natural environment.
Watch how he throws an autistic fit in response to a perfectly reasonable criticism of a corporation.

Great argument buddy

>ugh why aren't you typing out a well thought-out argument in response to my butthurt shitposts

At this point with as little as we know Nintendo is likely waiting on launching paid online. My guess would be a new muti player focused title. No splatoon doesn't count. It has no hype and won't be enough to excite people.

Another great argument! Were you on the debate team?
>Switch is great! but I have to pay $20 extra a year so I won't buy it
Tell me how anyone would think this? I would understand if this was 2002, but now people pay each month for their phone contracts, the online on other consoles, Netflix etc. Tell me why the Switch doing the same thing would be so outrageous.
>b-because the Switch online will be shit even though we don't know anything about it
is not an answer

naw the fucker already did that shit more a victory lap on photo/film more so than anything else.

>even though we don't know anything about it
No, we do know that it's p2p instead of dedicated game servers, and that's not changing. So yeah I can safely say it is SHIT. Get over it fanboy.

Thanks for proving my point I guess.
>it's not going to change because reasons!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's not going to change because they can't just add dedicated servers for their already existing games, it doesn't work like that.

>PSN looks good at all
user it's been down for the last 3 fucking days, when's the last time Nintendo's network was down

Guess where the matchmaking servers are located, you idiot.

Nintendo makes some really odd decisions to appear "ahead of the curve"

I can see how they thought using a smartphone app would appeal to millennials, but people would rather not waste their battery and have communication through the console instead

It's really weird how they so scared of having things like voice chat and friends be easy to use. Because some kids might get harassed? Like it doesn't already happen on xbox and ps4, its just nobody gives a shit.

Guess where the matchmaking servers are located, you idiot.

>Because some kids might get harassed?
I don't find this to be a valid excuse anymore, not after they went through so much effort in their advertising to make the Switch look like an adult system.
They can't do that and then turn around and say "oh we don't do voice chat because the poor children"

Honestly their online offerings are abysmal. I like that you can post gameplay videos straight to Twitter and the like at least.

3rd party is always going to be several steps behind other console releases and the first party offerings, while great, I've either played already on my WiiU or there aren't enough for me to invest in a new console just yet. I think Mario Odyssey is a must play, but one game doesn't sell a whole system for me.

>Hey guys let's play Splatoon 2
>How will we communicate?
>Well, we could use this unwieldy app that's specifically designed for use with one console and takes a ridiculous number of steps just to set up a simple party
>Or we could just use fucking Skype/Discord
Seriously, who thought this app was a good idea?

I don't keep my switch near my computer
Why can't they just have it done through the console itself? Even the fucking Wii U had in-game voice chat

You can get Skype and Discord on your phone, and it's still better.
But yeah, I agree. The best solution would just be having voice chat on the console. Hell, it's not even a solution - it's a standard that was established eighteen fucking years ago.

>Oh boy! I found a match in .5 seconds as opposed to .10!
Do you understand the process on which you are speaking?

Oops, meant .05 instead of .5. I can't into math, but my point still stands.

I just log into it once in a while to see what clothes you can order for your squid. It's completely useless otherwise and that feature is obviously just there to remind you that the app exists.

They're probably waitingfor their next fiscal year to start or just before it.

They delayed it because they know it's shit in its current state. With what they are offering right now, who the fuck would pay money for it? And if they did and had a bad experience (which they will), they wont go back. This has to hit the ball out of the park and they have no real infrastructure for a tolerable online experience.

I don't have any issues finding Splatoon games

But surely you encountered players constantly disconnecting during matches. Not all of these disconnects are their fault.

not really...

right, but if they're going to charge money for this service, it needs to be a little more substantial than just "well I can find matches"
Their current online plan offers nothing to incentivize players because their online is just as poor quality as it was during Wii U days and that was free.

umm, the entire point of "Matchmaking" is to find matches...

>Ask a question
>Receive an answer
>Fly into an autistic fit

Is school out today or something.

If they're going to charge money for this service, it needs to more than just matchmaking. They need in-game voice chat, party chat, text messages to friends in your friend list, etc.
Why are they fucking charging money for it when they won't even provide basic shit that was standard a decade ago?

>They need in-game voice chat
no they don't

also, remember that it's only $20

Yes they do. It's fucking paid online. It needs voice chat.

Nobody knows nothing, right? Do you spend all day pulling crabs back into the bucket or is this just a thing you do on Tuesday?


I don't care. If they won't even offer basic shit like voice chat then they have no business charging people for online, period.
Yes they do. They need to actually provide something to me if they expect me to pay for their online.

It's peer to peer, so it's either that player's or their isp's fault.


Out of all the stupid shit Nintendo has done, paid online is probably the most absurd. They can't be oblivious to the fact that they are completely incompetent when it comes to online features. The fact that they initially wanted to charge a pittance for it suggests that they know they're not worth more. I suspect that they originally were not going to add anything to paid online. They were simply going to start charging for what we're already using right now for free. Only problem is that they soon realize that their audience expected additional features that are absent, but available on every other console. So, now they've gone back to the drawing board entirely. They likely won't go back to free online because greed wins at the end of the day, but they are probably working on their value proposition by adding in a bonus to sweeten the deal. It's sad really. I would be happy if they would just admit they don't want to fuck around with more complicated online and kept what we already have free.

>can't afford $20

>messaging system
Absolutely, yes.
>voice chat
Not necessary at all.

Yes, how dare we talk online without presenting our credentials on an anonymous image board.

I'm sure you could afford to give me $20 a year every year for the rest of your life. That doesn't mean you should do it, or that you would get anything out of it, or that the transaction would make any sense to you.
No, if they want to charge me money for it, voice chat is necessary. Most people share my opinion.

>defending paid online
Fuck off, sonybro

He already bought the game with the online features included for $60. Why should he pay more than that, shitposter?

>I'm sure you could afford to give me $20 a year every year for the rest of your life.

I would if you gave me online

because infrastructure costs money to maintain?

But you've already been getting online from Nintendo for free. You paid $60 for Splatoon 2 or Mario Kart 8 or whatever. Why would you be okay with suddenly having to pay an extra $20, even though the quality of the service won't get better?

Fuck off retard, p2p doesn't cost money to maintain.

Honestly believe many Nintendo brainfarts are because they see themselves as a toy company first and foremost. Their think of the children mentality suggests that much. They know the people buying their consoles are mostly soyboys in their late twenties and early thirties, but they aren't willing to go all in because of the family friendly image they've carefully cultivated for decades. It's the Disney problem all over again. Nintendo started making a lot more sense to me when I looked at the things they produce as toys.

What is voice chat needed for? Anyone who games online with friends already speaks to them through Skype/Vent/Mumble/Discord/etc so there is zero point in including a feature thay will never get used. The Wii U offered a face-to-face video chat feature and I can guarantee less than 1% of the console owners used the feature. Integrated voice comms are absolutely useless in this age, whereas having a basic messaging/invite system will forever be useful if only to get people's attention while playing.

If you personally are outraged over no voice chat, you are an extreme minority.

>What is voice chat needed for?
Because it's a standard feature and if they expect me to pay $20 then they need to add voice chat.
>Anyone who games online with friends already speaks to them through Skype/Vent/Mumble/Discord/etc
I don't keep my Switch near my PC. Not an argument

Wow, such insight. I surely couldn't afford a couple cents a day to pay for online. That's it!

Whatever then, enjoy being a special snowflake, user. I hope your online petition to lobby for voice chat goes well. I'm sure the threat of losing 20 dollars will surely force Nintendo to cater to you specifically.

Most people expect voice chat to be a standard feature in 2018, you're delusional if you think people will overlook it's absence.

>the demand is so high that they are scared of having too much money

Yeah. It totally isn't the trainwreck the app + accessories for Splatoon 2, the backslash on the 1 month free rental of NES ROMs, the delay of 5+ years on everything internet related or the barebone online options in every Nintendo game. No, it's just that they don't want more money because they are a good caring company that loves it's customers.

Because the WiiU got hacked through the web browser.

The next console will be locked in an iron box to prevent hardware hacking. That's how fucking retarded not including a web browser is if this is true.

And yet Switch already got hacked anyways. That lack of a web browser sure did a lot of good huh?