A fast rant about this shit game others tell me i suck when i get 2 v1 and they dont help at all when they die more...

a fast rant about this shit game others tell me i suck when i get 2 v1 and they dont help at all when they die more then i do it just shows how much the game should die

Normally I'd say git gud but I think I'll just tell you to play a different game

why do bronze post on v

you know its gonna backfire

If you even got in the position to get 2v1d, you suck

The key is to not let them gang up on you, shitter.

There're 3 ways to go about this
1. Stop caring about losing or shitty teammates.
2. Git gud, learn not to overextend and pay attention to not get ganked.
3. Git gud to get matchmade with better teammates.

>push without wards
>doesn't keep an eye on ennemy jung
>gets killed in obvious ganks
gigalow elo dogshit player stay hardstuck gold-

>hurr durr the game should die
>but im gonna keep playing it cause im a dipshit
fuck you and your shit game, OP

I actually enjoy getting 2v1


It is your fault, OP. It always is. You cannot expect people who don't understand the game to help you, and right now you are one of those people. Either stop being one, or stop playing.

Or keep playing and abuse yourself, it's your life.

>being bad at league
git good this game is easy as shit if you're not a retard

Play a better game. This is now a Zyra thread.


zyra is fucking ugly and is annoying to play against good thing that she's fucking shit atm fuck this champ

you definetly bronze and overstaying/not warding

lmao people who say 'get wards' actually overestimate your need of vision in lower elo

anything below diamond 3 and you dont need wards at all, period. During early game you can ALWAYS know where the enemy jungler is due to static pathing, there's only so much he can do and if you ward one of his buffs or his raptor camp (as a midlaner) he's done and you can 100% know where he is during that clear. you can very comfortably play in those elos without buying a single pink

the game is very good, a shame the company that runs it has gone to shit since a while ago. We've gone from ardent meta to stopwatch meta and supports wont stop getting stuff for free because tumblrinas feel like they should get more gold/impact just for existing

>can't 2v1 or even 3v1
how bad are you exactly? You think I'm joking but actually you know next to nothing about the game most likely and just come on here with your wood V mentality "hurr its the games fault" bullshit

you fucking suck retard

trash talking like this when youre gold haha

im with the others. uninstall it. let your egos get over the losses and just uninstall it. its played mostly by foreign people and children. tha alone makes playing the game not worth your time.

Keep crying bitch nigga.
>she's back to being a mid laner
If I didn't know better, I'd reinstall.

If you are good you will 2v1 and win.

gl in esports

>win 8/10 placements
>start bronze 2
>climb effortlessly with 23 LP per win
>reach silver 4
>start only getting 20 LP per win

I'm lucky if I even make it to gold

This elo is legit impossible to lose in without trolling, watch your minimap, get confident and learn how to estimate your damages and you'll make it to plat easily

so whats the trick to getting out of dia5-4 reliably

ive been a zed onetrick for a long ass time but I feel the champion is absolute shit rn due to stopwatch shenanigans and my second pick has been gutted this patch (kass)

im considering spamming xerath

I won 2/10 and got silver 1.

>so whats the trick to getting out of dia5-4 reliably
Consistency, dedication and a good /mute all at the start of every game
>but i need to see what my teammate says
no you dont trust me, pings carry enough communication and it prevents you from tilting and being lured into retarded dumb strats
fuck d5 hardstucks btw

Watch LL Stylish VoDs and compare them to yours and I guarantee you will see why you don't climb.

Llast time I played I went from Bronze III due to bad placements to Gold V in just a couple months of playing a couple matches a week at most, solo. As a support.
Getting out of low elo requires no skill whatsoever, just patience and knowing how to punish mistakes. Yes, ASSFAGGOTS are decided by which side got the retard of the match, but if you're not that retard, you're gonna come out on top eventually.

I'm not taking advise from a healslut