Is it worth the $50?

Is it worth the $50?

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Ben on GiantBomb says it's great

It's certainly not worth all the shitposting it gets.

>towerfall and anita
>twitter screencaps
Okay faggots, let's focus on the GAMEplay aspect if the GAME for once.

abortion is worth every penny

It's 20$ on Steam, on which platform does it cost so much?

Anyway platforming is nice. I don't get accolades for story though. Grab it if you're really itching for some hard 2d platforming action, otherwise I'd suggest waiting for sale.

It isn't worth $20.

it is worth 5-10 ameribux. It a nice game and the devs put work into it, its just not as good as pedogaf wants to make it. Its not deep its not a masterpiece. it is nice tho.

Who /C-sides/ here?

Fuck no maybe $10 tops.

How old is Madeline? Asking for a friend.

This. I feel bad for anyone who gets duped by the shitposting into ignoring this one

Reminder that there is actually no abortion references whatsoever and that's it's a garbage meme being force by a single obsessed faggot
Also why is Theo the worst video game character to ever exist. I skipped all of his optional shit and his chemistry with the main character is so shoehorned and horribly written it makes me want to tear through a wall. Thank god the gameplay is good because I can't stand the fucking writing.


It was $20 on the switch.

And it's definitely worth 20-30. Great little game.

I liked Theo tho.

I could do without him literally saying "Yolo" but you got to remember he's a super-normie.

If her age is on the clock, she's old enough for the cock.

>Great little game
sounds kind of condescending

>his chemistry with the main character is so shoehorned
He's the only other person climbing the mountain, that's all. Wouldn't you stick together if you met some random guy while climbing the Everest?
I think he's fun.

It's 20€ everywhere.

Anything above that and you're accused of shilling.

I mean, it's definitely not a big game.

I'm less than 10 hours in and I think I'm almost done.

Can't imagine she's anything younger than 18. Probably in her early 20s.

There's a ton more to do after running each level the first time. 23 Hours and I'm not done.