Huniepop 2 coming out sometime this year

Huniepop 2 coming out sometime this year

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Why would you ever pick woman? Without the real thing, the sex cannot possibly reach full zenith.

Also, the pictures are too clean.

I dint see the creator have this on his twitter, was it taken down? And is there epics of the backlash?

My dick is ready

If they bring back Aiko, this game might be redeemed.

footfag pandering?


Oh cool, looks like this is an Israel supported game. Time to boycott

There was some backlash though. Neogaf banned all discussion of the game. But then Neogaf died anyway so who cares.

What's wrong with being accurate?

No Nikki no buy

Fuck off, yid. You'll have your turn

Mine too


Dibs on this one.

Hope you guys have a loving relationship

I'm taking her from you.

I had no internet when Neogaf died. How did Sup Forums react? Was it a big shitstorm?

>in a dating sim
Well I guess we can say this game does something no one ever tried to (cause it was a bad idea)

Dude no fuck off

Sorry, I want her more.

This reminds me of my girlfriend.

Wonder if she'll be a nympho like Kyu.

Sarah is cute!

I liked it better when there were innocent girls

Candy isn't very bright but what she lacks in cognitive ability she makes up for in being super hot. She's very nice but also incredibly naive and easily taken advantage of. There's almost nothing she won't do for a bump!
That's her description on Twitter

Maybe there will be some innocent girls
Ya never know



Shes actually more fucked up, she does strip but is mainly a whore, and I've been working to help her get clean and stay clean, I just want the best for her.

I'd be surprised if there weren't at least a couple. The dev hasn't revealed any flat chested girls yet after all.

It would be funny if the "final boss" this time was an innocent Roman Goddess instead of a lewd one.

>buying western "VN"

That sounds like a hopeless endeavor, but good luck anyways, I suppose

Eh, you know how it is, you love who you love. Shes a few months sober now at least.

No one cared because the sjw remains started a new club house. Same usual news, twice as many safespaces.

its not really a vn

I almost say I'm in love with her but she probably has more experience than my 2 months of dating. Is it possible to be a super alpha, super supporting partner with someone who's tanked more dicks than a gas station toilet?

Yes girls like that love people who are dependable and give them lots of love. Someone to tell them that you love them for more than a hole and always be there for them. At least thats what works for me.

The woman I've been with like me because I was dead honest with them. I found this part funny, but the reason it always ends is because I couldn't give a sincere "I love you" when ever I get asked. Anywho, who's gonna be your starter girl for this game?

Out of the one's revealed so far I'll probably go for Candace first. But that could change.

Probably the OP girl.

>calling huniepop a vn

>Which girl you fucked first
>Which girl was your favorite

where the fuck is all the audrey porn

>Playing a shit Bejewled clone to get pleb tier boobie art

The first one wasn't even good. How is it that you people will do anything for porn no matter how mediocre it is?

>repressed slut
>sand negro

muh dick

Why do you hate fun, user?

Its not even fun though.

a huge shitstorm happened on Sup Forums too, where the mods banned all discussions of neogaf imploding until Hiro stepped in and allowed one thread at a time.

Yes it is. It's charming, you're just dead inside, get some help.


The OG girls are making a return, right? R-right?



Pick one, they aren't the same thing.

Where the fuck is the HuniePop porn period?

Charming Definition: PLEASANT or attractive.
Fun Definition:enjoyment, amusement, or lighthearted PLEASURE.


Audrey best be in 2.

No. They all had bad ends.

Maybe you should play the game and find out how wrong you are or fuck off.

Bejewled is a good game though

Why can't I play this shit on my phone yet? I just want to swipe gems and then my dick.

Shit, you're right. I spoke too soon.

I'm sure at least one more is going to return

Nikki is best girl.

Audrey is for betas with no taste

Why are all the girls drug addled hoe bags?

Reminder that the Dev thought that Emergence was hot

He thought she was hot until her teeth started falling out

The point still stands.

Okay so how long until the Devs get Charlie Hebdo'd?

That actually scares me
Stay safe Koons

But it was hot. Beautiful ending.

So what happened to Yumi?

He’s right, it’s one of the few that end with the dumb whore getting what they deserve

Huniepop has more actual gameplay than any traditional VN.


She looks like a baby

Huh, I might actually play this /aco/ game for that girl. Not bad.

I'm excited to see people play it

So this might look like some pixels, but bear with me here
This is the first teaser Koons ever made for Huniepop 2 a long time ago
If you look out the colors, you can see that the there is Sarah and Lillian. The other one is clearly Zoey from Huniecam. So she's probably gonna be in this one.

You like watching fat losers jerk off to cartoons?


This shit is from 2016, I had to dig

im in love

Neat catch. I had forgotten about this image.
Somehow I never thought of Zoey. I actually don't hate the character but that's probably going to be a limp reveal for most.


I've been during lots of cross referencing of all the polls and shit for character reveals to find out how many girls and left and what ones and shit because I have nothing better to do. Then all of a sudden I had a eureka moment and remembered this old ass picture.
I wasn't the biggest Zoey fan either, but that's because no one really had characterization in Huniecam. Maybe she'll be cool.

With a drawing.


That's not love.

This is good, but can we start getting sizes listed?

its love to me

>implying I actually wasted time getting good at a porn game
I just used cheat engine to speed through the game lol

That's no fun