He plays last-gen versions/ports of new releases

>He plays last-gen versions/ports of new releases

Today is my favorite day of the year! It's my imaginary best-friend's birthday! Everybody say happy birthday to my imaginary best friend Jennifer!!! :)

i want albanoposting to become a thing.

>He still plays on the base PS4/Xbox One

"Oh fuck you Luigi!"


Me too.

>He plays using Windows 7 with an older GPU at 720p

Also, Lou Albano is the one, true, definitive Mario. And Wells is Luigi.

>He uses a state-of-the-art PC build to play games primarily on DOS-box.

That's literally all I do.

Then the buyer's remorse sets in.

>He softmods a console
>Only plays emulated NES
>SNES at best.

This is me rn since I skipped the ps3

Those are the only ones worth emulating.

They'll always be who I picture and hear when I think of Mario and Luigi. Rewatching the Super Show is always worth it for them alone.

I unironically like the Super Show. I fucking love rewatching it every now and then.
I miss my childhood so much. Good times.

>He beats a game on the easiest difficulty and brags that he "mastered" it

>he buys and defends amiibos


>He plays using Windows 7 with an older GPU at 720p
That's actually me (with a R7 260X), but at 1080p

Same. It was simpler, happier times.

>I accidentally made Albanoposting and Wellsposting a thing.
Well shit, I am happy.

No you jinxed it now albano posting isnt a thing

Made my night a bit better thanks user

Sometimes we just need to DO THE MARIO

Post Danny Wells then

>He posts an image with an ugly IGN watermark in the bottom right corner

>buy 3DS when new leaf comes out
>love messing around in new leaf for months but eventually get bored of it
>play pokemon X
>have a blast
>play smash bros
>think it's alright but really just something that held me over while waiting for the wii u version to come out in a month or so
>every other game I've gotten since then has either sucked or lost my interest not that long in
>tfw my 3DS is just a virtual console, DSTWO and pocket card jockey machine
>tfw I just bought crystal the other day so this cycle is gonna keep repeating

when will it end, paisan!?