What's Lucina sad about Sup Forums?

What's Lucina sad about Sup Forums?

You can't even get drunk off that shit

everyday is getting harder to keep going desu

She's sad because she thinks nobody wants her because of her huge, rock hard cock.

all the fucking morons on this board

seriously, of all bottles to pretend to be chugging that's gotta be one of the worst
St Brendans is better anyway

Anything good to pair it with? I'm relatively new to drinking, but I like harder mixed drinks the most so far. Bailey's sounds nice, but I'm not sure what I'd ever mix it with.

I need a girlfriend

She'll probably never know the taste and value of £3.75 Aldi Balleycastle brand Irish liqueur

Black Coffee

Or maybe some frangelico and Kahlua. It won't get you messed up, but it's tasty.

If you want to be a cunt to your friends mix it tequila.

On the rocks, that thing is not worth mixing with anything else.

If you're new or you're not accustomed to stronger flavor you can get Brandy or rum and add them some coke and ice.

The other lad is right in saying it's nice with coffee but not a drink to get drunk on but to just enjoy one or two

Her parents are DEAAAAAAAAD

That her game sucks.

Just be careful with mixing caffeine and alcohol, some people get may get tachycardic.

who this

Not being relevant past her reveal in her own game

Can we make this a drink recommendation thread?
What can I mix with Liquor 43? I mixed it with milk and coconut milk before, which was pretty nice.
What else?

Coffee doesn't sound too bad, but I'm not big in the world of coffee (nor do I own a coffee pot). I do make loose tea brews, though.

I had a few rum and cokes, and they weren't really great. Preferable to a plain coke, but not outstanding. I enjoyed a manhattan a lot more in comparison.

I wonder if baileys would go well with rum.

Enough alcohol to soften up tension, would you say? I wonder how much I would need to drink for that.

>Anything good to pair it with?
The sink.

if you want to be a scrub, try orange juice. it's actually good

I was born a scrub user.
I will give it a try