Get witcher 2 on sale

>get witcher 2 on sale
>tell veteran friend about it
>he's happy
>ask me if i read the books

What point are you even trying to make?

Answer no.


That he can't read.

are you implying that you can't read you fat disgusting waste of skin?

>tell him they're trash and the games are better

Why the fuck would you buy the game if you didn't read the books?

>be me

>simple yes or no question
>sperg out

Tell him he's a faggot for reading genre fiction and should try literature some time.

>bunch of sperg posts

I expected nothing but still am somehow disappointed.

Why are there books? The constant talking in the game doesn't cover the plot? Is this series really that obnoxious? I've found myself having to skip half the text so far 6 hours in.

OP, you're a fag. Go sperge out on tumblr. If you can't play games and answer questions to your friends you should just shut up for a minute and think why are you such a soyfag

What does this have to do with your original post. Someone asks you a question to guage how well you'te into the series and you sperg out and post about it on a weeb image board. I hope you're properly embarassed by yourself.

Tell him
>oh sorry I meant 1, and no because the books weren't even fucking translated back then you triple nigger

>veteran friend

this is the most autistic thread on Sup Forums right now

>Have you read the devs weekly blog?

There are so many reasons you're a total faggot

My friend just talked about how good the game was.

I bought it. Played it for about an hour, saw him at work the next day and commented on how it seemed like it was pretty fleshed out.

He mentioned books.

It just annoys me that there are books. Is there a movie i should know about as well? Maybe a tv series.

Why didn't you try googling that question first? Why is your first instinct to come here and make a fool of yourself? How fucking dumb are you? There's something wrong with you.

>maybe a tv series
ok... so this is bait

trolling is a art

it was 2.50, scrooge mcduck, i just bought it

don't you mean "an art"?

>he thinks the books and the games cover the same plot
Reading the books makes the games so much more enjoyable, especially if you read them in Polish.

>especially if you read them in Polish.

see this is how i know i'm not insane making this thread

The games are based on the books you melon, but the games don't cover everything.
Reading them gives you more insight to Geralt as a character.

Also play the first game, the only people that don't like it are fags with no taste

The books are bad

there's a lot that's lost in translation

>Maybe a tv series.
There is, actually

You don't need to read source material to enjoy adaptations in other mediums.

Are you fucking retarded? Do you also think like this when books get adapted in to movies? This is no different. A game of which the source material is a book. How is that hard for you to grasp?

>You don't need to read source material to enjoy adaptations in other mediums.
No one said you need to, but it definitely makes it better.
There is going to be a lot of shit you don't get and references you don't understand in the games if you don't play the games in order and read the books.
I'm sure you could enjoy the games just fine by skipping the first game and not reading the books, the rest of the kids on Sup Forums did as well.
But you'll enjoy it a lot more if you take the time and spend a day reading the short stories

I had no idea the Witcher defense force was this fierce, puts dark souls crowd to shame.

Good to know.

Books are shit which literally nobody knew or care about but a few slav neckbeards.
Games are what made the books "famous".

There’s literally no reason that The Witcher also being a book series should annoy you. Why can’t video games be based on books just like shows and movies are?

Reading alot helps you be more immersed when you play video games.

No shit retard. Why did you bother posting something so obvious?

You had me for a few posts OP, but you got greedy.

>I had no idea the Witcher defense force was this fierce
Ask a dumb question, get a dumb answer.
Has nothing to do with it being the witcher in particular, you're just kind of a pleb. Being a pleb isn't admirable, not sure why you're proud of being ignorant when it comes to your hobbies

It's a continuation of the story told in books

ITT: Emotionally dishonest series

Tell him you don't read plagiarized fanfiction.

This is some /r9k/ tier spergout. You faggot.

Oh god damnit you ruined the thread.

this must be bait


but are the books good though?

Tell him that books based on vidya are trash. It'll make him mad because the books actually came first and the vidya is based on the books.

Shit, completely irrelevant unless your pollack

You're either cripplingly autistic or I'm being trolled 8 ways to tuesday