Everyone always talks about "skill caps," but which game has the highest skill cap?

Everyone always talks about "skill caps," but which game has the highest skill cap?

>inb4 life

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being a virtual youtuber

I love her

God dammit I actually wanted to know the answer to my question



There is pretty much no limit when it comes to any competitive multiplayer game that does not rely on randomness
Also things like rhythm games can scale into what's the physical limit of humans as well

Quake or Counterstrike

Chess? Chiss. Shit. More like shit!

Welcome to the family, son

it's been too long

Robots can beat humans at chess but not at dota2

How much research has been put into Dota2 AI

Robots can't beat my dick

What a rude AI

>blocks your path

>tfw no yandere A.I. that makes videos about how she loves you and to entertain you because that's all she can do for you


Life doesn't have a particularly high skill ceiling, it's just that it has thousands of skill checks you simply cannot pass if you didn't get a lucky dice roll.


watashi mo fuck you


honestly, probably games (well "games") like minecraft.

>also blocks several mechanics in order to give the AI a fight chance
>starts losing constantly after everyone figures out its tricks

i-i-it just needs more time!

>Are there any Luna fans here? I'd really like to beat the shit out of you.

Eve Online i'd say just because of how much of the game is player focused
Obviously reaction time doesn't really play into it a whole lot but you need to be sharp to do well and the people that are really successful i think are the sort of people that could be really successful in their real-life.


*YUA kicks all these literally WHO virtual youtubers away*

>ironic YUA shilling
Stop, it hurts.

GunZ: The Duel

I see Japanese text and will now display my Japanese language skills.
'The punishment game everybody loves'
'Desperately support someone next to you for 30 seconds'

TF2 maybe, with rocket jumping and sniper I could see it anyway.

sex robots are a thing user

>see a thread about this virtual youtuber trend last night
>decide to finally check some of them out
>most of them aren't really interesting
>see mirai akari

Krim is best boy

you suck

Reading is babby mode. You probably can't create long sentences worth shit.


Drive had the bad luck of having to come right after Gaim, a show everyone dickrode to death because of its writer, but honestly I enjoyed it far more.

Chess if it counts, but a lot of games are tied where the skill ceiling is much higher than any human could possibly reach. This is the case in some rhythm games, shooting games, and probably RTS too.

If were talking about actual videogames and not stuff that can be done with board games, unironically Starcraft 2 and fighting games like Street Fighter or Guilty Gear or Blazblue or Skullgirls. Every other game I can play at a decent level with, those I cannot.

Definitely rocket league

>simple game with simple easy mechanics
lmao i pity you if youre this bad at games

How do other vataru yutubas can even compete?

Unironically this. Fuck two though



Why did she make this character? Is she making fun of tumblr?

Serves her right for uploading that weird BR2049-esque girlfriend simulator video.

>position reading maphack

Wait, what happened?

Yeah, what was up with that video, it was so uncomfortable to watch and also desperately sad.

She has that annoying falsetto voice like every virtual youtuber has and the way she talks like she has a lisp ticks me off.

BeingSO FUCKING BAD at vidya doesnt help either. At least AI and Akari have a semblance of skill.

What if ai was a girl (male)

I'd believe it.

What if worse, she was a fat ugly bitch

Go has the highest cap
For video games probably Dota 2.

fighting games

I desire to know more about this

All the other yuuchubas are extremely cute girls though.

That's the weird gf sim video, a sub loss that big is probably due to youtube purging dead/bot accounts though.

Time for an extremely cute boy.

just checked out of curiosity and she's got like 200k more subs than she does in that image so either it's an old picture or she bounced back pretty fucking hard.

Either way you gotta fuck up real bad to lose that many real subs, odds are it's just a bot purge.

>kizuna ai's VA is still not known
How is this possible? Or she's really an AI after all..

irl siro is too fucking cute, it's hard to believe that it's really her

>second one is cuter irl


>Or she's really an AI after all..
Omg and she's trying to tell the world bit they won't listen!


bot purge or that time she got banned

image can be old tho

I love how Kizuna Ai is the only AI slut that doesn't rely on sex appeal.
Fucking AI sluts.

Kaguya's VA is most probably covering her face because she's embarassed of the shit script the writers are making her do and say.

She doesn't have a penis. I've seen her vagoo when she was getting fucked in the ass.

>Posting an image more interesting than your topic
You fucked up.

Going to need source on this user.

That pic is older than the Luna character and her other channel is filled with even more embarrasing stuff.

you think you can just post that pic and get away like that huh?

I really hope no more big time virtual youtubers come out. Subscribing to four is tiring enough.

Dumb mobileposter.

I thought AI's VA is some middle aged hag

How do I become an AI?



And this is why I don't bother with any other AIs.

Stop forcing your shit fetish every 2 seconds.

>Akari the cutest in her 3D model and real life

>still no Ara Ara Yuuchuba

If some super genius makes an actual AI and puts it on youtube, how would we know?

I like virtual youtubers but I really fucking hate stealth threads.

Quite a few of the Jap comments under that video are saying how it made them cry.
Poor Japan.

>still no virtual youtuber that mainly doing asmr videos

What do you have against stealth, user?

What other channel


What the fuck is her problem?

The fuck is wrong with the model, looks like the head is on a wrong body?

I hate metaposters worse than stealth threads desu.

I remember reading somewhere those kids channels that are made up of [(children's song) + (animated popular character)] repeated for 2 hours videos were actually made by AI. No source or confirmation on it though.

I mean the VA of your pic would be the perfect choice for asmr.

this is what autism looks like in virtual form

Well if it's a learning AI then we'll know when it starts posting Hitler memes.


Gee thanks, I just had to tell my neighboring cubicles about the video my crying daughter just sent me. I don't even have kids.

The winter outfit is extremely fluffy.