March 16th
New Sonic game at SXSW 2018
Other urls found in this thread:
the waluigi of the sonic universe
>keep hands together
is she getting raped?
Shadow the hedgehog 2
>a new Sonic already
Was Forces meant to be a shitty filler all along?
It's possible but people seem to be really against the idea for some reason.
I mean, they said it took them, what, 4 years to develop Forces and 3 of them were used to develop the engine the game works one.
How is it possible they are already showing a new one? Is it a spin-off? Is Sonic Team really big enough to handle two different teams working on different projects?
probably just going to be IDW Sonic comic shilling, possibly some new merch, and a vague hint at the next big Sonic game that they're working on
that's pretty much a guarantee at this point but I doubt we'll get an announcement this soon, would love to be surprised though
Hopefully now we can get a new game by Taxman & Co with nothing but new zones.
As long as its better than Forces, whatever.
But come the fuck on, Sega. Slow down. When Mario gets a new major game its after a few years, not months.
why does Mario have all the luck with the ladies?
Italian stallion.
Introducing the next game from Sonic Team:
Sonic Discovery, directed by Christian Whitehead
What'll it even be, I wonder?
>couple of new Zones
>another playable character
>added Zone transitions
>adding in those Tails animations that were inexplicably missing in the final game
>actually fucking nothing
Place your bets, lads.
Probably just going to be an announcement for an announcement
It's gonna be Nothing
No titty kitty
that Blaze isn't nearly flat enough
I am fully prepared for this possibility. I might even prefer it, because then that would more time the devs could spend on making a completely new game instead.
>All new zones
>extremely unique paths for each character
>drop dash heavy reliance sections
>Amy playable, plays like in advance games
>no trying to shoehorn shitty 3d game connection
>chao garden with mobile phone app connectivity
Sonic Team could basically reuse assets and controls and the mindless fan base would eat it up
>no trying to shoehorn shitty 3d game connection
I sure hope not. That was the best part about Mania tbqh.
You and your petty xenophobia had to go and retroactively stain the best Sonic game in years. Fuck you with a rake.
But Tripfag-san, don't you know? Mania was ENTIRELY my idea! Literally all me. Why would you be so harsh on someone who's solely responsible for the most well-received Sonic game in over a decade? So silly.
It will be either a Sonic Collection with past titles (hopefully a console and PC release of the Taxman remakes) or a Mobile endless runner.
Sumo is apparently working on another kart racer that isn't Sonic right now though
Then re-release it with a new ending. One that has nothing to do with that steaming pile of fanfic shit you put out a few months later.
Why do Sonic fans get a bad wrap?
>Produces a metric fuck ton of fanart.
>Produces fan games that surpass the developer's talent.
>Critical of the series, acknowledging faults, while not being so jaded as to abandon the series completely.
>Doesn't bother anyone else, and invites people into their club.
>Regularly brainstorms ideas for how to improve the series.
The Sonic fanbase is pretty great. But let's look at the people who hate Sonic.
>Wishes the franchise would die, even though this would squander the massive potential the game holds.
>Can't conceive how to fix Sonic, because they lack the imagination.
>Thinks the games are about speed only, and mindlessly bashes alternate gameplay modes.
>Constantly cites Chrischan, one man, as the representative for an entire fanbase.
>Blames everyone but Sega themselves for the decline in quality.
Do you think Sonic Team has the balls to let Mania Team bring back the super emeralds? Forces pretty much fucked up the continuity even harder by having the classic series be its own dimension so I say might aswell.
>Why do Sonic fans get a bad wrap?
>Produces a metric fuck ton of fanart.
>>extremely unique paths for each character
This is actually a terrible idea.
The fun of having various abilities, is to encounter one situation, and having 3 different ways to handle it. So you get a pay off. Fist it starts like
>"I wonder if I can reach that somehow..."
and then its
>"Nice! Tails made it, where Sonic couldn't!"
Blaze is the best female next to Rouge
How is that a bad thing?
Have you seen the fanart
Yes, so what? It ranges from Sonic recolors to Tyson Hesse. What's your points?
>fanfic shit
I had nothing to do with Forces though! That was Nakamura and his goons. I told him the story was weird and dumb but ohhh nooo, nobody EVER listens to my input. I mean all I did was have a hand designing the Avatar and its gameplay, conduct interviews about the game, help shill for it at promotional events, and put my seal of approval on the final product as the head of Sonic Team and told them "Looks good, let's release it!"
Other than all that, I barely even touched the thing! Honestly, how can you even begin to blame me for that game's faults?
I've given up all home for this franchise just as I did for Pokemon.
All of them
I wish there was proof of this.
And seriously, whoever thought hiring Nakamura again needs to be dragged out into the street and shot.
fuck sonic. when is furry megaman x coming out
>last year’s strong performance of Sonic Mania and Sonic Forces
>Sonic Forces
>strong performance
>sonicfags are now implying Hesse is the gold standard for sonic art
If the trailer doesn't start with "We fired sonic team" I don't care
It's gonna be Sonic Mania Project Plus, calling it now.
>implying TROOO FAAAAAR will let that happen
Nah, that'd be Silver
2019 according to the devs
>Sonic Mania 2
>Shadow is a secret character
How would you react?
That better be PR bullshit.
But... Sonic riders 4.
how would shadow even play in a classic style sonic game?
>Sonic Mania expansion
>Whitehead not on the list of speakers
Do y’all even read before posting?
I'd rather have Amy tbqh
Sonic but with Chaos projectiles or reflective shield.
Stop being wrong anytime, user.
Boco's already in here; don't get him started.
Sonic Riders has ALWAYS sucked.
None of those games are good.
CD Amy is best Amy
1 had the wonky Air System but got good if you adapted to the curve.
ZG had a more balanced experience and a surprisingly good plot
Free Riders at least had a theme that's a guilty pleasure. Rest of it's a garbage fire though.
They almost did.
>a surprisingly good plot
Because besides being a little hotheaded Mario is rather reserved and polite.
Sonic is a tryhard.
They will AWAYS be working in new games. It's the FIFA of autism! They make new mediocre shit, the niche fans eat it up. I don't even think that adventure was that great but at least it had a bunch of heart and weird ass ideas that made it entertaining. Now the games have less and less content every sequence, aways tied together with a half ass story that isn't cool or batshit insane enough to be enjoyable. We will never get another mainline sequence that feels like a complete game again
>New team is called to work in the new game
>SEGA suddenly rushed all the shit up for some last hour jewish move to make a extra buck
>Hyped gimmick is half-assed to the extreme, the rest of the game is just same boring shit since unleashed that could pass for a mobile game
Next year.
Go play this, m8. You won't be disappointed.
Guys fan if it's... an adventure style game made by mania team?
as long as it doesnt have Roger Craig Smith, Im all for it
they announced this years ago I thought? man talk about jumping the gun. it genuinely looks great though
Then you better hope for Mania 2, cuz anything else would have voiced dialogue.
I'm sure it'll be worth the wait. In the mean time go play the updated demo.
Wait a minute, I know what it'll be for real.
What the fuck is going on with Amy's nose?.
Im not and autist like you so I dont give a fuck about "muh edgy story" when Forces wasnt edgy at all
that better be a speedrun. I enjoyed the length of the levels in FP1
Are you blind or are you posting on a phone with a tiny screen?
>"None of this is good, Vector. That's why its called WAR."
It is, I was trying my best to beat it quickly, though I've seen videos of even faster times. Also, you might want to read this.
I'm hoping for playable Metal Sonic. He already has a bunch of sprites, and the "M" stored with the goalpost sprites came before the "A", which might mean they considered him first before Amy. Otherwise, Zone transitions and missing animations alone would be nice.
If I could ask for anything, though, it'd be all 3 hooligans playable.
>no never mind he's just chilling with Zavok in prison making wisecracks about chilidogs and dabbing XD
fuck. I loved in FP1 how it would feel like several levels in 1, and the music would be a remix of the previous music that was playing. pangu lagoon was a good example, it felt like I was making progress when I was outside running around, then got inside the cavern and the music was a remix of the outside, if you know what I mean.
I REALLY hope they have those act 2 remixes because I'm gonna be disappoint if they don't, the music is the best part of the game.
How the fuck is that edgy?
It would be edgy if he said "Hell yeah, wars is fucking cool!" or some shit.
You people just like to spout any buzzword at a given time.
Its not edgy, its stupid and out of place. Along with the concept of "torturing Sonic" for any amount of time.
This is a dumb, cartoon-y series about a blue hedgehog and a manchild shaped like an egg, not fucking Call of Duty.
(And now someone is gonna mention the phrase 'Baldy McNosehair, like a fucking clock.)
>its not edgy even though I said it was edgy gais!!!1!1
And Sonic was literally marketed as the edgy badass alternative to mario you fucking idiot.
Fighting giant monsters and robots while going super saiyan and shit
this is honestly the cutest pairing
Mario needs someone after Peach chose Bowser anyways
he's not saying there won't be several acts for a stage, just that they will have a clear beginning and end. in your pangu lagoon example, finishing that 1st mid-boss would count as a stage, then inside the labyrinth would be a separate stage, titled act 2 possibly
Not him but, no he is saying that and you can see it in the demo, FP2's Dragon Valley is only one act long. But to be fair there's a lot more individual stages than the first game so it balances out.
Fuck Mania 2. No more nostalgia pandering. I want Adventure 3!
Oh the ironing.
4 years between lost world and Mania/Forces
>Fours years for a 5/10 at best game
Sonic is fucking dead.
Sonic Mania and Sonic Forces JUST came out
I’m guaranteeing you it’s going to be some sort of spin off
Or maybe even Mario and Sonic Olympics if they can even announce it there
I hope it's Forces 2.
So he'd play gay?