Spin off series is more popular with better production values than the mainline series

>spin off series is more popular with better production values than the mainline series

Would you rather both be dead and forgotten?

What is it a spin off of? i'm still a bit New to the Atlus universe despite having been playing their games one after another for 3 years now.

shin megami tensei

Because there was an SMT game released in 2017 right?

Is Persona 5 worth buying a PS3 for?

I'm a PCfag, I emulated Persona 3 and 4 and loved them. Will I love Persona 5? Is it worth 150 shekels (with ps3)?


There's a PS3 emulator


you can emulate persona 5 if you have a low-to-mid end pc user

>personafags are this obsessed

>shin megami tensei
sure but after more than 5 games persona is hardly just a spin off now.

>playing at 15 fps
Fuck off mongoloids.

I played both, and Xenoblade 2 was the better JRPG last year. Hawaii all the way to the end of Okumura is a fucking boring slog.


>tfw too low IQ to finish 100 hours games

my PC is a toaster :(

Also I really want good fps

That's not a matter of IQ you baka

>than the mainline series
no such thing since the very first persona. they are two different ips who share similarities. same goes for digital devil saga.
why is it that Persona casues so much butthurt amongst Nintendies? the fandroneism is quite pathetic.

what's the difference between this and ps4? besides, i play in a fucking i3 and the only times i have minus 30 of fps is on populated areas

there was literally no butthurt in this thread until you showed up.

the name of the first persona has literally shin megami tensei in it, they became really different ips only after persona 3

>Is Persona 5 worth buying a PS3 for?
PS3 are like 100 bucks today go for it

>I emulated Persona 3 and 4 and loved them. Will I love Persona 5?
The game is fantastic and absolutely worth it BUT why not just buy a PS4 instead at this point?. Unless you want to catch up with PS3's backlog of course. Then getting a PS3 really makes sense for you. If you want other games recommendations for PS3 just ask if you are interested, I will gladly help.

>if you have a low-to-mid end pc
It's literally unplayable for me on a 4670K, 16GB RAM and a 970, though people have said it should be more than possible.
Can't even get past the main menu without severely screwing with the settings, and then the actual game is around 10fps and unresponsive.

>Same demons
>Same universal rules
>Same skills
>Same mechanics
>Similar themes
>Made by the same company
>Pretty much everyone on the Persona team has worked on an SMT game at one point or another
>Has the fucking Megami prefix

Stop being retarded and trying to force console war horseshit.

>shin megami tensei
Did some googling and found out these were mostly for the DS and 3DS and honestly i fucking hate handheld RPG games because i generally don't like playing long drawn out games on portables because staring at small at screens for long periods especially for lots of reading is uncomfortable and gives me a headache not to mention my autism wants me to feel as immersed in the game as possible.

it's still a spin-off. There could be Persona 27 releasing tomorrow and it would still be a spin-off series of SMT because it uses the gameplay elements and ideas from the SMT series but isn't a next SMT game

Persona is the mainline

>Shin Megami Tensei Persona isn't a spin-off of Shin Megami Tensei because there's 5 of them
>Mario Tennis isn't a spin-off off of Mario games because there are many of them
How dumb you sound.

>mostly for DS and 3DS
Only 3 of them
Everything before that is on snes/ps2 and 5 is on switch
Sorry about your autism bro but you can always emulate

I love a lot of PS3 games that aren't compatible with PS4 yet.

>Better production values
>Spent 6 years in development because they couldn't decide what the fuck this was going to be and ended up with a product that's middling at best

Say what you will about IV and Apocalypse, they went into those knowing what they were doing.

Enhanced rerelease when? I know all the spoilers already, I'm just waiting for FES/Golden treatment at this point.

there's a build that opmitizes greatly the performance, at least for persona 5, i pause some threads too to gain more fps and this really helps a lot

>megami ibunroku = Shin Megami Tensei
duurrrrrr huhuhuhu

>Has the fucking Megami prefix
While I agree with most of what you are saying this is actually not true. They only had that prefix in America, the original Jap names are just "Persona" and their subtitle. Even then only 3 and 4 had the Megami prefix in the west, 1, 2 and 5 do not even have it in the west. Same is true of Digital Devil saga which is why people like the guy you responded to claim they are different IPs. I don't agree really because of all the points you made about game mechanics and themes but they are right that they don't bare the Megami Tensei name.

mustards are liars when it comes to requirements and performance. i have a 1050 and it runs like shit.

I mean backwards compatibility, of course.

>5 is on switch
>tfw no switch emulator and the 3DS emulator only supports a moderate amount of games

>iv and apocolypse
>knew what they were doing
Were they trying to make the worst games in the series?

Will an anime game ever be as popular?

oh sorry, i played the psp version

Maybe if they would release a fucking SMT game on an actual console and not a handheld

Hey mongoloid, mind telling me what's on the box?
Inb4 merely pretending to be retarded.

That's just wrong. the first game is "Megami Ibunroku Persona".

it's worth you may buy ps3 very cheap

t. japanese wannabe cocksucker

PS4 has sharper textures and better loading times than PS3 version. Even if you emulate it with a $4000 cryptoshitter Petition Compiling Fartass Race PC you will still be emulating the inferior version. Also good luck trying to run the ps3 emulator above 20fps and without graphical glitches that give you eye cancer.
Don't fall for the PC shitter meme. They are all Reddit cocksuckers who grew up with /r/pcmasterrace.

>they went into those knowing what they were doing.

Oh fuck off. They clearly had no idea what the fuck they were doing with Apocalypse. Heck SMT doesn't even have a clear future unlike Persona which is pretty much at a safe point now. Why do you think SMT HD is pandering to the Nocturne crowd?

People like you have some serious rose titned glasses when it comes to SMT 1 and 2. Those games have amazing style, setting, story, ect. but their gameplay is trash. Every fight you just repeat the same conversations and every bossfight you just spam zio and bufu or whatever they were called in that game. Are you seriously trying to say that's better gameplay than 4 or Apocalypse? How? The only thing I'd say is better is the negotiations but really man the boss fights in SMT 1 and 2 are so easy they are trash, how can you possibly defend them?

>>Spent 6 years in development because they couldn't decide what the fuck this was going to be
So you're saying Persona games *don't* usually take this long? because i was very worried looking at the release gap between 4 and 5... (2008-2016 8 fucking years!) at this rate we won't get Persona 6 until 2024.

>brings platform-wars into this thread

just fuck off, dude.

It’ll win this year since it came out to late to be eligible

>"sharper textures" in a fucking cartoony game

i won't fell for the ps4 meme, that's for sure

>good luck trying to run the ps3 emulator above 20fps

i just said i do it brainlet

go back to nobody cares about platform wars except underage faggots.
fucking newfag cancer.

>implying it won't be octopath or ni no kuni 2

You are far too nice for Sup Forums.

Megami is the series name in Japan. Shin Megami is what we call mainline (more or less), and Megami is the series as a whole. This is because Megami Tensei I/II were the first games in the series on the NES, before being remade (and pretty drastically altered) as Shin (True) Megami Tensei.

You're the fucking retard because I was referring to Megami Ibunroku Persona: Be Your True Mind.
One of the Persona Trilogy, not your Nu-sona trash.
1 and 2 actually have aesthetics and treat their plot seriously unlike fucking gay pandering IV:A garbage.
I like IV, but having an unfinished plot with tons of rushed content near then end sours the experience.
3 and SJ are the peak of the series however.

>1 and 2 actually have aesthetics and treat their plot seriously unlike fucking gay pandering IV:A garbage.
>I like IV, but having an unfinished plot with tons of rushed content near then end sours the experience.
And I agreed on the plot elements but these aren't books correct? They are games, so the gameplay kinda fucking matters. I noticed you didn't even bother to try and defend the gameplay of 1 and 2, because you can't. It's terrible. We agree on the plot and themes man so there's no reason to keep bring that up.

I don't quite understand since my original post was implying that Persona 5 is also available on the PS4, so why not just get the new console?
Anyway, if you decide to get a PS3, here is a list of games I would recommend you to look up as well:

Katamari Forever
Ninja Gaiden Sigma Z
Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2
Demons' Souls
3D Dot Game Heroes
Yakuza 4
Yakuza 5
Yakuza Dead Souls
Yakuza Ishin
Siren Blood Curse
MGS collection
Infamous 1
Infamous 2
WipEout HD/Fury
Ni no Kuni non-shit edition
Virtua Fighter Final Showdown
Motorstorm Apocalypse
Motorstorm Pacific Rim
Dragon's Crown
El Shaddai
Disgaea 3
Disgaea 4
Ratchet&Clank games
Unfinished Swan
Last of Us
MLB The Show
Heavenly Sword
Initial Stage D
Witch and the 100 Knight
No More Heroes Pardise (best version)
Drakengard 3
Time Crisis 4

>>spin off series is more popular with better production values than the mainline series

50+ replies and no one has said the obvious: mainline is (was?) stuck in handheld hell. same thing with MonHun. Once it goes HD it will become popular.

that thing nintendo tards say" you don't need graphics if you have gameplay". well...

P4 was only made a year after 3 and somehow ended up being better than it and 5.

Speaking of SJ, should I wait for redux or play the original on DS?

That doesn't mean they didn't know what they were doing
4A was going to be 4 maniax with improved gameplay and that's pretty much what it was

You will never get me to say that IV:A is a good direction for the series.

You seem upset, PCbro. It's ok. I mean if you weren't so afraid of consoles you'd be able to play the better version, but it's not a big deal.

Play whatevers more convenient to you.
The new plot stuff in Redux is Marie tier.

Protip: Nocturne and NINE sold like shit. Sales came back to mainline when it jumped to 3DS.

Shit dude you are getting me fucking excited.. i was upset thinking we might not see another persona until i'm nearing a fucking middle aged man but there might be hope. I would buy these games almost yearly like Call of Duty if they made them that quickly assuming quality didn't take a nose-dive too far.

triggered PC Shitter Gaben dick sucker Steam toddlers detected. Apply yourself and back to with you two.

>"sharper textures" in a fucking cartoony game
You have no idea what you are talking about.

Redux has an extra dungeon and abilities for the MC
New endings are pretty good too

>better version
>there's literally no difference between the ps3 version and ps4 version besides resolution

Thanks for the list mate.

I'm just saying I need to play lots of PS3 games that I can't play on PS4 because it hasn't got good backwards compatibility, and there's not a lot of PS4 games that I want to play.

>no u!!!!

great post

Apparently I'll also never get you to explain how 4 has worse gameplay than 1 and 2.

>Not Kingdom Hearts 3

>and somehow ended up being better than it and 5.
LMAO! You never played either 3 or 5. Otherwise you would never spew such ignorant nonsense. Why are you lying on the internet?

Dear Console Peasant.
Exclusives are the only thing you have console pooper, you're a pathetic worm who drags the industry down by supporting these horrible practices.
We will take your heart and make you admit your wrongdoings.

-Phantom Thieves

Whatever happened to Nakajima, anyway?

No QoL and sound/music quality improvements?

back at you Redditor cancer.

>Protip: Nocturne and NINE sold like shit

Not HD. Watch when SMT switch outsells all the shitty 3ds games

>Protag killed at the beginning is Nocturne pandering

What is Devil Summoner? Or Apoc?

>Ni no Kuni non-shit edition
good list but stay away from these two. just trust me.

>The game is fantastic and absolutely worth it BUT why not just buy a PS4 instead at this point?
I was going to suggest the same thing but I was afraid people were going to start flaming the PS4. The PS3 is one of the best consoles ever, I just got Asura's Wrath for it but I would not recommend it for P5.

>Protip: Nocturne and NINE sold like shit.
I highly doubt that, source ? The real reason they made them for handheld is low as fuck dev costs.

why are you literally copying the words that I called you? Why do you lack creativity?

you're literally just
>no u

Seriously fuck off with the console war shit. He only wants to play one (1) ps game which works totally fine on the ps3, a system that's way easier to get dirt cheat than a ps4.
Like fucking christ

You can save anywhere, it looks/sounds better. Bad new portraits.
Like I said, whatevers easier for you.

Lets get this out of the way

>Seriously fuck off with the console war shit.
>goes on to give terrible advice because he hates a console.

the PS3 is not cheap at all comparatively. also P5, baring in mind it's a game that can easily go for 100 hours is vastly superior on the PS4. source: i have both a CFW PS3 and a PS4.

P5 took forever because Persona Team divided themselves with some working on Catherine, P3P, and P4G and others supervising other studios on the P4 sequels/spin-offs. Then they got derailed by the 2011 Earthquake, then had to make a PS4 port when they missed their 2014 deadline. P4 only took a year because they reused a ton of assets from P3

stop trying to justify your wasted money with the PS4, we get it, you're an idiot who's bad with money.
Stop trying to get other poor saps to waste their money like your dumbass.

>IS above EP

You're actually fucking retarded if you think that's where the nocturne comparison came from

>the PS3 is not cheap at all comparatively
You can one second hand for like $130. The fuck are you smoking

IS had a better story even if EP had more interesting characters.

Ok, cool. Nothing wrong with that. Enjoy catching up with some great games.
The backwards compatibility will never come to PS4 for two reasons:
1) the architecture is too different aka Power PC (Cell) vs. x64 so PS3 games literally have to be ported over to be able to run on PS4 - which is time and money consuming and makes little sense for years old games barely anyone is still interested in these days
2) it is not in the (financial) interest of Sony to introduce any solution to enable the possiblity to play PS3 games on the PS4 as their main goal is to sell as many PS4s and PS4 software as possible. As much as it sucks for us, it's a sensible business decision and you would do the same in their place.

Tbqh OP should get a PS4. The PS3 is the worst console ever made and is laggy as fuck browsing the home menu in game.

>He only wants to play one (1) ps game which works totally fine on the ps3, a system that's way easier to get dirt cheat than a ps4.

Why the fuck would I buy a PS4 when PS4 has literally no good exclusives.

inb4 bloodborne
just fuck off

You mean like u are doing now?