>using tinder

>using tinder
>check girl profile
>PUBG and LoL marked as one of her hobbies
Not surprised by LoL but does everyone and their mom play that thing these days?

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>liking used up roasties

how do i git gud at getting in girls' pants?
ive only done it 4 times but i've heard guys say they bring over any slut they can every few or so days
maybe i shouldn't ask Sup Forums though

>met chinese girl on wechat about 6 months ago
>been having a special little online fling
>one day talking about games and movies and she tells me she plays something called battlegrounds
>ask her the full name
>it's pubg
>she's 28 years old and it's the only game she plays
>her younger brother(22) also plays
I thought it was memes that a large % of china plays

They're people

not everyone on tinder is a slut, there are people that don't even know how to start a relationship.

Show us your profile picture

Do you show your abs in it?

2bh all these girls look like vapid garbage.
Don't get fooled, a bunch of girl use tinder for the attention/validation, if you see the conversation is going nowhere then drop her.

Yeah they are actually, I stopped replying to them and just ignored.
As for the attention whore part, thats true shit user, i only had a speculation but now i have someone else's confirmation.
No abs user just a full front selfie of my face


Does she voldemort?
Or does she play like she has balls?

Tfw banned from Tinder
Three times.
Tfw literally just faster to pick up girls from a bar.

Imagin being this much of a fag and not liking someone because of a video game. If you cant accept someone because they like different game then what are you looking for? To date yourself?

>tfw i get tons of matches with this
Chances of actually getted laid is pretty low, but it's fun to fuck with girls on her.

but why

>taking one(1) person as proof that a lot of Chinese play the game

While it's true, you are still a fucking retard

>all white girls with mention of anime or vidya are 250lb pink haired she
>all black girls with mention of anime or vidya are petite and 5"4'
Detroit drives me to the jungle

whats a good tagline if you're an accepting manlet, and just wanna get the fact that you're short out of the way

>Stable, successful, looking to settle.

Have loads of money, a nice car, and look clean in all of your pictures. Having a great job and your own home appeals to women because they all basically want a free ride and they'll ignore your height and sometimes even your looks if you look like a meal ticket.

If you're broke, you better be a drug dealer because that's the only way you'll attract women if you have no other status or looks.

I like this guy