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I was always scared playing BRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAPPFFFTFTFFFFFFFFF Quest when I was a kid. Dunno why. Cant play it to this day because of the bad memories getting scared playing it at night. Not even a scary game but it had some disturbing scenes.
Did you think that was funny?
Resident Evil 4, i played a version that touched thriller from michael jackson everytime a zombie appeared and this made it even more horrible
Clanker's Cavern in Banjo Kazooie and the Shadow Temple of OoT. Could beat neither.
The psych ward in Indigo Prophecy / Fahrenheit.
Damn son.
Diablo 1, the butcher especially
Oddworld games.
Manhunt. Goes to show that I really shouldn't have played it as a kid.
I was irrationally afraid of dying in games when i was 7 or 8, to the point where i would ask my dad to play for me.
half life
alien vs predator
Ocarina of Time. I was too scared to step into Hyrule Field because of the Stalchildren that spawned at night.
ocaina of time and the well
Mario 64 scared me, and I think the boo's mansion was the only level I never finished as a child
only game that scared me shitless was Silent Hill 1. only tried it once to play with the lights turned off
Tomb raider. I found the dinosaurs scarier than the undead
Return to castle wolfenstein especially the catacombs
I loved this game but fuck after I got the masks and saw the decision one I skipped the sequence every single time.
Shit was spooky
40 Winks, specifically the caves leading to the witch house. Hearing the heavy footsteps from the monsters that you can’t see freaked my shit out as a kid. It didn’t help when you see the witch house, which looked so creepy to me as a kid. Never picked the game up again after that.
not the whole game but
Alien Trilogy on the PS1. Imagine Doom where you see less, spooky music, facehuggers and Xenomorphs. Needless to say 11 yo me was scared shitless. It was one of the three games my dad ever bought me, and funny enough it was the best Alien game until Isolation.
indigo prophecy scared me because I was a pussy back then
>Imagine Doom where you see less, spooky music
It's called Doom 64.
That PS1 Spiderman game where Carnage starts running after you in a tunnel. Shit was traumatizing.
When this nigger started running at my I nearly fucking pissed myself, shut was scary
In Pokémon battle revolution the announcer made a weird yelling noise that freaked me out
this motherfucker gave me so many nightmares but also Helped me face my fears as a kid
The Flood level from Halo 1
Gave me a chuckle.
Doom 64 is graphically very different from the original Doom while Alien Trilogy could pass for a wad.
this motherfucker NEVER breaks eye contact, is so big he takes half of a screen and worse of all chastise you everytime you let him die
do you have any idea how fucking scary that is? imagine playing a game where you are ALWAYS being watched and the instant you make a mistake the game berates you
when I was in second grade I had a dream Darkside ripped off the roof to my house
You sound like it's a repressed issue of yours.
Resident evil 1. Played with the lights off, saw some scenes and had a nightmare that night.
Despite being tongue in cheek this game is genuinely unsettling and the tone is extremely different from the better known sequel. Coming across editions and having them instantly try to run you down was terrifying.
Fucking love it though.
The level in Jet Force Gemini that took place inside the body of a giant alien worm gave me nightmares for years.
Played Sanitarium when I was 8
I got to the Aztec area and the children, the circus, and the home just fucked me up
That being said went to try and replay it a year or so ago and got stuck at the fucking comic book place
Rtcw was the first pc game i ever played. Zombie levels scared me shitless.
You should go back and try to finish it user, totally worth it. Great game.
FUG same here
Lol when I was 5 I was playing Max Payne and when Max saw his dead baby. Literally gave me nightmares
The flash I saw fucked up.
When I was a kid and saw this screamer, it almost fooled me, but then it did this stupid trick that made it open your Disk Drive for no reason and right then and there I knew it was a screamer, muted the speakers, and spooky image popped up.
Had it not been for the disk tray opening, I would have shit myself.
Resident Evil 7
The Spiderman game on the PS1. Mostly because of the chase at the end of the game. Also Rayman 2. For various reasons.
Not exactly a child but going through the hive in Duke Nukem Forever creeped the fuck out if me, and also the first Dead Space. The Dividers roar used to scare the piss out of me.
Playing the Minecraft alpha alone at night.
The whole fucking herobrine thing (and Shadow of Israphel) shit me up as a kid, even to this day I don't like playing alone cause it feels like something is watching me that I can't see
think I was like 7 when I watched my old brother play this. the rape scene was censored for us, but all the other violent shit was not.
>I'm a gigantic puss.
The countdown when you're underwater
I'm scared of water sequence in vidya since
OOT. Skulltulas are spooky. It's a skeleton and a spider all in one.
>as a kid
You are very cool. I look up to you and hope one day I can be as brave as you are.
I had to close my eyes if I ever fell off the map
These were too stressful for me as a kid.
uh, sweety, minecraft came out in like 2010. if anyone was 11 or 12, he was technically still a kid.
>alpha came out 8 years ago
>im 20
the future is now old man
>yfw the alpha is almost 8 years old
I think "as a kid" here generally refers to like 4-8 years old
Not a fucking teenager
RE3 on PS1. Also couldn't figure out how to leave first area.
10-12 isn't a teenager. You're still very much a child at that age.
this. that first time you meet him unprepared and get annihilated. and you can't even run away he's so fast. holy shit.
and now I wanna play D1 again.
very bad post
I wouldn't call it "scary" but the part in MGS2 where things start getting weird and crazy used to creep me out as a kid.
Man, being a kid is so different. It's like you have a heightened emotional response to everything. Now something like that part in MGS2 will barely have any effect on me at all.
The point of these threads is to post shit your were irrationally scared of in vidya as a kid
What 11+ kid is scared of video games?
He probably figured you were much younger though because being scared of minecraft when you're almost a teenager is unlikely.
Like I also assumed you must have been 5 years old at the time. Turns out you're just a huge pussy.
Skeleton King was a pretty good scare too
So gay. How old are you?
Probably Resident Evil 0, it came bundled with my Gamecube and I couldn't get myself to continue after fighting the Scorpion dude.
But another thing that scared me as a kid was that damn camera game for the Gameboy pocket, those faces and overall weirdness still give me flashbacks.
>As a child
Monster Ock.
>looking for baal
nigga, I was like 13 and this shit still scared the fuck out of me the first time. fuckin' breaks my heart that d3 managed to fuck up the creepiness that d1 and d2 did so well.
Yeah sometimes at night when im laying in bed I hear a noise or something. And I just think back to how that would have made sleep impossible when I was a kid it would scare me so much. Weird to think about.
Sonic Adventure 1
Code veronica
There was some Planet of the Apes game on PC that I absolutely could not handle for some reason. Like, the first level was just a prison area but I got so scared I could barely advance. It was probably the first video game I ever played though so I don't feel too bad about it in hindsight. I tried tracking the game down but I swear it was in first person and I can't find one that matches that. Must just be a bad memory on my part.
That's a pretty narrow view you've got despite not having any reason for it.
Alien 3 for the master system II. Spooky for a 7 year old.
He's basically the butcher of d2. They don't make bosses like that anymore.
this game gave me genuine nightmares, i told my friend i would never play it again because it was too unsettling.
There was some video on the development of MDK, turns out my fears came from literally nowhere, the game isn't even supposed to be scary.
Is 8 years old. If he was 11 or 12 he's college age now.
Halo 1 flood level.
The first part of the first level of Turok 64 was a bridge in a foggy forest (If I remember it right) and I couldn't do it. I watched my dad play a few times though.
The dark atmosphere and music got to me as a kid
>people posting post-2000 games
>get proven wrong multiple times by multiple people
>be so naive that you defend yourself to the point that you're saying nobody should be afraid of videogames after 12 years old
kind of a weird hill to die on buddy
Silent Hill on ps1. Alchemilla hospital was/still is nightmare fuel
>Mario 64
Fuck the endless stairs, man
>play through sm64
>says i don't have enough stars to access the stairs but it lets me in anyway, thought I glitched out the game or something
>'well ok guess i'll just go up these stairs'
>the creepy fucking music plays
>those ominous-looking bowser portaits on the walls
I stopped playing the game for at least a month after that. That fucked me up real bad.
A lot of other games terrified me as a kid but this is the one I'm most embarrassed about.
Sort of miss being able to get sucked into the atmosphere of a game like I use to
All games because I've had serious anxiety problems since I was a child. The first game I was able to beat was Lagoon on SNES. I tried a lot of NES games, but could never beat them. TMNT was a fucking nightmare for me. I still have nightmares of seaweed and underwater bombs going off.
nigga i bet you drink at the salty spitoon