I plan on playing this series except the 3ds games (because I don't own a 3ds) and I was wondering if this is a good starting point.
The only experience I have with this franchise are the bonus missions in Peace walker
Monster Hunter thread
Yes this is the best one in the series and it isn't too hard to get into.
Just play this and 3U tbqh.
Play the first one.
I played Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate a little on my 3ds and I liked it for a while but eventually lost interest because of the repetition. Should I buy this or is it more of the same???
>Wii U only
I didn't buy a dust collector. What's so good about it?
FPS howers around 26FPS, don't bother wasting money on this thrash. Buy SotC and God of War instead.
it's casual trash
play the real monster hunter games
How the fuck do i track Bazelgeuse. Piece of shit only appears when I'm fighting other monsters
Nothing really besides having a big advantage in being a console and not a handheld. I couldn't get into 4U or P3rd (and by that I mean I stopped playing each after I beat the main storyline and fought each monster at least once). Handheld MH just doesn't do it for me. Tiny as fuck screen and less pixels, sound is not immersive at all, and the graphics are just passed that threshould of too grainy. And don't forget the controls. Having 2 joysticks is so much nicer.
Is it possible to do a capture only run?
This is the best game. Don't listen to buttblasted console warriors
If you want the same progressive awe that series fans have had, play an older game first. MHFU is a good starting point for that but a little bit badly aged. Personally I would suggest MH Portable 3rd. There is an english patched rom that can be found on google easily and played on PPSSPP. This game is 3rd gen and will give a similar experience to the 3ds titles. Finish the story at least then go to World if you want.
World is almost certainly the best monster hunter game, only the biggest purists will disagree. Despite all the whining it is not really much easier than past games, and has way, way more features.
TLDR: Best newcomer starting point is World. If you want a series fan's perspective and then be blown away by World, play MHp3rd on emulator.
You should know that MH is notoriously overwhelming to new players. There is a ton of information to take in and the game is pretty boring and frustrating until you can learn to wield your weapon deliberately. Older games have basically no tutorial, World at least gives you some info.
elder dragons cannot be captured so you wouldn't be able to beat the main story.
World has more variation but if you are playing solo you likely will lose interest after beating the main story.
It's the same shit.
Capture only with necessary exceptions then. Like how you can still do a no kill run in MGS1 despite the bosses and fight after the darpa chief dies
It's great!
Do the story until he appears as a quest. The game does a shit job of immersion with tracking as somehow flying animals that you can clearly see flying leave footprints and gashes on the ground below them.
The ones on handhelds?
Yeah you could do it. It wouldn't even be that hard since you can restock traps and tranq bombs at camp whenever you like. I just beat the main story and I never encountered any "kill" missions. Some materials are easier to get from carve though so you might take longer farming certain sets.
damn a monster hunter with better controls, finally.
Capture is easier, faster, and more rewarding than killing.
Please tell me in the year of our lord why you aren't maining IG?
start with mhp3rd hd on ppsspp english patched
this. dont like risking waking them up. would rather catch them limping away or when they are sleeping.
>mh has devolved into anime bs
>check out the patch
>it only translates things important to gameplay and not stuff like random shop conversations
I know it ultimately doesn't matter but it will greatly bother my autism if I can't experience everything there is to the game.
What makes MHP3rd a good starting point before MH World?
Was it the last game released before World or is it in other ways better than all the other games?
>je suis monte!
fuck off frenchman nobody cares that your gay baguette stick can fart through the air now
>My first monster hunter game
>he doesn't know that monhun was always anime bullshit
>This is the best one in the series
Why? It has limited monsters. The combat itself isn't terribly upgraded from anything in 4u, and is a step back from generations. It has limited environments. It doesn't offer that much in terms of armor sets either. What is it that makes this the best in the series?
oh hi. i see you're fighting your target. can i barge in?
it's the latest game released before the 3ds titles which is why I suggested it. As far as untranslated stuff goes, it's basically just flavor texts with NPCs. Main story text is translated. Though story really hasn't ever been a big part of the series anyhow, if you are interested in the lore and whatnot, I'd say go with World. It definitely has a bigger emphasis on being out in the wilderness tracking something with just you, your palico, and a big ass hunk of weapon slung over your back. But even if you do that, I'd suggest playing p3rd or a 3ds title sometime just to see what it's like. They achieved a great aesthetic despite the portable platform.
>Only purist will disagree
Except people who say this never say why. The only thing that is really added to this game are a bunch of quality of life improvements and more running around looking for monsters.
Sorry that not all of us are as impressed as you by graphics being shinier.
>peace walker missions
>tfw just remembered that Gear Rex was a thing
>tfw he'll never be a part of the mainline games
It hurts so much bros...
>MHXX was just too anime and I'm glad they brought it back to realism
because it cut out tons of needlessly time consuming tedious shit and is finally at more than 240p with a real controller.
it hasn't been anime bullshit to this extent.
You couldn't do that type of shit MHFU or p3rd for example
"Needlessly time consuming shit" are just quality of life improvements. Gen's G version and 3's G version are both playable at high resolution with a controller on versions released by capcom. So is portable3rd, which was released on the PS3. Each one of those had a real controller. Thanks for showing you don't even play the series and this is your first game.
this gets the noodle going. with horizon zero dawn skins we could hope for something out of that game in mhw.
but nah probably just skin cash grabs.
still waiting on pic related
It did have annoying talking animals and ridiculous female armor, typical to your average shonen anime. Hell it even has 2 anime spinoffs and a manga
3U on Wii U still looked like shit and was on the Wii U, and p3rd was only in Japan. the point is that World improved on tons of minor issues that makes the experience overall much better, even if it has some drawbacks like less content.
I meant anime more in terms of gameplay.
I've heard the manga spinoffs are garbage though not that I ever cared about the lore in MH.
Also the artstyle reminds me of fairy trash
Reminder that Frontier is better than World.
What's the health boost kinsect on glaives for? Does it increase how much green juice heals me for?
>a step back from generations
I can't believe anyone actually thinks this.
>Improves minor issues
>is worse with major things like content and combat
>Somehow this makes it the best
It's just a good entry, but it's not the best by a long shot and you are delusional.
Just started playing 4U on the new 3ds while I wait for the pc version of world. My last MH game was on the ps2 back in the day. Been running around with the sword and shield, kind of like it. Would it be beneficial to get comfortable with two or three different weapons and keeping upgrades handy, in case one monster is annoying as fuck to fight with one type? Like, s&s, longsword/lance/hammer, and maybe a ranged weapon?
This game has nothing remotely close to the experience of using bushido or brave against two hyper rajangs.
You can play MHFU and P3rd on PC together with friends / randoms.
Just google Hunsterverse, there's always someone playing.
I would say it's tied with 4U for the best. Worlds definitely has by far the best gameplay and obviously has the best presentation.
Yes, master or get good with at least as many as you can. No reason in this kind of game to just focus one type (especially if said type is s&s)
>get option to dye armor
>only high rank armor can be dyed
suck my dick
>adept longswords/DS in your way
fixed almost every complaint I had about the MonHun series, only tryhard autists complain it's shit
There absolutely are flaws left in the game, but to outright dismiss it just shows salt it ended up on a sony console.
>I mean I never played either but...
Because the mangaka of Fairy Tale wrote and drew it.
It's a really bad story about MC and his unbeatable wind element swords.
>mh has devolved into anime bs
MH has always been anime, it has always been shonen as fuck
no more individual zones +
Is s&s lacking compared to other weapons? Granted I haven't really given any others a fair shake yet, just s&s since it was the default.
I like World because it feels like there's an actual emphasis on the player being a hunter, with tracking and bounties and research and shit.
I said it's the best newcomer starting point not the best game, and only purists will disagree. QoL changes are good for newcomers. It's easier to make a fan out of someone who plays World first and then moves on to the older stuff if they like it that much
Buy glasses for fucks sake every mh has no graphics at all. MH was always the shitty looking game for autists. MHW is perfection. Everything in MHW is perfect.
Now play with you $80 cardboard on fuck off. Thank god Capcom made a game for thr real people and not such retro loser
Not really. SnS's gimmick is the ability to use items and the slinger without putting away your weapon. It's hugely powerful with good ammo.
S&S catches a lot of flak as a beginner weapon for some reason, although I never see ANYONE use it.
Using your slinger and items with your sword out is pretty useful.
s&s can carry you throughout the entire game. The most annoying aspect of focusing on a single weapon is waiting for that one drop to craft your upgrade while you could craft a different kind of weapon 6 times over already.
Playing multiple weapons allows for flexibility that way. I also like it because I don't get bored as quickly if I mix it up.
>Waaah World is too anime for me!!
>meanwhile wields a 15 feet long weapon that weighs a literal ton and would literally be impractical to use against an actually monster
Playing the game the lack of zones makes no difference because the levels are larger and you will spend just as much time chasing a monster as you would have if you just went zone to zone with it.
World does not by far have the best gameplay, that's the entire point of contention. Many weapons feel like straight downgrades if you played XX. You can tell the game was a mechanical reset so people who are new to the series can have a basis for them to build on and something like XX was "if you have already mastered all these weapons make them interesting again by being able to do XXX with it now." It does have the best presentation of course.
As stated multiple times the only game you had to play on handheld at this point is 4.
That's because it has no skill ceiling. It can do everything mediocrely but there are weapons that do anything it does better. It is exactly a beginner weapon to get your bearings on the game then you move onto a real weapon.
>graphics being shinier
I'm sorry but if you don't think any improvement over fucking 240p isn't the tightest shit ever then you can just get the fuck out of my face. MH was being held back by the 3ds and whoever disagrees is just a moron. The series deserves to be on platforms that can handle it.
>I said it's the best newcomer starting point not the best game
Then maybe I just misread. I absolutely agree with you there. It's definitely a reset for newcommers and it's not a bad game by any means for veterans. My only hard complaint with the game is the abysmal performance that made me have to go buy a Pro because PC delay.
Just pointing out the hypocrisy m8.
Good taste, its a more polished MH 3rd with the bow, you can solo everything up to alatrean with the bow, it also has the underwater mechanic. I liked it a lot, other anons hated it. But it had a huge amount of monsters to deal with that arnt just an absolute pain in the ass.
The washed out graphics suck.
>Half ton metal or "bones harder than metal" weapons swung around.
>jumping from above the clouds to hit the ground in a roll.
>tanking hits from mountain sized behemoths
Just how superhuman are all the hunters? Incredible strength and motivation, but dumb enough to "lose track" of Zorah on a fucking island.
>Playing the game the lack of zones makes no difference because the levels are larger and you will spend just as much time chasing a monster as you would have if you just went zone to zone with it.
muh immersuhn :^)
No seriously, the zone transition killed half the fun of hunting for me and puts world easily above the rest just for that reason alone. It's been something I've complained about at least since 3U.
Pretty sure he's playing 4u.
Yes. It can be useful in non solo play but in solo play it will be outclassed by almost everything else, including it's edgy cousin the dual blades.
>That's because it has no skill ceiling.
But that would make it the greatest weapon ever invented?
I played Portable3rd on PS3 then PC, I played Tri on Wii, I played 3U on Wii U, I played 4 on 3DS and not that much Gen, but then played XX on Switch. I even played the chink shit on my PC
Now I'm playing World on PS4. Keep up with your dank 3ds memes when it's almost always been an option to not play it on the 3ds.
I have never been bothered by zones. I don't think the change is bad or horrible, I am just almost entirely indifferent to it.
One nice thing about no zones however, and what I did like about it, was when I was chased from one side of the map to the other by a monster once.
I'm rank 9 now. When do I get to High rank?
Worst case I can keep an upgrade for an alternate weapon, thanks for the input. I'm eager to try out the lance, longsword, and a range weapon. From what I gather I'll be hunting monsters a few times for drops, so I'll have ample opportunity to try everything out with my welfare starter weapons.
Im at the wildspire waste, met a palico who tells me to look for three friends of his, how do I do this? Where do I find these gay cats? Ive been looking like 30 mins already.
I had the same experience with 4 but I'm loving World. Could be because I played 4 solo and I'm playing world with my friend.
>J-just buy every single Nintendo console so you don't have to play it on the 3ds!!!
Come on now user.
Because i actually want to deal damage
Late night gaming I decided to do one more story quest and head off to bed. Gonna go cross the great ravine into the coral bikini bottom Land. Spawn in underneath the map and fall forever. Going offline fixes the problem. Do the expedition run into blue raptor, stuns me with camera flash, clever girl, manage to slay it and right after run into ice dragon. Decide fuck it I’ll give it a go. It took me a whole fucking hour to slay that beast. Couldn’t SOS for help due to offline. Shit was wild senpai.
Yes, and I have no idea how alive or dead the online is, but definitely try out the series multiplayer. It's one of the main features. Grinding with friends is half the fun.
If you can't find any players after going through some story stuff, play XX (you don't need to play generations if you are going in order because XX is generations complete edition basically) or of course, play World, because it has a huge population right now.
>Waah I don't want to play the game on the 3DS I hate it's small screen and bad controls give me it in high definition with a controller
>Waah I don't want to buy the console that outputs HD or uses the controller
Also, I've bought every single Nintendo console and every single Sony console because I'm not a retard and like to play all the good video games.
Tell me how you're gonna hit any flying monster in the air unless your using IG or the ranged weapons?
Are you crazy? SnS has one of the more complex movesets and is anything but straightforward to optimize.
If you want baby's first weapon type in MHW that's easily Hammers.
You always stand dead center infront of the enemy targetting his head and only have two actions:
>hold down a button, then release it
>mash circle
That's what optimal play looks like mechanically.
You also have one of the better dodges and are among the more nimble users.
Hammers are extremely easy to get very good results with, they are the definite weapon to go with as a newcomer if you want an easy time and might not be that great at these type of games.
Had a similar experience except the fucker left the area before I could finish him. Fun as fuck fight though, gonna have my revenge soon.
>handheld ports and inferior hardware
Gee, user. I see your point.
Because I don't like being outdamaged by Hunting Horn players straight out of the tutorial
I have some gripes about this game.
The quest system is confusing. It feels like when I go to the quest board, everything is based off of online, so any and all quests I do, it feels like anyone can join in even though they don't.
I don't have PS+, but I still see people with things about online.
The button placement to use quick shortcuts of items is the most confusing shit I have ever seen. I put it on an item and they're automatically using it when I didn't mean to.
I do not like the fireflies. It's a nice concept, but I feel like it makes it a little too easy. I like the markings monsters leave, like scratches or footprints, but the flies are everywhere telling me where all the items are and everything.
I started with the 3DS games, and I miss those.
>it feels like anyone can join in even though they don't.
Unless you specifically set it to private they can though. Doesn't mean anyone will, but they have the option if they randomly land in your hub and see you doing the quest.
Coral Highlands is such a cool area to explore. I hope they give us a snow/tundra area soon
Acting like because the hammer has a limited moveset it's easy to use is asinine because it's slow, easy to launch your teammates with, and designed to hit what is generally small fast moving part of the monster.
There's not really a point in playing it as a series... Just play the latest one. 4U on 3DS was easily the best of the old ones anyway.
I want to upgrade my weapons but I don't know what items I need.
This tyrannosaurs is so frustrating.