I just finished a JRPG now I sort of feel like playing a Jplatformer or maybe a jpointandclick or a jdarksouls might be...

I just finished a JRPG now I sort of feel like playing a Jplatformer or maybe a jpointandclick or a jdarksouls might be nice, any thoughts? I am also open to jpuzzlegames or jfarmingsims I just love smoking j's(that's what I call beating a game).

honestly, I have such a low opinion of this board, I better just state it directly that what I mean by this is appending the letter J in front of RPG is foolish.

Yeah because it is soooo difficult to grasp what someone may be referring to when they say jrpg and not rpg.

t. autism

>Dark Souls is a genre

You're undermining your own point, Japanese adventure games are very different from western adventure games.

Don't pretend to be high and mighty when you're not exactly bright yourself, friend.

>oh man i have such a low opinion of this board that i'm gonna be an absolute madman and post on this board

nah fuck you mate

the j in jrpg is a subcategory

it's kinda like saying a Sedan and a Coupe are both Cars- a jrpg and a wrpg are both RPGs

fuck off it makes sense you're just a self-centered neet that has too much time on his hands and thinks he's so clever that he thinks an actual subcategory of video games is pointless

fuck you

The distinction is made because Final Fantasy and Baldurs Gate are so different that they're basically different genres

This. You gonna learn today, OP.

wow what a dumb point of view, not surprised to discover a holder of that viewpoint is also a denizen of Sup Forums.

I love how you wait to reply to that specific post and all you can say is "ur dum". Fuck off OP.

>national borders delineate content of video games

yeah no yeah no no yeah no nope no no way buddy, if you don't append the appropriate geographical prefix to every single rpg from arpg to zrpg for Afghanistan and Zimbabwe respectively you are literally a hypocrite, which is the worst kind of being.

you show me a fucking RPG made in goddamn zimbabwe and maybe we'll start calling them zrpgs

scnd genesis

so easy

What would an Evangelion JRPG be like

it'd just be called an rpg

>>national borders delineate content of video games
>yeah no
yeah yes what the fuck are you talking about?
Do you really belive that cultural background has no influence on a game's story and features?

The reason we do this is because there's such a huge split between RPG fans over the style of most Western and Japanese RPGs that we need terms to give a general understanding of what a certain game is like.
If it were up to some CRPG purists, Dragon Quest wouldn't be considered an RPG at all since it's so light on the role playing aspect.

>no modern day eva jrpg like persona that has us doing high school simulator and social rank climbing when we're not battling angels and saving earth

List of Japanese origin RPG's:

Final Fantasy
Secret of Mana
Chrono Trigger
Trails in the Sky
The world ends with you
Super mario rpg
paper mario
parasite eve
Legend of Dragoon
Phantasy Star
Breath of Fire
Golden Sun
Wild Arms

This should be more than clear. Get ruined, anal abbreviators.

The distinction WAS made for that reason, but over the last two decades the genres have converged to the point where you can't use JRPG or WRPG to refer to any recent game unless it's being knowingly nostalgic, for example Pillars of Eternity or I Am Setsuna. But most games are somewhere in the middle nowadays and genre tags that were invented 25 years ago aren't appropriate. Dark Souls is not a JRPG or a WRPG. It's just an RPG.


that's a thing? I thought the only thing they produce is VN's

>Dragon Quest wouldn't be considered an RPG at all since it's so light on the role playing aspect.
And that's why it was always called a Light RPG in Japan and everywhere else in the 90s.

Then the 2000s came along and people started using JRPG/WRPG.

The only ones I can think of are Eastern Mind, Chu Teng and Garage: Bad Dream Adventure. All fairly obscure.

>japanese pioneer the entire rpg genre
>blasted assmasters get upset and create categories to heal their flimsy egos

if anywhere gets categorized with geographical coordinates, it'd be america.

>Dark souls is a RPG
It's an action game with character development

>Dark Souls is literally a JRPG
>but it is not a JRPG

Really makes you think.

you know its fags like you that make other countries think that we're idiots

Why is king's field a CRPG? It plays nothing like the others, you can't even have a party.

Would be a hell of a lot different from an evangelion western rpg

Since we're talking about RPGs is spellforce good?


nice tits

JRPGs were never even remotely close to real RPGs. Only way being maybe the leveling up and grinding because that's the only thing the autistic japs could understand.
There is literally zero roleplay in ANY jRPG (i'm absolutely 100% serious, there is not a single one where you have level of role-play like in Baldur's Gate, Planescape etc.).
Those games should never have been called RPGs. It's an insult to the genre.

go back to pol

post more asuka



