How's your game coming along, Sup Forums?

How's your game coming along, Sup Forums?

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I was about to ask the exact same question, with the exact same image. When I tried to post, I got a notification saying a duplicate file existed and was brought here.


I decided to implement continuous beam weapons and it had stalled development for like three months. Mathematical difficulty of it is fucking bullshit.

It's going pretty well, I'm meeting my self imposed deadlines and I want to have something playable out for you guys pretty soon.

You can all pat each other on the back and tell each other that your shit is good, but none of it is. All you guys got nothing to say so go on pretending like you are professionals.

Let's look at actual artists and see what their first works are.

Tarantino: Reservoir Dogs
Paul Thomas Anderson: Hard Eight
Jim Cameron: The Terminator

Their FIRST EVER FILMS THAT THEY WROTE. And here you are, circlejerking your SHITTY fucking "games" about highschoolers and NEETs that no one gives a FUCK about. Tarantino had SHIT TO SAY in RD.

What do you have to say? "wah wah society is unfair, guys i'm lonely, guys did anyone else realize that everything is meaningless? the system man. why is no one doing ANYTHING i'm going to make vidya gayms to show them"

Grow the fuck up and go get a real job, you fucking hacks.

Nowhere, and nowhere fast. Still struggling with implementing pixel-perfect collision routines since Godot's assfuck shittery of a 2d physics engine is worthless for this.

>Construct is there instead of Clickteam Fusion
I see so is just shitpost op

Im making models in blender, thats the extent of my "game" so far.

How is your game coming Sup Forumsirgins? Is 3.0 worth it?

Is this pasta? It sure as shit is low quality bait either way.

Toby Fox
Ohta Jun


>he fell for the Godot meme

Dear me,

You are getting old. Younger you will never afraid of being poor because making your dream game.
Finish it before August or your 8 years will be wasted.


We just had a thread yesterday. Give it a few days so people can get some shit done first.

looks like an ideas guy got btfo by a programmer

why is it meme?

If Sup Forums is anything like anyone with actual talent will get attacked and jeered because they're a threat to the usual talentless hacks who just want people to wallow in self-pity with.

Looks good and I applaud you for sticking to your deadlines.

Clickteam was never good!
Have massive nostalgia for them though. Started with Klick&Play, from there to Games Factory then finally to multimedia fusion 2. Thanks to them I started making vidja.

Anyways, I'm currently just kicking myself because I have the flaw to put too much effort into stuff where it's REALLY not needed. Been modelling/texturing random assortment of books, magazines and comics. It's way too "detailed" since you can't really see the details in-game (camera too far away).

>Clickteam was never good!
>Have massive nostalgia for them though. Started with Klick&Play, from there to Games Factory then finally to multimedia fusion 2. Thanks to them I started making vidja.
We share the same history dude but I don't see it as bad, as I was able to recreate the megaman engine easily in just a couple of hours, charge shot, slide and all, you just need some imagination to figure how to make things work.

I tried Construct and it crashed on me a lot, I don't trust it

Here's a final boss track I wrote with a Sega Genesis tracker. Take a listen!

too bad what happened with Construct. Classic was buggy but had a lot of power (just don't try to make an RPG or oops memory leaks everywhere), 2 jumped the HTML5 bandwagon and refused for YEARS to try and implement an .EXE exporter, which was the one thing everyone kept on asking for.

Now the announcement for 3 comes out... last year? And its an in-browser app. All hype dead.

I still dick around with Classic every now and then to see if I can actually motivate myself to make game, even if other options are technically more stable.

If I want to target iOS devices is there any advantage to using something other than Xcode?

Which engine?

I have to make a map editor but I keep facing the wall of needing to figure out all the mechanics first, or I'll have to redo it again.
I know you're supposed to "iterate" and all, but I'm just not good at programming so I have to be careful with that.

quite gud actually

Know any programs that are good for making custom music?

one week into blendor

Unless there's some special reason why you *need* a custom map editor, just use Tiled and create a format converter. You're wasting your time reinventing the wheel.

hey philip

It's currently not, I've been making a Brood War bot instead. I'm thinking of making my own RTS afterwards.

In BW, your units get spread out and your formations get messy because the pathfinding AI is dumb. I want to keep the messy formations, but use less frustrating AI. I have a lot of little ideas: using lots of push effects can mess up battle lines, improved magic boxes, and some units can have distinctive path-following patterns (soldiers dart around stopping at imaginary cover, snake monsters use sine wave patterns). But I still feel like I need one big idea on top of that, and it's not coming to me.

there is.

Is it neccesary that the *entire* map editor be custom? You could just use Tiled (or some other third party editor) for the editing part and have a custom editor specifically for what it can't do (with an "Import" button to select the map).

I want to die

I added intermission screens after finishing a level.

no, I do use Tiled for the ground. but I need stuff for the actual objects and level.


You can still do that with Tiled. There's a useful feature called Custom Properties for that sort of thing, which the format converter can make use of -

(If simple text fields aren't good enough, you can have the editor display a grid with clickable objects that open dialogs - it's not neccesary to have *placement* be custom)

What's wrong with Unity?


this is real nice

i make

I think you should have a map made in code before you make a tool to make them with. I tried to make a tool for myself to draw out paths for enemies to follow across a the screen before I got the enemies working and I was basically guessing as to what the tool actually needed to to. It ended up being a complete waste of time.

umm, no sweetie.

I made a little program that converts flat 2D textures into isometric 2D, for walls and floors

pretty happy with the results, though this webm ended up being really grainy

Sexy, game looks legit. You'd be able to trick me into thinking it's an old quicke-era game.

Spoopy. Art looks cute.

We just released a demo. If you guys wanna play it and tell us it's bad we'd appreciate even that.