This game is unironically the best thing to release in the last 10 years

This game is unironically the best thing to release in the last 10 years.

How do you make a shitty roguelike this fucking good Sup Forums.

I know none of you play it though

Other urls found in this thread:

what game fag

yeah what's the game you fucking retard

If dorf had graphics like this maybe it would actually be playable. Too bad it was already made obsolete by rimworld

Why did you make a thread if you know none of us play it?
Caves of Qud

It's great but there are other fantastic roguelikes out there that are also free.

never heard of it.
it looks interesting i think.
after years of playing dwar fortress, i finally started playing adventurer mode a couple of weeks ago, so i'm in the mood for these kind of games.

go on

>Why did you make a thread if you know none of us play it?

Are you familiar with the term hipster?

Looks like ass. You might enjoy Spiderweb made games.

Dark Days Ahead
and for starters: Doomrl

I could never get into Caves of Qud.

I had played a bunch of Brogue and Stone Soup and Nethack before it. Maybe there's too much story.

tbf Caves of Qud is more of a simulator while the Crawl/Nethack are more like extremely complex board games. They're in the same genre but the comparisons don't go much farther than that.


Oh shit I have that game. Should try it. Thanks for reminding me OP.

why do you think it's so good?

lol Rimworld is fun but df is another level.

I like Caves of Qud but I've never been able to do much outsie of crawl into a cave and die in a few floors.

You can also enjoy lighter stuff.
ADOM (Has a free version)
TOME (Has a free version)
Dorf Fort Adventure Mode

>This game is unironically the best thing to release in the last 10 years.
>early access

Brogue is the best roguelike

Caves of Qud SORRY I had to talk to someone.

It's very interesting. It's less of a roguelike and more of a randomly generated oddessey across a world that looks like dune mixed with planescape.
Tens of thousands of lines of randomly generated poetry, some of the highest quality writing I've seen in a game to date, sprawling dungeons that have you fighting hordes of enemies across ancient factory convayer belts trying to push you into pools of acid.

Actually for tiles it looks amazing.

Amazing dialog and worldbuilding in a legitimate unique setting.
Funnest combat to date in a roguelike.
Extreme difficulty.
Amazing character building.
I can go on if you have more questions.

It really takes some time to understand how not to die immediatly. I gave up countless time and thought the game was utter garbage for a year or two before I finally broke through and realized how well balanced the combat actually is.

>If dorf had graphics like this maybe it would actually be playable
just import the tileset? you can easily make it look like whatever you want. not sure what you're even implying.

Ah, cool. Didn't know Qud got it's tileset. Might get sometime

>Making dorf obsolete
Rimworld is fun but far more coffeebreak. Just download any of the tilesets for dorf desu

Except this developers are fixing it daily.
Bug releases and changes to the bad things are happening all the time.

Since early December to now my main problems with the game have all been addressed.
They keep tweaking the dungeons so they are better designed for the early levels.
Cooking and gathering finally got turned into something good.
They got rid of that defect that did literally nothing and was just free points.

The game is finished dude. It's just being improved on. Also Google any steam thread for it, the developer himself responds to nearly everyone, it's actually pretty cool to see that much interaction with the community.

Just try a build again but this time with quills as a mutation too. Its basically ez mode for the first 20 levels

I will continue to shill this game because a poorly optimized launch put a lot of people off this game.

The amount of chitanous pumas and snugsnouts 1 shotting you because they were placed in a an early dungeon keeps going down. it was a pretty bad problem before but now it's fully manageable as long as you don't run down to the lower levels immeditaly.

This is a bad picture of this area but get to this place and try not to be blown away by how amazing the ambient sound is and how cool everything looks.

Stack DV my dude.
Grab multiple legs and triple jointed.
Run the fuck away and kite everything with rifles and wounding shot.

Get at least 15 armor and you should be mostly fine.

Just get carapace.
Good armor is too rare.

t. Couldn't get a crysteel shardmail on the way to Grit Gate - man

Oh no I haven't.

Where is that brah?

How the fuck do I get past Bethesda Susa?

How do you ever fight that invisible guy?

I was extremely lucky that time and found it in a random chest (and then leering stalker chased me for around 10 minutes). The only guaranteed one is in Six Day Stilt, being worn by the High Priest.

Ah well if I want to insta die to 10 espers then I'll keep that in mind

>not playing in ASCII

Caves of Qud tiles look so good though because they actually have a lighting system. Torches looks very cool.

You need to git gud or tanky enough

Pehnomenal soundtrack, how is it better than most roguelikes tho?

Real answer is you're probably fighting him to low a level.
Don't even try Bethesda till 22-25. That fucking place is one of the hardest experiences I've had in a video game.

The other answer is cheese him with cyro grenades and the firearm skills that prevents movement

Yes the soundtrack is actually what made me keep coming back to the game until I finally realized it was actually great on other levels too.
>That fucking ambient groan of machinery and clockwork inside all factories
>That fucking experimental drone pieces that dot your overworld exploration
>The music gets more fiendishly twisted the farther down you go in a cave and the more hellish the surroundings get

But what finally made me have that game experience I haven't had since Dark Souls 1 is just it's ability to absorb you.
The dialog is amazing and well written, ever inch of the game is dripping in lore to discover.
The amount of freedom you're given to play around with the system.
>In what other game can you dominate mind of a goat to take control of him, have your real body get destroyed, and have to play the rest of the game as a goat, now having to move between goatfolk camps that would have attached you before since the regular towns just have no idea what do with you.
>Or how about the ability to convince the plants in the world to be on your side and fight your enemies for you
>Or how about being able to walk up to a bear and try persuade him to join your team and give you his shit for free
>Or how about instead of going into a dungeon entrance, using burrowing claws to get to the center of a mountain and just burrow to where you need to go no enemies in your way.

There's simply so much freedom in such a well designed world.

Post your pyramid achievements, anons.

I actually even tried to recreate this (with decent success)
is there more (not counting yt obviously)
All the ">". Yes, sounds very convincing,i should give this game another spin. Any starter tips? I played some fair share of roguelikes but coq (cock lmao) is kinda different.

Try some really simple build like sword and board tough guy. True Kin Praethorian for comfy start and night vision implant allows you to somewhat safely grind for everything you need.

Ok, thanks for the tip. Do i miss out much if i play the december update? (tpb doesnt have the recent ones)

You'd miss the whole cooking rework. Just buy the game, it's cheap for entertainment it provides.

Rimworld is but a puddle compared to Dwarf Fortress's lake.

It's impossible to use 2d graphics with DF and make it look good. There is too much shit going on for each tile. You need 3d.

You forgot Sil. Also Dynahack is basically Nethack but better.


>It's impossible to use 2d graphics with DF and make it look good. There is too much shit going on for each tile. You need 3d.
you could try not being retarded, it works too

Looks interesting, but Early Access is a pretty big red flag, imho. Would rather enjoy the full product than getting all my enjoyment from the unfinished game and then getting too bored to play the full game.

Looks like DF but bearable graphics. Might give it a go on steam.

>Bought a game
>Has never even played it
Steam sales are the AIDS killing this industry

Fuck off with your ascii meme. This is not about being able to read the matrix code or some shit. It literally takes you less than an hour to be able to understand this visual representation. This is about making the graphics good you fucking mouthbreathing disgusting piece of newfaggotry cuckboy

How is it killing the industry? Money gets around, doesn't matter if the game gets played.

>Every enemy type in the game (nearly? I don't think slumberlings do now that I'm thinking about it) has a reputation and leaders that you can either attack or work with. You can basically make it so the normal enemies in the game simply ignore you or treat you as their friends.

It's nothing like df just a heads up
Yes but it's proven it's able to keep updates going, has a dedicated amount of work put into it, and it is pretty much in a finished state.
Early Access doesn't always mean it's broken, they just have plans to add more content. What's in works well.

Almost every single roguelike out there is technically in early access.

Maybe I'm the fag but I love the tilesets in this game and the overall retro aesthetic. Even the logo for the name is great, like the title of a dusty old late 70s/early 80s scifi novel.