Just play the SP and sell it I suppose
>direct link to polygon
fuck off
Off course
Even when a developer says they don't they actually do (MHW)
>polygon link
fuck off, kuchera
It's going to take more than that to stop me buying it.
I cant remember the last time I bought a non japanese game so dont worry about me
If I was into westerns Id just watch western movies
I have no faith in the GTA series and Rockstar in general after V, so yeah, I bet they're becoming yet another EA
Can we all stop pretending this won't be some shitty cash grab worse than Shadow of War now?
PC Master Race wins again, baby.
Didn't care that much for multiplayer in rdr anyway so I don't care
>will future aggressive microtransactions
Op here
Sorry, I was so angry I didn't notice.
Reminder this won't matter if they put at least the same amount of effort into the campaign as they did with GTAV. It's fine without expansions anyways.
>playing gta online
>wanting to play rdr online
So what?
Anyone with half a brain knew this already seeing as how much gtav still makes.
Rockstar is dead in my eyes.
>Sup Forums is anti-gamergate
>but hates polygon
I set aside $20 every week to buy a shark card for GTA Online
>Direct link to polygon
Fuck off
You're REALLY not keeping up with your vidya if you didn't see this coming.
Take Two Interactive's entire business model is "cram as many microtransactions as you can into as many games as possible." From GTA:O Shark Cards to Payday 2's $200 of DLC. They've even added it into primarily singleplayer experiences like NBA 2k18's career mode. I think they're also responsible for Civilization 4, 5, and 6 having individual civs behind a price tag.
Do you guys just not play video games?
>keep fucking me in the ass
tumblr, and neofag refugees
The enemy of my enemy is not my friend. Polygon is shit. See:
>the DOOM review gameplay
>the Hotdog Horseshoes and Handgrenades review
>the Cuphead fiasco
Aaaaand DoA.
I play r* games for single player goober.
This article is from last November, just before the fiasco of Battlefront 2.
I'm not saying they've completely changed their tune, but I wonder if they'll adjust....
I know GTAO is fucked. It wasn't so bad for the first few years, but the most recent updates have turned it into a pay2win bullshit fest.
Thanks Rockstar,
For giving me (again) enough time to workout, travel, save some money and finish last year university. And buying a red motorcycle.
Friendly regards,
>Do you guys just not play video games?
I don't play garbage vidya, so.
Then what are you doing in a thread about a Rockstar game?
>buying anything from Rockstar after GTAO
If you haven't learned your lesson by now you're hopeless and never will.
To tell you why you have shit tastes in vidya by buying/playing games with micros?
So I get all the DLC for free because some retards want to spend loads of money in unnecessary stuff because they lack self control?
Sweet, microtransactions are great if you don't actually take any notice of them.
No fucking shit, we don't need polysfw to tell us that.
well if the multiplayer is some no-life shit like gta online, I wouldn't play it anyway. More interested in the actual game, plus the paranormal expansion with zombies, aliens, and all that.
RDR will aggresively promote vore fetishes with that mouth
I hate communists and far-right morons.
What now?
why are you surprised? we knew the multiplayer would be just a shitty RDR-verison of GTA online the day it was announced. just play the singleplayer and sell it, retard.
Why can't R* just die. They are a shadow of their former selves.
Far-left libcucks are worse, far worse. This is fact. Go to Sup Forums to see for yourself.
My thoughts exactly.
V is the showcase of Rockstar downfall. And the worst part is it's probably their most profitable product.
They're anti current-GG, the original intention towards exposing paid-journalism is something most Sup Forumsirgins would agree with I assume.
This. T2 is a bigger jew than EA. Civ VI is still fucked and unpolished and they have the balls to release dlc leaders and an expansion pack.
You'd think so if this board wasn't infected with neofag cucks.
>They are a shadow of their former selves.
you sound desperate user, most of your favorite weeb devs will probably be sucking rockstars dick when the game drops
you sound desperate user, most of your favorite cucked devs will probably be sucking fromsofts dick when the game drops
i never buy mp stuff though
>Person A has only have two hours to play per day
>Person B has 16 hours to play per day
>Person C has 80 IQ
>Person D has 120 IQ and plays the same amount of time as player C.
>this game is fair and equal and nothing is unfair about it.
Really, nigger?
the plague of this board, easy to spot you desperate peasants
>T2 is a bigger jew than EA
That's not even humanly possible
>posting Ryan the cuck Gossling
I've already won.
t2 owns some interesting ips
ea doesn't and only milks retards that play fifa and bf
>probably be sucking fromsofts dick
Oh yes, a dev team that constantly gets cucked by other games every year of their release and a dev that doesn't even have an ounce of influence over the industry as Rockstar.
But they're going to cuck em alright.
Go back to your souls echo chamber user
why does this matter when no one gave a shit about the online in GTA IV and the earlier games didn't even have it. the online for max payne 3 doesn't have this shit and it was dead on arrival
Nice deflating fag
>not being released on PC so I can't pirate it to avoid this bullshit
sad, Red Dead Redemption was the only game I was ever hyped enough about to go to the midnight release for
>reading Polygon
>in 2018
>please... just leave
>posting direct links to Polygon
>just punch yourself few times in the face
>Command & Conquer
>The Sims
>Exclusivity for any Star Wars game
>Medal of Honor
>Dungeon Keeper
>Mass Effect
>Sim City
>Need for Speed
>Dead Space
EA jewed their games so much they killed each one of their series and there's a dozen studios they devoured and killed together with their games.
Who cares? Rockstar fanboys will eat that shit up anyway.
>posting shapirostein
fuck off kike
>Delayed till October
Have R* lost there touch?
GTAV didn't even get any fucking Story DLC because "hurr online money $$$"
They are dead.
well he isn't wrong, there will be aggressive microtransactions in the future. on topic though, god fucking damn its depressing where video games are heading. guess I'll be pirating this one
>Good games will get eaten up even if there is scams in the game for children and idiots
Who would have thought? When your favorite dev can actually graduate from the garage they're making their favorite games and maybe actual get business formart established as well, you'll see microtransactions from them too.
Look at GTA V and ask that question again
What you mean?
I can post whatever pic I want shitscrapper.
>spends $1,040/year on one game
why stop when it feels good?
Man I'm just going to say, Rockstar games have always controlled and played like shit, I never understood how anyone could like that series when they couln't even get good controls, I haven't played GTAV but up until then their controls and gameplay have been utter shit.
>generic white male protagonist
wew. fucking wew.
Is this why it was delayed until October, because they couldn't implement microtransactions in time for Spring?
What are you attempting to compare their games to though? These other games you'll probably going to list that have better movement don't even have an ounce of the things going on in the background, the complexities and everything the engines trying to run. They also probably don't have the character freedom present in most Rockstar Games.
A quick Google on Rockstar influences will tell you why they're so praised
What the fuck
They're on my blacklist for refusing to fix R* ID login verification.
Can't even play the game i bought.
don't worry. I have self respect and a back bone. I have already sworn off games that implement this shit. If you buy this, you are most likely a fucking underage faggot that uses your parents money or you're some 19 year old bum that blows his income of useless trash.
Yeah, those 80 million sold copies don't lie, Rockstar is a failure doomed to be forgotten.
What is up with his fucked up face? His jaw is wider than his forehead. His huge lips and wide nose looks like its from a black guy.
He literally looks like a black guy with white skin.
Thats what a man not raised under videogames and a veggie diet looks like, unfortunately its an specimen almost extinct nowadays.
I have the feeling this game will cause a massive shitstorm like battlefront 2
I bought both MGSV and GTA5 and never touched the online shit (FOB's aside). I just won't touch the online part.
People back then were very skinny, gaunt, and muscular. They didn't look like roided up fat retards like OPs pic
Rockstar could punch a baby at launch day and nothing would happen to them.
Will Rockstar add missile lauching flying carts and futuristic flintlock pistols?
I look forward to spending some of my buffalo bills, purchased from the Rockstar store, on high-end vehicles like the armor-plated horse-driven wagon with mounted gatling guns and mortar launchers.
Rockstar is immune to fan crictism. After the shit they've gotten from the press in the past, nothing phases then anymore.
Hopefully, that'd be pretty fucking crazy
and now your soyboy children will never make it to college
thanks fucknut
I bet my ass that the singleplayer will suffer from this too. They have probably focused 75% of their resources solely on the micro transaction hell MP.
you don't have to buy microtransactions, so what's the problem?
Wanna know how I can tell you write for Polygon?
Besides the lack of pastebin.
life is unfair
You have only yourselves to blame for not buying single player games. You wanna blame companies for following the market and still only play what you personally like? That's not how money works, and the world is run by it. You don't get what you want by only making safe investments.